
Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Shen Qiuxia shook her head, "I don't have anything to think about, I just want you to live a good life with the faith of me and your brother, marry a wife and have children." Chen Shen looked at Shen Qiuxia and said, "Don't worry, I will let you get what you deserve." Yes." Then he whistled in the direction of the flat head.Biantou hurried to Chen Shen's side, "What order? Boss."

Chen Shen stood up and said, "Look at the prisoner, I'll let it out for a while."

Biantou whispered to Chen Shen, and said with a smile: "Boss, it's not flying the wind, is it flying a kite? I seem to have seen a kite flying over there just now."

Chen Shen glared at him, "Take care of him, or I'll throw you out and turn you into a kite with a broken string."

Xu Bicheng unscrewed the water heater with hot water, and hot water flowed into Xu Bicheng's cup.Xu Bicheng thought back to Shen Qiuxia's words, "A man's mouth can lie, but his eyes can't...he likes you, and the way he looks at you is exactly the same as when my husband looked at me back then."

Seeing that the hot water was about to overflow, Chen Shen immediately reached out and turned off the hot water faucet decisively.Xu Bicheng still hadn't recovered, the cup shook slightly, hot water overflowed and burned her hands.Xu Bicheng screamed and wanted to let go, but Chen Shen quickly helped Xu Bicheng hold the cup.

Xu Bicheng collected himself and said, "Thank you."

Chen Shen was silent for a moment and said, "I'm still so distracted."

Xu Bicheng was silent, covered the water glass with the lid, and wanted to go back.

Facing Xu Bicheng's back, Chen Shen said, "Even if you have nothing to say to me, can you stop and listen to me? A place like the Operation Office is not suitable for you. After going back this time, together with your husband Go away and be a normal person."

Xu Bicheng was somewhat disappointed when she heard the words, but she didn't know what she was disappointed about.This complicated feeling made her a little annoyed suddenly, she turned around and glared at Chen Shen and asked, "Is it over?"

Chen Shen looked at Xu Bicheng, his eyes were gentle, and Xu Bicheng couldn't help but lose his anger when he looked at him like this.

Chen Shen looked at Xu Bicheng with expectation in his eyes, "I often wonder if there is a chance to cut your hair again?" Tears flashed.

Chen Shen took the cup in Xu Bicheng's hand, took out a handkerchief to wipe off the water drops on the outside of the cup, and handed it back to Xu Bicheng, "No matter what the reason was... I don't mean to blame you, I just hope you can live a good life .”

Chen Shen walked past Xu Bicheng and walked towards Shen Qiuxia.The moment the two passed by, the wind picked up Xu Bicheng's long hair, and a strand passed across Chen Shen's face.Chen Shen suddenly felt unspeakably sad, Xu Bicheng stood there in a daze, holding the cup, his heart was surging.Chen Shen looked at his watch. It was 12:30 at this time. He knew that at this time, the station master's office in Wuxi Station should have received the report of the landslide reported by the patrolman.He suddenly froze, looked back at Xu Bicheng's back, and finally walked forward resolutely.

Chen Shen and Biantou looked at Shen Qiuxia together, while Xu Bicheng sat alone in an empty bunk a little far away.

Biantou looked at Xu Bicheng, "It's a pity, what a beautiful kite. Boss, do you think Mrs. Tang or Miss Li is more beautiful? This cat meows beautifully, and this dog is loyal enough. It's really hard to choose."

Chen Shen looked helpless, "I know why you can't find a wife now."

Biantou asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Chen Shen said: "No woman would be willing to be described as a dog."

Biantou thought, "What kind of woman do I have to describe to like it? Is it a flower? Then I don't know many kinds of flowers, so I don't know how to describe it."

Chen Shen looked at his watch helplessly. It was 55:[-], and he was almost at Wuxi Station.He walked towards the end of the car with a serious expression, telling everyone to stay in the car and not to go anywhere.Xu Bicheng could not help but glance at Chen Shen.Shen Qiuxia looked at Chen Shen worriedly, but Chen Shen didn't even look at her.

At the same time, a tarpaulin van driven by old K appeared on a street corner not far from the station, and there were also preserved eggs and Mrs. Wang in the car.They stopped the car and waited for Chen Shen, but they never saw Chen Shen.They decided that old K would continue to squat in the car, and as long as they waited for Chen Shen, they would take him to the platform to meet Mrs. Wang and Preserved Egg.Pi Dan carried a suitcase and got off the train with Mrs. Wang. They walked towards the station entrance and watched the station staff from a distance trying to stop passengers from entering the station. Only out but not in.Preserved egg and Mrs. Wang looked at each other, observed the surrounding situation, and found a low wall.

When Mrs. Wang and Pidan climbed into the platform from the low wall, the train that Chen Shen was sitting on just entered the platform.From a distance, they saw the train conductor get off the car, and a station worker ran to the conductor and said something.

The conductor of the train yelled: "There is a landslide ahead, stop where you are, and wait for repairs."

The heads of several pseudo-spies of Wang protruded from the car window, and they seemed to have noticed something unusual.When they saw Chen Shen getting out of the car, they immediately met each other's eyes, quickly retracted their heads, and got out of the car directly.

Chen Shen's eyes searched for the figures of Mrs. Wang and Preserved Egg among the various crowds on the platform. At this time, they were hiding behind a trash can and observing the train cars.Neither of them saw each other.Chen Shen got mixed up in the flow of tourists, and after a few interludes, Wang's puppet agent lost his trace.The two Wang pseudo-agents looked at each other and immediately decided to go to the carriage where Shen Qiuxia was.

(End of this chapter)

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