Chapter 575 Warm Her Feet
Old man Qian didn't seem to have a lot of money, he looked like his mother-in-law Qian would follow her lead, and he would obediently do whatever Qian Qian asked him to do.

It is precisely because of this that Grandma Qian's affection for Fu Lanqing, who also obeyed Lu Jiu, doubled.

Granny Qian enlivened the atmosphere: "There's not much to eat in winter, so the two of you can make do with it."

"It's already very rich."

Stewed rabbit meat, fried radish with bacon, scrambled eggs, vinegared cabbage, and a pot of sweet potatoes.

In winter, especially when there is a layer of snow outside, it is not bad to be able to produce dishes of this size.

Fu Lanqing was not hypocritical either. He disliked other people's tableware, but ate a lot of them instead.

As long as there is a little bit of cleanliness, as long as you face the person you like, the cleanliness can be cured a lot.

After eating a full meal, the four of them sat on the kang and chatted for a while.

Winter nights always come early.

Lu Jiu and Fu Lanqing slept in the old couple's daughter's room, and the kang was already very hot.

Granny Qian originally wanted to make beds for the two of them, but Fu Lanqing picked them up.

"Girl, your husband-in-law is more obedient than my old man, he can even do women's work like making beds." Granny Qian couldn't help sighing, "What a blessing!"

Lu Jiu replied with some embarrassment: "We are more... complementary, let him do all the work I don't know."

"makes sense."

Granny Qian yawned: "It's getting late, you guys should go to bed quickly."

"Good night, mother-in-law."

After sending Granny Qian away, Lu Jiu climbed into bed, and Fu Lanqing helped her wash her feet.

After washing her feet, Lu Jiu took off her coat and fell asleep directly on the kang.

After Fu Lanqing cleaned up, he blew out the candles, lifted the quilt and got in. Before he hugged Lu Jiu, Lu Jiu got into his arms directly, and the light breathing sound went straight into his neck, numb Numb, it makes people's hearts flutter.

One didn't hold back, Fu Lanqing directly pressed Lu Jiu under him.

Lu Jiu still fell asleep defenselessly.

Fu Lanqing kissed her tender neck, and with trembling hands, she unbuttoned her clothes.

Just as he put his hand into her clothes, she didn't wake up, but frowned and kept moaning: "Cool..."

Fu Lanqing quickly pulled out her hand.

"Sleep, sleep..."

He patted her on the back with a gentle voice, soothing all her anxiety.

Under the comfort of the gentle voice, the frown gradually dispersed, and she slept very soundly, like a child who is not familiar with the world.

Fu Lanqing suddenly felt like a beast.

He slapped... on his face.

The voice was very soft, and I was really afraid of waking Lu Jiu up.

Fu Lanqing let out a long breath, buttoned Lu Jiu's buttons again, and then lay down beside her.

He is a man!
He's still a man of blood!

Sleeping in the same bed with the woman you like every day, you can only watch but not eat, the saint will be driven crazy, right?
Moreover, he is not a saint.

Woooooo, I really want to be a beast!
Fu Lanqing was a little farther away from Lu Jiu. He felt that he was too close, and he was easily burned to death.

But Lu Jiu felt the heat source leaving, and quickly rolled over to Fu Lanqing.

Cold little feet just stepped on his calf.

You can feel the coolness even through a layer of clothes.

Fu Lanqing unbuttoned her underwear, revealing her fair chest, and then placed Lu Jiu's cold feet on her chest.

A man's chest is always hot.

(End of this chapter)

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