Chapter 616
"I found the Xu family, but the Xu family took her money, but didn't intend to help her."

"Well, it's a pity for the money."

"Where's Zhao Bailian?" Ruixue asked suddenly, except for Zhao Sheng, everyone else in the Zhao family was not restricted, but she didn't believe that Zhao Bailian had done nothing.

"She really didn't seem to do anything, except that she took 1 taels of silver notes from her mother and said she was going to ask for help, but I didn't see her really go out. I guess she wants to run away." Bai Shiyi frowned. eyebrow road.

"Well, escape, where can she go? By the way, Zhao Sheng's family, and Wu's natal family, such a big incident happened, it seems that no family from the two parties showed up." Ruixue suddenly wondered asked.

"This, my subordinates don't know either." Bai Shiyi said hesitantly.

"Let Bai send someone to investigate." Ruixue frowned, ignoring the family members of these two people. Although she would not hurt the innocent, she would not give them a chance to stand up. The so-called knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win a hundred battles.

Five days passed in a flash, her second brother had recovered, Aunt Liu had returned to the county town, and the teahouse over there was also starting to be renovated.

As for the Zhao family, Zhao Wenhao did not persuade his mother to give all his belongings in exchange for his father not to go to jail. Wu's idea was that even if he took the money, he would also be able to absolve Zhao Sheng of his crimes and not lose his job. This idea is really true. ridiculous.

And Zhao Bailian really wanted to escape, but was destroyed by the hidden guards sent by Ruixue, and her thoughts were also known by Wu Shi and the others, Wu Shi took the money back, and Wu Shi also locked her up.

As for Zhao Sheng's and Wu's family members, Ruixue was speechless. Zhao Sheng had no family members. He was brought up by his mother alone. However, he died of illness when he went to catch the exam, and he did not enjoy a day of happiness.

As for Wu, she is the daughter of a wealthy family. Her family objected to her marrying a poor scholar, but she secretly eloped with Zhao Sheng, and she never contacted her family after that.

When hearing the report from the dark guard, Ruixue was extremely speechless, the two are really a perfect match.But it also made her feel relieved, there was no backer behind the two of them to make them stand up, and she could play however she wanted in the future.

Afterwards, Ruixue asked the hidden guard to provoke the relationship between their family from time to time, making them suspect and hate each other.

Maybe if she doesn't need to make another move, that family can kill each other.Wu Shi is a cruel and ruthless person, so she can see her temper because she eloped with Zhao Sheng back then, and she didn't go home after so many years of prosperity.

And Zhao Bailian is very much like her mother, but more sinister than her mother.

This afternoon, she suddenly received an invitation from Zhou Shaochong, saying that there was a poetry and prose meeting in Liushuiqu Cup in the Literati Hall in the evening, and asked her if she would go. There are only a few Tang poems and Song lyrics, and they are just a foil.

But Zhou Shaochong said that in the evening, almost all the second-generation officials and rich second-generations in Fucheng would go there, regardless of gender, and asked her to follow along to meet people and accumulate popularity for the opening of her teahouse in the future.

Of course, he didn’t say that, but that’s what he meant. Although he felt that his tea house would definitely have no business, it’s always good to make more friends. Maybe there will be a time when they will be needed. .

In the evening, Ruixue dressed up a bit, and then took Yunjing to prepare to go out.

"Xiaoxue, where are you going so late?" Goro asked casually when he came back from the store closing and caught Ruixue going out.

(End of this chapter)

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