
Chapter 1

Chapter 1

In the winter of 1941, Shanghai.

In a small dark room, there is only a lamp on top of a table, the light is weak, and only a small tabletop can be illuminated, and even the chairs next to it are hidden in the silent darkness.Apart from tables and chairs, there is no other furniture or decoration in the whole room, so simple that no matter who passes by here, they will not take a second look at this room.

Shen Qiuxia and An Liusan were sitting at opposite ends of the table, their faces flickering under the light, the watch on Shen Qiuxia's wrist glowed with a stern light, and the hour hand just "ticked" to two past three very.

Shen Qiuxia took out a piece of paper from her bosom, which said "See you at MGM at nine o'clock in the evening, Prime Minister".She solemnly handed the note to An Liusan and said, "Go to the bulletin board of the Liudadai vegetable market and post this missing person notice."

An Liusan took it, kept the note properly, and said, "Yes, Comrade Prime Minister." Then he got up and left, hiding in the darkness.

Shen Qiuxia was still sitting upright, she knew that as long as the missing person notice appeared on the bulletin board, it meant that the sparrow should fly again.It's a pity that she can't predict the future, she can't know what the final result of the sparrow's take-off is, and she doesn't know what she will face after she steps out of this room.But even so, she still left with a slow but determined pace without the slightest hesitation.

The market was bustling with crowds, and the cries of hawkers kept coming and going.An Liusan walked slowly, paying close attention to everything around him.He walked to the bulletin board, saw that no one was paying attention, quickly posted the missing person notice, and then quickly left, blending into the noisy crowd.

It's just that An Liusan never expected that two men in boots stood still not far behind him.They are agents Liu Erbao and Wu Zhiguo from the Operation Department of the Wang Puppet Secret Service Headquarters, and two other Wang Puppet agents are standing behind them.

Wu Zhiguo threw away the cigarette butt, followed An Liusan with his eyes and said, "That's him! Catch him!"

Liu Erbao and Wu Zhiguo quickly approached An Liusan, but An Liusan didn't realize it.Liu Erbao and Wu Zhiguo's arrest operation was straightforward, without giving An Liusan the slightest chance to escape, they directly arrested An Liusan and sent him to a heavily guarded operation.Not long after, a burst of screams came from the Wang puppet special operations office, and the operation office shrouded in screams was even more gloomy and creepy.

Although the Bund in the twilight is not gloomy, it is also like a beautiful woman in her twilight.Fatong trees on both sides of the street that are about to lose their leaves are being sawed off by workers to prepare for the winter.The branches of Fatong set off against the setting sun and split the reddish sun, making it even more bleak.A few sparrows were jumping on the road, adding a little vitality to the bleakness everywhere.When pedestrians approached, they fluttered their wings in panic and took off.

Shen Qiuxia walked alone on the street in early winter, with a calm face.She was wearing a long black woolen coat, her slender ankles matched well with high heels, and she wore leather gloves on the hand carrying a small bag, keeping a slight curve, showing the elegance of a lady.Shen Qiuxia stared at the sparrows that took off, and subconsciously looked at her watch. The hour hand on the dial pointed to [-]:[-].At this time, two hours had passed since her meeting with An Liusan, and she just waited for the nightfall to go to the MGM Ballroom, a place full of feasting and feasting in Shanghai.

Under the dazzling lights and accompanied by popular dance music, the door of the MGM Ballroom was opened by the waiter.

The waiter smiled all over his face, bent slightly, stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation, and said, "Mr. Chen, Ms. Li, please."

Chen Shen was wearing a long suit with a well-fitting jacket, a top hat, and sunglasses on his face, and a cynical smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Holding him is Li Xiaonan, a pretty actress from the film studio. She is wearing a white dress, her eyes are moving, and she is full of looks.

Wherever Chen Shen passed by, dancers greeted him from time to time, and Li Xiaonan, who was holding his arm, rolled his eyes at him angrily and said, "You don't really think you are so popular, do you?"

Chen Shen nodded and smiled at them one by one, then leaned into Li Xiaonan's ear and said: "What they welcome is the money in my pocket, a fool like me who is willing to spend money for each of them, do you think you can find the first one?" Two?"

Li Xiaonan smiled playfully, "You should only spend money on one woman."

Chen Shen knew Li Xiaonan's affection for him, but he felt that Li Xiaonan was simply his brother.Brothers are not for marriage.Chen Shen thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about it after I find that person."

Li Xiaonan looked at Chen Shen and smiled even brighter, "It's just me, don't look for it anymore."

Chen Shen said helplessly: "Brother, can you be more reserved?"

Li Xiaonan held Chen Shen tighter, leaned against Chen Shen's body and said, "I don't want to be your brother, I want to be your wife." Li Xiaonan looked at the dancers dancing to the music in the ballroom They, coquettishly said to Chen Shen: "Will you dance with me?"

Chen Shen smiled, and led Li Xiaonan to the center of the dance floor.In a corner of the ballroom, Shen Qiuxia was sitting quietly by herself, as if waiting for someone.At this time, she saw Chen Shen who was dancing with Li Xiaonan in his arms on the dance floor.She seemed to pick up a rose on the wine table casually, took off three petals from the rose and put them into the wine glass. The petals floated in the glass, rippling slightly.She picked up the glass and walked to the bar, where the bartender Tom was making a cocktail in a chic posture.

A middle-aged man with a flat head looked at Shen Qiuxia who was drinking alone, and leaned over and said, "Miss, alone?"

Shen Qiuxia smiled at the man, looked down at the petals in her wine glass under the light and said, "I've never been alone." Chen Shen on the dance floor also noticed Shen Qiuxia, and his gaze followed Shen Qiuxia's back all the time.

At the end of the song, Chen Shen gentlemanly kissed the back of Li Xiaonan's hand.Li Xiaonan looked at him affectionately.At this time, a man came over and extended his hand to Li Xiaonan to invite, "Miss Li, can I invite you to dance?"

Chen Shen raised his eyebrows, handed Li Xiaonan's hand to the man and said, "I leave it to you."

After Chen Shen finished speaking, he seemed to walk towards Shen Qiuxia casually, his eyes swept over all kinds of people in the ballroom.He noticed a man with a mustache, a man in a hat, a man in a plaid scarf, and a man smoking a cigar.But no one seemed to notice him.He walked towards Shen Qiuxia, Shen Qiuxia just turned her head at this moment, the eyes of the two met in an instant, her eyes were calm but gentle.

Chen Shen walked up to Shen Qiuxia's side, took a look at Shen Qiuxia's glass of wine and said, "Vodka is too strong, it's not suitable for a girl like you. Tom, give this lady a bottle of kvass."

Tom nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Chen. Do you want Kvass too?"

Chen Shen sat down on the high chair beside Shen Qiuxia and said, "Yes."

The crew-cut man took a look at Chen Shen, and left with a wine glass in his hand.

Tom quickly put two bottles of kvass on the bar in front of them. Shen Qiuxia put down the glass in her hand, took the kvass and said to Chen Shen: "It seems that you are a person who likes to spend time and drink."

Chen Shen lit a cigarette for himself, threw the cigarette case on the bar counter and said, "I don't drink alcohol, I only drink kvass. I don't spend money either. I think I'm old and I don't have the energy to spend money at all." .”

Shen Qiuxia noticed that it was a box of Cherry brand Japanese cigarettes.Shen Qiuxia laughed sarcastically, "Why do you smoke Cherry brand Japanese cigarettes?"

Chen Shen laughed at himself and said, "In order to be more in line with my... identity as a traitor."

On the dance floor, Li Xiaonan, who was dancing, caught Shen Qiuxia's back with a sour gaze.

The Wang Puppet Special Operations Department is completely different from the MGM atmosphere.At this time, An Liusan was handcuffed to the torture instrument, and his body was covered with injuries and bloodstains.An Liusan's battered body was like a huge cockscomb flower blooming in dazzling red, and his whole body exuded the smell of blood and burnt skin.Agent Ah Qiang was whipping An Liusan hard with a barbed whip with no expression on his face.

Bi Zhongliang, the director of the Operation Department, was sitting in a dark corner of the torture room at this time, Wu Zhiguo took an enamel teacup from a small clay stove, handed it to Bi Zhongliang and said, "Virgin, your wine is already hot. "

Bi Zhongliang took the enamel cup and blew on it.It was a glass of old Huadiao wine, and there was a Huadiao wine jar at his feet.

An Liusan's screams could be heard, and Bi Zhongliang glanced at An Liusan and said, "The bones are hard enough."

Wu Zhiguo patted his chest and assured, "Come on, this is the fifth type of punishment." With a smug expression on his face, he added, "The hardest one has not passed the eighth type."

Bi Zhongliang took a sip of wine and said, "For some people, severe punishment may not be useful."

Bi Zhongliang signaled Arong to stop.He approached An Liusan with an enamel teacup containing Huadiao wine, and looked at him with regret.An Liusan lifted his dying eyes feebly and looked at Bi Zhongliang.

Bi Zhongliang said calmly: "The Bodhisattva said that I will not go to hell, who will go to hell? Does communism say the same? Now you are in purgatory, can your doctrine save you?" Bi Zhongliang looked at the scars on An Liusan's body Said: "That's right, this damn world is no different from hell, and death is a relief. But I know..." Bi Zhongliang stopped speaking, and he leaned in front of An Liusan with a strange smile, "You still There is a wife and a son who has been passed down for three generations..."

An Liusan's eyes lit up with anger, and a roar sounded from his throat, struggling to break free from the shackles.

Bi Zhongliang took two steps back calmly, took a sip of wine and said, "Do you want to die with them or live together? Choose."

(End of this chapter)

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