Chapter 601 Grandma
Thinking of Fu Lanqing's elders, Lu Jiu quickly dropped the brush and rubbed his sore wrist: "Let's go, I'll go pick him up with you!"

With that said, he pulled Fu Lanqing away.

The rest of the people are arranged in an inn.

This elder does indeed exist, but it is not in Lin'an Mansion, but in the next door.

The old man is about the same age as the old lady, and is Fu Lanqing's mother's nanny.

But since Fu Lanqing's mother passed away, she went back to her hometown directly.

Fu Lanqing proposed several times that he wanted to take the old man back, but the old man was unwilling.

However, Fu Lanqing said this time that he would bring his future wife to pick her up, so the old man was willing to go back with Fu Lanqing.

Although she is only mother's nanny, in mother's eyes, she is far better than her own mother.

Fu Lanqing led Lu Jiu to the door of a quiet house.

Not long after, an old man wearing a dark gray padded jacket came over excitedly. Before she had time to say anything, Lu Jiu said, "You... are Fu Lanqing's grandma, right?"

"Grandma... grandma?"

The old man was a little confused, and there was still some fear on his face. She was just a servant, how could she become the little master's grandma?
Fu Lanqing was also a little confused. He just said that the old man raised his mother, but Lu Jiu thought it was Fu Lanqing's grandmother, so he blurted out subconsciously.

"Grandma, grandson is here to see you!"

Fu Lanqing's reaction was quick, and he called directly as Lu Jiu said.


Grandma Sun was a little uncomfortable and was about to call herself an old slave, but she saw the little master winking at her.

"Yes...yes, old... grandma hasn't seen my little... grandson for a long time, so she's a little excited, girl, don't mind!"

Grandma Sun looked at Lu Jiu and knew that this was the future mistress.

"I have nothing to mind." Lu Jiu felt that there was something wrong, but if she asked her to say it, she couldn't tell, so she said directly: "You just need to be happy."

Nanny Sun looked Lu Jiu up and down a few times. She has big eyes and a good face, but she is too thin and too small. I don't know if she can give birth.

"How old is the girl?"

"Almost eighteen."

"It's so old?" Sun Nanny was a little surprised: "Looks like a fourteen or fifteen year old girl."

Lu Jiu's face is small and tender, just like a minor.

Nanny Sun pulled Lu Jiu into the house: "Look at this little hand that's cold, go to... grandma's house to keep warm."

Lu Jiu was a little embarrassed, she just felt like the granddaughter of the old man, while Fu Lanqing was like a gift.

But she couldn't refuse the old man, so she followed her in.

After a while, Nanny Sun found out about Lu Jiu's details.

I didn't ask too much, just asked about the situation at home.

"Grandma is going to cook for you, you young couple..." The girl's family was thin-skinned, and Nanny Sun swallowed the word "young couple" and changed the phrase: "You young people, talk to each other."

With that said, I went to cook.

Lu Jiu was stunned, feeling that something was wrong.

"Fu Lanqing, your grandma... seems weird?"

"Really?" Fu Lanqing poured a cup of hot tea for Lu Jiu, and said slowly, "You are overthinking."

Lu Jiu: "..."

Before noon, Nanny Sun prepared a large table for lunch.

Grandma Sun warmly entertained the two of them for dinner. Seeing such a large table of exquisite meals, Lu Jiu was a little bit at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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