
Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Li Xiaonan glared at him, "Don't worry about it, there is someone who is famous and beautiful, and it's like mixing oil with Mr. Tang."

Chen Shen was originally teasing Li Xiaonan, but he was inexplicably melancholy when he heard this sentence.He thought, even if he didn't want to admit it, some feelings, some people, went to the bottom of his heart in the simplest years, and he didn't think it was so deep, but the moment it suddenly appeared, he still couldn't help feeling sad.

Xu Bicheng.He recited the name silently in his heart, and he tried to forcefully erase it from his mind, but found it was always in vain.Some people, some things, are impossible to forget.Just like a hibernating animal, no matter how long the winter is, it will always wake up one day.

At this time, Xu Bicheng was watering the flowers on the balcony.She could clearly see the light from Li Xiaonan's apartment, and a long series of laughter came from time to time. Xu Bicheng was a little melancholy, and didn't notice that the water poured on the flowers was too much.

Tang Shanhai has been quietly looking at Xu Bicheng's back, he can clearly feel her melancholy, but he doesn't know how to comfort her, and there is no way to comfort her.This is the role of the two of them. Now that they are on stage, they have to act until the moment of the curtain call.

You are upstairs looking at the scenery, but the person watching the scenery is watching you silently.The three of them are destined to become their own scenery, no matter how close they are, they will never be able to get close.

Every morning, Tang Shanhai prepares a breakfast for Xu Bicheng: bread and ham, fried eggs with milk, and a plate of fruit salad.The food was placed on an elegant dinner plate, which looked exquisite, but Xu Bicheng had no appetite at all.

Tang Shanhai is a very particular person, and he also pays attention to the nutrition of food.But it remains the same, and even a bit rutted.

Xu Bicheng opened the door and walked out, and saw Tang Shanhai standing in front of the car.He seemed a little surprised, and said to Xu Bicheng, "Have you finished your breakfast so soon?"

Xu Bicheng shook his head, with a sleepy expression, "I'm tired of bread and milk all day long, I'll go out to eat." Tang Shanhai's face froze, and his heart was a little bit disappointed because of the sentence "tired".He said quietly, "Go out? Where to eat?"

Xu Bicheng waved his hand, "Let's go and see, don't worry about me."

Tang Shanhai checked the time, "How about I go with you?"

Xu Bicheng was suddenly a little irritable.This irritability had nothing to do with Tang Shanhai, it was an inexplicable emotion for no reason.

Ever since the string of laughter she heard on the balcony last night, she has been feeling very irritable.She couldn't control this inexplicable emotion. She even hinted to herself many times not to think about it, but she couldn't.The more you want to forget, the more you want to remember.

Looking at Tang Shanhai in front of her, she forcefully smiled, "No need, you are so particular, you are not used to breakfast outside."

In fact, she just wanted to go out for a walk, to get some air.It was also at this moment that Xu Bicheng realized that playing someone else is much more difficult than playing himself.

Tang Shanhai looked at Xu Bicheng's back as he walked away, and felt as if he had been poked hard in his heart.He knew better than anyone else what that lonely figure represented.But now that she is in a dilemma, even if Xu Bicheng doesn't like her, the only one standing by her side is herself.

At this moment, the door of Li Xiaonan's apartment opened.She first yawned disheveledly, and then said in a daze, "Mr. Tang? Good morning."

Tang Shanhai looked at her and nodded, and also responded, "Morning, Miss Li."

Li Xiaonan rubbed his eyes, and found that Tang Shanhai was standing near his door, she had already strayed past and walked back.

"You didn't come to look for me, did you?" Li Xiaonan said.

Tang Shanhai nodded after hearing this, with rare embarrassment on his face.He really came to look for Li Xiaonan, but happened to meet Xu Bicheng coming out.

Tang Shanhai saw that Li Xiaonan was not wearing the necklace from last night on his neck, he paused for a while before saying: "Uh... I want to ask you something."

Li Xiaonan scratched his hair, "What's the matter?"

Tang Shanhai coughed lightly, "Where did you buy that necklace yesterday?"

Xu Bicheng walked alone on the street, and the morning in the market was as lively as ever.The hurried pedestrians, the warm farewell, the steaming steamer in the steamed stuffed bun shop, and the skillful hawking of mobile vendors: everything is so ordinary and vivid.

The scene in front of her made Xu Bicheng want to smile inexplicably, she hadn't gone out for a stroll in the morning for a long time.She is a person who yearns for an ordinary life. Occasionally listening to the yelling on the street or looking at the pedestrians on the street will make her feel extremely satisfied and feel that she is a person who can still enjoy life.

A man eating sesame seed cakes and deep-fried dough sticks passed by Xu Bicheng, and the aroma continued to drill into her nose.

Xu Bicheng couldn't help but looked in his direction a few more times, and then saw Chen Shen.Xu Bicheng didn't expect to meet him here, but saw him walk straight into the biscuit stall from another direction and said to the boss, "Old rules."

The boss responded crisply: "Okay."

Chen Shen randomly found a seat and sat down. As soon as he sat down, he saw Xu Bicheng standing not far away.Their eyes met, and both of them froze for a moment.Chen Shen smiled and gestured to Xu Bicheng, "Sit."

Xu Bicheng and Chen Shen sat at a table.Xu Bicheng seemed a little cramped, but Chen Shen's expression was very casual, gradually Xu Bicheng also relaxed a bit.The boss served Chen Shen's breakfast and said to Xu Bicheng, "What would this young lady want?"

Chen Shen looked at Xu Bicheng and said, "Here is your favorite tofu nao, would you like a bowl?" Xu Bicheng nodded dully.Chen Shen then turned to the boss and said, "A bowl of tofu nao, mustard mustard, no green onions. Let's also have meat-stuffed pancakes. Don't eat fried dough sticks, it's not good for your skin."

Xu Bicheng said: "You still remember my taste." Her tone was very calm, but the bottom of her heart was like a wave passing by the beach, rising and falling.He still remembers.But how could he remember?Chen Shen raised his eyebrows at Xu Bicheng, "Unfortunately, I still remember the bad habit of not eating onions."

Xu Bicheng smiled, but the smile was a bit bitter, and there were many sighs in his heart.She said: "Thank you for always tolerating me and helping me." Chen Shen shook his head, his expression obscure, "The person who truly tolerates you the most is not me, but Tang Shanhai."

Xu Bicheng felt a little lost, but he couldn't explain it.Yes, I also caused him a lot of trouble.

Chen Shen smiled, "Many things are doomed from the beginning."

Even such a simple conversation seemed extremely thin, and most of the time the two were silent.

The boss quickly served the tofu nao, Xu Bicheng took a spoonful and said to Chen Shen, "Can I ask you something?"

Chen Shen nodded.

Xu Bicheng asked him in a low voice: "Are you a Communist Party?" Chen Shen was eating, and coughed violently after being choked by this sentence.Xu Bicheng didn't expect to choke him, and kept saying sorry.

Chen Shen regained his strength, smiled and waved his hands, "Don't tell others that I once taught students like you."

Xu Bicheng was embarrassed, and said with embarrassment on his face: "I asked something stupid again, didn't I?"

Chen Shen wiped the corners of his mouth with a piece of paper, his expression was never serious, "If you ask me that way, you can't get any answer except that you can kill me." Xu Bicheng felt very ashamed, she seemed to be unable to do anything well .

"I was wrong," she said.

Chen Shen smiled, lowered his head and stirred the tofu in the bowl, "Did Tang Shanhai ask you to ask?"

Xu Bicheng shook his head, "No, he didn't."

Chen Shen is an expert at observing words and expressions. From Xu Bicheng's dodging eyes, he knew that she was covering up, but he didn't want to ask.

After a long time, Xu Bicheng seemed to have made some decision, looked into Chen Shen's eyes and said, "Actually, I just need to know that you will not harm me and will help me, that's enough."

This is her sincere words.Maybe Tang Shanhai is right, even if Chen Shen is a Communist, it doesn't matter to her.She just believed in this person purely, without any reason.

"Does it need to be said?" Chen Shen also looked at her.He will help her, regardless of their identities, or even their positions, he knows that Xu Bicheng is also like this.Xu Bicheng said: "I feel that I am a little bit at a loss now, and I look like a lonely and helpless little girl."

"What?" Chen Shen asked.

Xu Bicheng shook his head, "I'm always worried about saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing."

When Chen Shen was in school, he knew that Xu Bicheng was a girl without a city mansion. Seeing her break into such a forbidden place now, he felt a little distressed, but more worried.But such worry and heartache, in the final analysis, is no longer something he should interfere with.Chen Shen could only tell her, "Then talk less, listen more, and watch more."

"Well, I remember."

Chen Shen thought for a while and said, "Liu Meina is a talkative person, sometimes you can get a lot of news from her without even asking."

Xu Bicheng knew that he was teaching her, so he nodded obediently, "I will try to get closer to her."

Chen Shen took a sip of tofu nao and said, "I heard that you didn't fully explain the rescue of Zhou Li in the first interrogation last time." Xu Bicheng nodded, "I'm afraid that if I say everything in one go, after all On the contrary, Zhongliang thought that we had colluded with the confession in advance."

Chen Shen gave her a thumbs up, "That's right. To deal with people like Bi Zhongliang, squeezing toothpaste is more effective than rewinding the tube. Finally, I didn't teach you in vain." Xu Bicheng smiled happily, feeling very happy in his heart, and his tone was also It was a lot easier, "Are you willing to admit that you taught me?"

The two looked at each other and laughed.Xu Bicheng asked seemingly unintentionally: "By the way, have you heard of the 'Return to Zero Project'?
Chen Shen's eyes flashed, not knowing what she had heard.But he quickly returned to normal, and said calmly: "No. What's the matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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