
Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chen Shen's expression was painful and tangled.He lit himself a Cherry cigarette.Amidst the smog, he fell into deep thought.He had to admit that Bi Zhongliang's plan was foolproof, even if Li Moqun temporarily intervened to adjust the candidates, Bi Zhongliang still had a way to control everything.Everyone knows that Chen Shen is Bi Zhongliang's confidant. Once it is confirmed that Chen Shen is an undercover agent of the CCP, Bi Zhongliang will lose face.He will definitely get rid of Chen Shen on the way, and then declare to the public that Chen Shen died to perform the mission, so as not to damage his reputation.

Xu Bicheng walked out of the bathroom, and a passenger immediately entered the bathroom.She stood still at the car door and let out a long breath. Her eyes were a little red, and she was trying to adjust her emotions.

Shen Qiuxia continued to persuade: "If you have to take the lives of those innocent friends of yours, or even that Mrs. Tang just now, in order to save me, it's not worth it. Give it up, Chen Shen."

Chen Shen saw Xu Bicheng coming from the aisle, he threw away the cigarette butt, and said in an extremely firm tone: "I will not let anyone sacrifice."

Xu Bicheng walked past Biantou at this time, and Biantou called Mrs. Tang.Xu Bicheng nodded slightly, and continued to walk forward without stopping.Biantou looked at Xu Bicheng's back, then retracted his head, and continued to play cards with Aqing and Ada.

Xu Bicheng walked up to Chen Shen and sat down on the berth without looking at him.Chen Shen got up, looked at Xu Bicheng and said, "You look at people, I'm going to the bathroom."

Xu Bicheng watched Chen Shen leave with a melancholy expression.Shen Qiuxia looked at Xu Bicheng and said with a smile: "You really don't look like a spy, you are not at all like them."

Xu Bicheng was startled, looked at Shen Qiuxia and said, "You also... don't look like a CCP."

Shen Qiuxia asked: "Then what do I look like?"

Xu Bicheng thought for a while and said: "It should be said that you shouldn't have to suffer. I can see that you could have been an elegant wife." Shen Qiuxia smiled bitterly, "Why don't I want to, but my husband died."

Xu Bicheng asked: "Your husband is also a CCP?" Xu Bicheng felt uncomfortable after asking, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't have these conversations."

Instead, Shen Qiuxia comforted Xu Bicheng, "You don't have to be afraid, I'm just a dying person, and I didn't want you to let me go. When I think that I will be reunited with my husband soon, my heart is more than ever. It's all easy."

Shen Qiuxia looked out the window, she seemed to have thought of something, and there was a sense of happiness that Xu Bicheng envied in her expression.She continued babbling: "I still remember the way he looked at me when he said goodbye to me for the last time. A man's mouth can lie, but his eyes can't."

Xu Bicheng was stunned with her hair lowered, the way Chen Shen looked at her in the Hanzhong training class inexplicably appeared in her mind.Shen Qiuxia turned her head to look at Xu Bicheng, "That gentleman just now, he likes you. The way he looks at you is exactly the same as when my husband looked at me back then."

Xu Bicheng was startled, looked up at Shen Qiuxia, and then said sadly: "But it's impossible."

When Chen Shen passed by Biantou, Biantou and the other three who were playing cards didn't notice.Chen Shen slapped Biantou on the shoulder, Biantou was startled, and the cards in his hand dropped.

Biantou said fearfully: "Boss, are you going to scare people to death?"

Chen Shen smiled, "I will greet you, not bullets. Go and check the identities of everyone in this carriage, and tell the train conductor that no one is allowed to enter this carriage when it stops again." Ada and Aqing are squatting at each other, and no one is allowed to come in."

Biantou, Ada, and Aqing got the order and immediately broke up the game.

The train whistled, and the train finally arrived at Suzhou Station, and some passengers began to get on and off the train in a hurry.Several plainclothes men inserted guns into their waists and planned to get into the car among the crowd.Ada and Aqing respectively blocked the entrances of the two carriages where Chen Shen was sitting, and when a passenger wanted to get on, Ada took out his gun directly.Seeing this situation, several secret agents got together and whispered a few words, divided into two groups, and boarded the front and rear carriages respectively.Chen Shen, who got out of the car and stood smoking on the platform, witnessed all this. He looked at his watch, and it was almost twelve o'clock at noon.

At this time, on a hillside next to the railroad track, Mrs. Wang, Preserved Dan, and Old K were trying to dig loose a boulder on the edge of the cliff. Below the boulder was the railway.

Mrs. Wang was smoking a cigarette, looked at a worn pocket watch and said, "It's almost there, faster!"

At this time, a small hole had been dug under the boulder, and the surrounding area of ​​the boulder was also loosened. Old K took a smaller stone and put it in the small hole.Pidan brought a log, put the log on the small rocks as a prying board, and pried the boulder.Preserved egg and old K pushed the boulder at the same time, and the boulder loosened and rolled down the cliff.The preserved eggs and old K who were standing on the edge of the cliff looked at each other and smiled when they saw the huge boulder fell on the railroad tracks.

Mrs. Wang said: "Let's go, hurry to Wuxi Railway Station and meet Chen Shen."

The clock pointed to [-]:[-], Chen Shen walked to Shen Qiuxia and sat down.Xu Bicheng seemed uncomfortable, she took out a water glass from her bag and said, "I'm going to pour some water."

Chen Shen watched Xu Bicheng leave with a water glass.Shen Qiuxia suddenly smiled, "Very nice girl."

Chen Shen said a little impatiently: "What do you mean? Tell me to break up other people's families and snatch her over? When is it? What are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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