Chapter 602 Complaint
Grandma Sun warmly entertained the two of them for dinner. Seeing such a large table of exquisite meals, Lu Jiu was a little bit at a loss.

"Girl, just eat, don't be polite, just treat this place as your own home!"

"Thank you grandma."

Lu Jiu responded, and waited for everyone to move their chopsticks before starting to eat.

When she was eating, she only had food in her eyes, and she couldn't let go of too many people.

Fu Lanqing was used to Lu Jiu's food, and kept serving food to Lu Jiu, but Nanny Sun obviously had never seen such an edible girl, so she couldn't help being a little stunned.

Lu Jiu was halfway through eating, and felt Nanny Sun's eyes belatedly, and suddenly became a little nervous, and lied: "I... I'm full."

"It's a blessing to be able to eat!" Sun Nanny quickly recovered from her daze, and also brought food to Lu Jiu: "Miss, eat as much as you want, as long as you are full!"

Fu Lanqing also reminded at the right time: "Grandma likes other people to eat her food the most. The more you eat, the happier grandma will be."

Anyway, he has never seen Lu Jiu eat enough, and he also knows that the girl he likes has a big appetite.

"Then...then I'm not polite?"

Lu Jiu said timidly, with some embarrassment.

"You're welcome, there are many more."

"Thank you grandma."

Lu Jiu was very moved, she is a good person who gives her delicious food.

Big drop good man!
Lu Jiu didn't eat too much either. He only ate five bowls of rice and still had most of the food.

After lunch, Fu Lanqing led Lu Jiu to stroll around Fucheng and bought a lot of things.

The two stayed at Nanny Sun's house for one night, and joined the main force the next day, and started to rush to Qinghe County.

As soon as he got into the carriage, he was forced to practice calligraphy by Lu Shuangxia.

Turning her dark eyes, Lu Jiu dropped the brush: "Grandma is so lonely by herself, I'll go and accompany grandma!"

After saying that, she directly got into Nanny Sun's carriage.

Lu Sidong is helpless, the younger sister has not been married yet, so she is anxious to please the elders of her future husband's family, isn't she too impatient.

Lu Shuangxia sighed, her sister obviously didn't want to practice calligraphy.

Practicing calligraphy is really boring, but if you don't practice calligraphy, you won't be able to write well for the rest of your life.

My younger sister is not the kind who is born to write beautifully.

After staying with Nanny Sun for two days, Lu Jiu was caught by Lu Shuangxia again to practice calligraphy.

Along the way, Lu Jiu suffered unspeakably, but his calligraphy made great progress, barely reaching the level of a seven-year-old child.

Seven days later, they finally arrived at the boundary of Qinghe County.

As soon as the carriage passed by the shop, Lu Jiu saw the old lady there.

Lu Jiu jumped out of the carriage, rushed into the shop, hugged the old lady, and complained aggrievedly: "Mother, second brother bullied me!"

The old lady was shocked by such a pounce, but when she saw her precious daughter, she shed tears on the spot: "Jiu'er, mother's sweetheart, you are finally back!"

Lu Jiu left for almost a month, twenty days or so.

Originally, he wanted to complain, but seeing the old lady crying so hard, how could Lu Jiu be in the mood to complain, and quickly coaxed the old lady: "Mother, don't cry, am I fine?"

"What's the matter, I've lost so much weight..."

There is a kind of thinness, called your mother thinks you are thin.


As soon as the old lady turned around, she saw her second son whom she hadn't seen for nearly half a year. The tears that had been stopped fell down again.

"Mother, the child is unfilial, which makes you worry."

Lu Shuangxia knelt in front of the old lady, with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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