Chapter 576
As soon as Lu Jiu stepped on it, Fu Lanqing felt that all the fires were extinguished.

It was too cold.

It's like it's winter, someone put a snowball in from the neck, shivering from the cold all over.

When Lu Jiu warmed up his little feet, Fu Lanqing's chest was already cold.

Fu Lanqing found a sock for Lu Jiu to put on, and then fell asleep holding her.

The next day.

It was Lu Jiu who woke up first.

Lu Jiu took Fu Lanqing's hand away, lifted the quilt and was about to get up, when she saw the socks on her feet.

She remembered that she went to bed directly after washing her feet last night, without putting on socks.

His eyes full of doubts fell on Fu Lanqing.

Did he wear it for himself?

Lu Jiu pinched Fu Lanqing's nose, unexpectedly, he was quite careful.

She dares to swear that the sisters must be good wives and mothers.

Lu Jiu got up quite early, and when she went out, the old couple had just started cooking.

"Grandma, let me light the fire for you."

Lu Jiu intends to do what he can.

"How can a guest light a fire, go and rest in the house."

"It's okay." Lu Jiu really wanted to do something within his power: "I'll warm up by the fire, so it's not cold."


Granny Qian didn't refuse any more, but directly agreed.

The two chatted very harmoniously.

Seeing Granny Qian, Lu Jiu thought of the old lady at home, and didn't know what happened to the old lady.

Seeing Lu Jiu suddenly become silent, Granny Qian couldn't help asking, "Girl, what's wrong?"

"I miss my mother."

"So I'm homesick." Granny Qian asked casually, "Where is your home?"

"In Qinghe County, Yanbei Mansion."

"Yo... that's a long way away, it feels a little far away from our Sui'an mansion."

"Yes." Lu Jiu nodded, "I'm going to Lin'an Mansion to find my second brother."

"Just you little husband and wife?"

"No, there are also my fourth brother and Xianggong's subordinates, but we got separated on the way."

As soon as Fu Lanqing came out, he heard the words "my husband".

Waking up early in the morning is so sweet!

Will the sugar content exceed the standard today...

"Why did you get separated?" Granny Qian asked concerned, "Did you meet some bad guys?"


"Aren't you hurt?"


Granny Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Are you going on the road today?"

"Yes, we have to hurry as soon as possible to join my brother and the others."

"I see..." Granny Qian nodded, "Then you plan to walk to Lin'an Mansion?"

"No." Lu Jiu expressed his thoughts: "I want to rent a carriage."

"If you rent a car, I'll ask the old man to find someone for you..."

Lu Jiu was not familiar with the place, so she didn't refuse Granny Qian's kindness, and quickly thanked her, "Thank you."

"What are you being polite about? It's not easy to go out, so it's great to be able to help."

While talking, breakfast has been prepared.

After eating breakfast, old man Qian also helped to find a carriage. Because of the snow, the rent was ten taels of silver.

Although a little distressed, Lu Jiu agreed.

Granny Qian prepared a lot of dry food for Lu Jiu. Lu Jiu didn't want it, but she couldn't refuse it at all.

Yesterday Lu Jiu originally wanted to give money directly, but they didn't accept it at all, and now they are giving things away.

To be honest, Lu Jiu can't make people eat and drink for nothing at home.

Fortunately, she put 20 taels of silver in the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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