
Chapter 2

Chapter 2

An Liusan closed his eyes in pain.At this moment, his heart was in great torment, as if there were countless devils stretching out their claws towards him deep in his heart, desperately trying to pull him into the abyss.He has never been afraid of death, otherwise he would not become a soldier willing to shed his blood for the country.But now, he thinks of the dandelions in the fields of Shaoxing, his hometown, and his wife and children who have been waiting for him to come home.He thinks it would be a good life to grow luohan beans and wheat all his life and go farming in a black awning boat.

After the battle between heaven and man, he chose to compromise, so when Liu Erbao took his bloody finger to press the fingerprint on the confession, he didn't have any struggle.After pressing the fingerprints, he seemed to be completely relaxed, let out a long breath, drooped his head like a sick chicken, and passed out.

Bi Zhongliang glanced at him, smiled for the first time tonight, and said, "This big fish, the sparrow, will fall into our hands tonight. This is really a feast from heaven."

Bi Zhongliang carefully poured all the wine in the glass down his throat, and then he stretched out his hands to keep warm on the stove where the torture iron was simmering.He looked down at his watch, and the hands showed nine past five in the evening, which was exactly the right time.He immediately told Liu Erbao, "Bring me Chen Shen."

At this time, Chen Shen was pulling Shen Qiuxia to the door of the utility room, seeing no one in front of him, he opened the door and entered with Shen Qiuxia.In the darkness, Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen with tender eyes and said, "I am the prime minister."

The calm expression on Chen Shen's face disappeared, and he looked at Shen Qiuxia with emotion and said, "Unexpectedly, it was you, sister-in-law."

Shen Qiuxia responded softly, her eyes became more gentle.She said softly, "You've lost weight, Chen Shen." There was infinite tenderness in her voice.

Chen Shen seemed a little excited, "After my brother died, I have been looking for you, and Pippi." Chen Shen has never understood it. It has been three years, and the organization seems to have forgotten him.Even if he is a grass, he will always be remembered by the spring breeze every spring.He couldn't even figure out whether he was a CCP lurker or an agent of the action team directly under Wang Puppet Secret Service Headquarters.The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he became a little annoyed. He said, "For three years, I can't find an organization or relatives. I'm just a lonely ghost! Why did you go there a few years ago?"

But now the situation is pressing, Shen Qiuxia has no time to listen to what Chen Shen said, she said quickly: "Time is urgent, let's talk about business first." Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen, and said every word sincerely, "Comrade Zhou Enlai As I said, Idle Chess Leng Zi is the biggest surprise soldier. Although the organization has not contacted you for the past three years, it does not mean that the organization does not value you."

Chen Shen said angrily, "I don't care if the organization values ​​me or not. If the so-called 'Sparrow' told me that as long as I stay here and hang out with these traitors, I can wait for news from you and Pippi. I don't want to do it anymore! I haven't done anything at all! I'm a fucking traitor!"

Shen Qiuxia stretched out her hand to hold Chen Shen's hand, sighed and said, "Chen Shen, I know you have had a hard time these years."

Shen Qiuxia's sigh made Chen Shen calm down a little. He looked at Shen Qiuxia and said, "I promised my brother would take you and Pippi far away, away from the chaos of war."

Shen Qiuxia smiled suddenly, and there was infinite desolation in this smile, she said: "The flames of war have burned all over the land of China, where is there still peace?"

"Then leave China. I can treat Pippi as my own child. I just want the descendants of the Chen family to live the lives of ordinary people." Chen Shen said excitedly.

Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen lovingly, "You are just like your brother, so stubborn."

Chen Shen said anxiously: "Sister-in-law, only you and Pippi are left as my relatives."

Shen Qiuxia nodded and said: "Okay. If you really insist, then after completing this task, I can apply to the organization to transfer you away." After pondering for a while, Shen Qiuxia asked, "What is the key work of No. 76 now? "

"What else can they do? It's nothing more than killing and guarding against being killed." Chen Shen's tone was somewhat disdainful.

Shen Qiuxia said: "I want to know the specific actions against the CCP."

Chen Shen recalled: "I only know that 'Sparrow' has obtained a lot of information recently, which caused the Japanese a headache, and ordered the headquarters of Secret Service No. 76 to find him within a time limit."

Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen, and asked seriously: "Okay. Then do you know the 'Return to Zero Plan'?"

Chen Shen shook his head, "I don't know."

Shen Qiuxia seemed very anxious. She urgently needed Chen Shen to know everything and explain the tasks Chen Shen should complete.So she spoke faster: "According to the information obtained by 'Sparrow', the puppet Wang and the Japanese are building a secret agent base, and the traitor agents who have graduated from this base will be sent to both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and they will wait for the opportunity Stealing intelligence and sabotaging our organization from within. This plan is extremely harmful if it is activated. This operation is code-named 'Project Zero'."

Chen Shen said: "Our operations department may not know everything about the above."

Shen Qiuxia's words were short and decisive, "If this plan is finally implemented, your operations department will definitely participate. I hope you can find it. Otherwise, once the spies infiltrate into our organization, it will be ten times more difficult to find and destroy them."

Chen Shen silently listened to Shen Qiuxia's words, and immediately asked: "The business is over? Then tell me, how have you been doing these years? Where is Pippi? Where is he?"

Shen Qiuxia said: "Pippi is staying in a safe place. I'm sorry, Chen Shen, in order to protect your identity, you can't see him for the time being, so as not to arouse the suspicion of the enemy. This is organizational discipline."

Chen Shen said helplessly: "My brother is like this, and so are you. I hate organizational discipline. I just want to be an ordinary person."

Shen Qiuxia suddenly said harshly: "It's not that we have never been ordinary people. Your brother, your parents, my parents, brothers and sisters, died or scattered. They all just want to be ordinary people, but the invaders' iron hooves are not I will pity any ordinary person. We are not ordinary people, we endure the pain of separation, so that one day we can truly become an ordinary person and never be separated again."

Chen Shen let out a long sigh, apparently convinced by Shen Qiuxia, "How can I find you in the future?"

Shen Qiuxia breathed a sigh of relief, smiled, and said: "There is a mailbox on Dou Le Road, and there is a church nearby called Hongde Church. Write 'Mr. Gandalf, Ningde Road 79' on the envelope, and your superior will receive it." Got your message. His code name is 'Doctor', and the postmen on that road are all from us. Remember, your code name is 023."

Chen Shen firmly remembered what Shen Qiuxia said, and he knew the importance of this information.He nodded, said hello to Shen Qiuxia, and opened the door first and walked out, leaving Shen Qiuxia standing alone in the dark room.Shen Qiuxia turned her head and looked out of the window, the snow outside was falling more and more.

What Chen Shen didn't know was that on the street in front of MGM, Bi Zhongliang's car had already driven over silently, followed by a tarpaulin cart full of agents with guns and live ammunition.The flickering street lights shone on Bi Zhongliang's face in the car. He squinted his eyes and stared at the MGM sign not far away, but Chen Shen, who was supposed to be sitting next to him, was told that there was no turn up.

Soon Bi Zhongliang's car stopped at the gate of MGM.He got out of the car and looked up at the dark sky. The boundless snow was twisting and dancing in the air, like a waterfall blown away by the wind.The flashing red and green signboard of MGM was reflected on his glasses, and a few small snowflakes floated on his glasses. He took off his glasses and wiped them with a scarf.At this time, the agents had already lined up and were on standby at any time.

Bi Zhongliang put on his cleaned glasses again and said, "It snowed so damn early this year."

On the dance floor, the dancers were still dancing, and the dancers were drinking and punching. It was a lively scene, and no one realized that a crisis was quietly approaching.

Chen Shen saw that Li Xiaonan was drinking with several men at the bar.She obviously drank too much, and the cup she held in her hand seemed to fall to the ground at any moment.One end of the woolen shawl was barely hanging on her shoulders, and the other end was almost dragging to the ground, and she didn't even realize it.

Chen Shen walked behind Li Xiaonan at this time, Li Xiaonan put his hand on Chen Shen's shoulder half drunk and said, "Why did you go to the bathroom for so long? Come on, punch me."

Chen Shen smiled and said, "No scratch." Then he pointed a finger at the bartender Tom and said, "A bottle of kvass."

Li Xiaonan's whole body was hung on Chen Shen, she said: "I don't drink alcohol, I don't punch, how can I look like a man?"

Chen Shen smiled, took a sip of the kvass handed over by Tom, "Then you still like me?"

Li Xiaonan tilted his head playfully to look at Chen Shen and said, "I just like you, you promised to marry me, you have to keep your word..."

At this moment, Chen Shen saw Shen Qiuxia in a black coat coming out from the back of the ballroom.She walked through the noisy crowd in the ballroom to the gate of the ballroom, and she didn't even look at Chen Shen again.In Chen Shen's eyes, all the background of this ballroom seemed to have disappeared. He could no longer hear what Li Xiaonan and the man beside him were talking about, nor could he hear the loud music. All he could see was her walking past gracefully.

Shen Qiuxia, who was walking towards the entrance of MGM, saw that the gate was opened, and Bi Zhongliang walked in aggressively with a group of spies.His gaze swept around, and he locked on to Shen Qiuxia almost immediately.Shen Qiuxia realized that the visitor was not kind, and she subconsciously reached for the small bag in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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