Nongmen tea wine fragrance

Chapter 617 He's So Good-Looking

Chapter 617 He's So Good-Looking
"I'm going to attend a poetry meeting. I think I may come back very late at night. You don't have to wait for me." Ruixue laughed.

" careful." Goro wanted to say that she would not go out at night when she was a girl, but she swallowed the words again, which was really inappropriate for his sister.

"Okay, I see." Ruixue nodded, then turned and left.

Goro sighed while watching Ruixue's far away back, then turned and went back to the house.

"Hehe, get in the car." As soon as Ruixue walked to the main street, she saw a carriage driving towards her from not far away. When the carriage stopped in front of her, Zhou Shaochong lifted the curtain and said with a smile.

Ruixue also nodded with a smile, and then got into the carriage, and as soon as she got on, she saw that there was still a person sitting inside by the dim light outside.

"This is my sister Meng'er, and I have to go with her." Zhou Shaochong introduced.

"Oh, Miss Zhou." Ruixue nodded, and sat opposite her with Yunjing.

If she had known that there was someone up there, she might not have come up, but it would be a bit bad to go down now.

"You are Shen Rui, right? I often hear my brother praise you, saying that you are very good." Zhou Meng'er laughed after hearing this.

"Hehe, where." Ruixue also smiled when she heard the words. After putting down the car curtain, everyone couldn't see each other's face clearly. Although Ruixue can see at night, it's not as clear as during the day. Knowing whether the other party was sincere or humble, he could only laugh twice and then stopped talking.

There was no talking all the way, when they got off the car at the Literati Guild, Ruixue jumped down first, jumped down and took a look, only to see that all kinds of carriages had already parked at the entrance of the guild.

"This person should have almost arrived, let's go in quickly." Zhou Shaochong, who also got out of the car at this time, looked at Ruixue and said.

"Oh." Zhou Menger, who suddenly came over with Zhou Shaochong, yelled in surprise when she saw Ruixue's face. Those who were getting off the car or had already got off the car and hadn't entered didn't notice this, but Zhou Menger yelled , everyone looked over inexplicably.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Shaochong turned to look at his sister in surprise and asked.

"He, he's so pretty." Zhou Meng'er looked at Ruixue and said blushing. After she finished speaking, she turned her head and saw that everyone was looking at her, and her face turned even redder.

And those people who were still baffled also looked at Ruixue after hearing the words, and then everyone was also surprised, where did such a beautiful boy come from.

"Brother Zhou, who is this?" It was probably in the same circle, and Zhou Shaochong often participated in these activities, so everyone knew him. When they saw him, they came over and asked curiously.

"Oh, he, he..." Zhou Shaochong suddenly realized that he didn't know how to introduce Ruixue. He said that he was the second lord of Feixue Palace, which was obviously not acceptable. This was a poetry club, not a martial arts conference.

"My name is Shen Rui. I just came to Fucheng. I am the current owner of Ruixue Children's Clothing Store." Ruixue introduced, and now this is the only identity that can be used. Originally, if the teahouse opened, which identity would be better to use, but now the teahouse has just started to be renovated. , the name has not been taken yet.

"Ruixue Children's Clothing Store, the name is quite familiar." Someone murmured.

"It must be familiar. Didn't the manager of Ruixue Children's Clothing Store sue Zhao Tong not long ago, and he won the lawsuit. No one in Fucheng knows about such a big matter." Someone immediately said.

"Oh, I said why are you so familiar, yes, yes, yes."

"Ah, Mr. Wan is here." Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd, and someone shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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