Chapter 371
When Lu Dachun heard that everyone was going to be beheaded, he trembled all over with fright, and stammered and asked, "I... I really want... to be beheaded?"

Fu Lanqing stood with his hands behind his back, and said Jingui: "Your situation is serious or not, it depends on your personal consciousness."


Lu Dachun didn't quite understand what enlightenment meant.

At this moment, a small figure rushed towards Lu Jiu, hugging her thigh and crying all the time: "Grandma, dad really knows he was wrong, don't chop off dad's head, woo woo woo... Sanlang doesn't want to be without dad." wild child!"

Lu Jiu picked up Sanlang, wiped away his tears, and said earnestly: "Sanlang, everyone has to pay for what they do, just like buying something, there is no free pie in the sky, Are you right?"

"...Yes." Sanlang nodded his head, begging Lu Jiu pitifully: "Sanlang really doesn't want to be a wild child without a father, old lady, I beg you!"

"Don't worry, Saburo, your father will not be killed for committing these crimes." Lu Jiu glanced at Lu Dachun who was trembling with fright, and said meaningfully: "It depends on whether your father has the heart to repent!"

"Yes, yes, yes!!" Sanlang nodded his head, and said hastily: "Father knew he was wrong, he really knew he was wrong, don't you think so, dad?"

The second half of the sentence was directed at Lu Dachun.

Lu Dachun also knew to be afraid now, his body was already limp on the ground, he half knelt on the ground, and slapped himself crazily: "Yes, I really know I was wrong, I'm really a beast, I'm obsessed by ghosts, I deserve to die!"

Fu Lanqing said in a timely manner: "As long as you clarify the rumors, I can make a difference and give you a lighter punishment!"

"Thank you sir!"

While slapping himself, Lu Dachun said: "Jiumei, I'm sorry for you. It's the big brother's fault. The big brother shouldn't be thinking about your things all the time. It's not easy for you. I just added trouble to you and spread rumors that you poisoned the food. , I'm too bad, I'm really not human!"

To be honest, the crime of spreading rumors is very serious, but it must be based on what has already happened.

Criminals like Lu Dachun who have not yet caused serious consequences, have a good attitude of admitting their mistakes, and clarify the facts in a timely manner, can at most be fined a little money, and a few days in a cell will be enough.

Lu Jiu took a deep breath and said directly: "Brother, this is the last time I call you that. From now on, the relationship between you and me will be cut off. For San Lang's sake, I don't need to send you to the cell. But it is a fact that you eat the overlord's meal, so you have to pay for it!"

Lu Dachun, who narrowly escaped death, heard that he was about to lose money again, so he quickly said, "I...I have no money."

"There is no money to pay IOUs. I, Lu Jiu, never do business at a loss. I forgive you this time just for Saburo's face, but Saburo's face is limited. This is the last time!"

Lu Jiu's face was indifferent, and his eyes were full of disgust: "From now on, you and I will return from bridge to bridge, and you will not have to visit relatives during the New Year and holidays in the future. Anyway, I, Lu Jiu, will no longer recognize you as a big brother. You can do it yourself!"

In front of the children, she can't do too much. The children have lost their parents, and they don't know what they are being bullied.

More importantly, there are so many melon-eating people now, if she is aggressive, there may be some bad rumors that will affect her business.

In this feudal society, reputation is still very important.

 Accompanying my sister to do my homework, I wrote it until after three o'clock, and finally finished it, and sent it ahead of time~
  Good night, my little ones!
(End of this chapter)

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