
Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Xu Bicheng also realized the abruptness, and quickly covered it up: "I heard Li Moqun talk about this plan once, and I thought you would know something about it." Chen Shen didn't answer, smiled and took a bite of the fritters, and said to Xu Bicheng, "Eat it while it's hot." .”

Drooping eyelids hid his thoughts.

Chen Shen didn't expect Xu Bicheng to know the existence of "Return to Zero Project". Does this mean that Chongqing is also looking for this top-secret information?Tang Shanhai must be doubting his true identity, otherwise Xu Bicheng would not have asked him rashly.

Chen Shen suddenly realized that once he and Tang Shanhai wanted "Return to Zero Plan", their cooperative relationship would collapse instantly, and Tang Shanhai would become a more terrifying enemy than Bi Zhongliang.

Tang Shanhai drove into the yard, and before he got out of the car, he saw Xu Bicheng and Chen Shen walking into the gate of the operation department talking and laughing.Tang Shanhai sat in the car without moving, his hand holding the steering wheel slightly tightened, and watched them walk into the office building.Xu Bicheng frequently looked at Chen Shen with very bright eyes, which was what Chen Shen told him, the way he treats people he likes.

Tang Shanhai understood very well in his heart, the more he understood, the more lost he became.

At this time, Chen Shen saw Tang Shanhai's car and Tang Shanhai sitting in the car.He said something to Xu Bicheng, Xu Bicheng also looked over.

Tang Shanhai had no choice but to get out of the car and walk towards them.Chen Shen was the first to say hello, "Morning, Captain Tang."

Tang Shanhai also responded with a smile, "Morning, Captain Chen."

Xu Bicheng also wanted to say something, but her explanation seemed to be a bit self-explanatory.She said to Tang Shanhai: "I met Captain Chen during breakfast, so..."

Tang Shanhai said with a generous attitude, "Oh, what do you have for breakfast?" Xu Bicheng replied, "Tofu nao, sesame seed cakes, fried dough sticks."

Tang Shanhai frowned slightly and said: "The food on the street is unhygienic, so try to eat at home in the future."

Chen Shen saw Tang Shanhai's displeasure and did not speak.Xu Bicheng didn't notice these details, and said, "Actually, no, we grew up eating these. If you have a chance, you should eat with me too."

Tang Shanhai managed to force a smile, and walked towards the action, "Let's talk."

When he returned to the apartment at night, Tang Shanhai was still a little out of his mind. He opened and closed the book in his hand, and he didn't think of a single word of what he wanted to read.It is rare for him to be so absent-minded, he is clearly sitting, but his eyes are always looking at the door of the bedroom.

Just today, he bought Xu Bicheng a necklace that was exactly the same as Li Xiaonan, and quietly put it in her bedroom while she was sweeping the floor in the living room.Tang Shanhai didn't know if Xu Bicheng would like it, and he had never given anything to girls.It made him feel nervous, even a little embarrassed.

When Tang Shanhai heard the door of the bedroom opened, Xu Bicheng walked over.Tang Shanhai knew that she must have seen it, secretly looking forward to seeing the surprise look on her face, but he still tried his best to pretend to be natural.Unexpectedly, Xu Bicheng put the jewelry box on the desk and asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean?"

Tang Shanhai didn't expect Xu Bicheng's reaction to be like this, he was taken aback for a moment and said: "I thought you liked..." Xu Bicheng seemed to realize that his tone was not good, and he sighed long, "Why should I like to be like others?" s things?"

Tang Shanhai heard the voice behind the words, but he was speechless.Xu Bicheng's expression was very calm at this time, but what he said was extremely decisive.She said to Tang Shanhai: "Well, even if you have good intentions, then I will tell you now, I will buy the things I like in the future, if you really think our activity funds are too much, send them to Zhou Li's children. Or go to the street to give alms to any beggar, I will not object. But please don't waste your time and money on me, thank you."

Xu Bicheng turned around and left.Tang Shanhai finally couldn't help it, and said to Xu Bicheng's back: "If the person who gave you the gift was Chen Shen, would you still have this attitude?"

Xu Bicheng stopped.But she didn't answer, her back was stiff and stubborn.Tang Shanhai couldn't help but regret his impulsiveness.Xu Bicheng stood for a while, but still did not answer, and went back to the room.

Hearing the sound of Xu Bicheng closing and locking the bedroom door, Tang Shanhai clenched his hands tightly and then loosened them.

In fact, Xu Bicheng's heart is also very chaotic.She understood Tang Shanhai's thoughts, but she only regarded the two as a cooperative relationship. Instead of causing him more unnecessary misunderstandings in the future, it is better to make it clear at once.The person she likes has always been Chen Shen, she knows it, and Tang Shanhai knows it too.But they still want to be a couple in name, how ironic.

Xu Bicheng didn't know how to face Tang Shanhai in the past few days, and tried to avoid it when he was in action.But she remembered Chen Shen's words, and would sit with Liu Meina for a while when she had nothing to do.As he said, Liu Meina doesn't deliberately use stereotyped words, she can't stop talking like a cannonball.When Chen Shen took the document and put it on Liu Meina's desk, Liu Meina was complaining enviously, "A good man is someone else's husband."

Chen Shen sat on the edge of the desk with his feet crossed, and asked casually: "Whose husband do you like? Tell me, I will grab it for you." Liu Meina saw that it was Chen Shen, patted the melon seeds in her hand, and said with a smile: "Captain Chen's ears are really clever, return the documents? I'll go through the formalities for you after I go to the toilet. I drank too much water today." After finishing speaking, he locked the drawer, grabbed the key and went out, leaving behind Chen Shen and Xu Bicheng Stay in the office.

Chen Shen heard Liu Meina's high-heeled shoes making a series of clicking sounds in the corridor, and asked Xu Bicheng, "Is the confidential room busy today?"

Xu Bicheng only thought he was gossiping, and answered seriously, "I just finished typing some documents in the morning, so it will be a bit idle."

Chen Shen has been listening to Liu Meina's footsteps with his ears upright, and when he guessed it was about the same, he suddenly lowered his voice and said to Xu Bicheng: "You look at the door for me, I need to find something." Seeing this, Xu Bicheng was stunned, and nodded without hesitation .Chen Shen quickly opened the door lock of the file room with a wire and walked in.

Xu Bicheng sat at the desk, looked at the door of the archive room and kept shaking hands.She was so nervous that she could almost hear her heart pounding.Time ticked, ticking, seconds passed by, it was a torment for her.Xu Bicheng has been listening intently to the sounds from the file room and the corridor, worrying about Liu Meina's sudden return, and wishing Chen Shen to come out soon.

But at this juncture, Secretary Qian actually came.

"Secretary Qian." Xu Bicheng managed to remain calm, trying to keep his expression as natural as possible.Secretary Qian looked around and asked Xu Bicheng, "Where's Mina?"

"She went to the bathroom."

Secretary Qian nodded, "Then I'll wait for her here." Xu Bicheng yelled inwardly when he heard the words, and subconsciously stood in front of the file room door, for fear that Secretary Qian would see the clue.She nervously thought about how to deal with it, and smiled apologetically at Secretary Qian, "Secretary Qian, I typed half of your meeting minutes, and there are a few words that I can't read clearly, can I trouble you to go over with me to have a look?"

Secretary Qian didn't notice Xu Bicheng's strangeness, and replied straight away: "Okay, but let's wait for Mina to come back before leaving, her door is still open." Xu Bicheng pretended to be calm, "No need, close the door for her. With the key."

Chen Shen kept listening to the movement in the office.Hearing the footsteps of the two leaving, he was about to unlock the door when Liu Meina came back.

Xu Bicheng who walked to the door was so nervous that his back was wet with sweat.Chen Shen turned half of the door lock, but had to stop again.

Seeing Secretary Qian, Liu Meina couldn't help asking, "Are you looking for me?" Secretary Qian took out two tickets from his trouser pocket, "I bought two movie tickets for tonight, and I want to invite you to watch it together."

Secretary Qian is interested in Liu Meina, but Liu Meina doesn't like him.Xu Bicheng heard that Secretary Qian wanted to invite Liu Meina to watch "The Scenery of Troubled Times", and quickly agreed: "Meina, in fact, this movie is not bad, Shanhai and I both like it. And the hairstyles and clothes in it are very beautiful. How much like you. You should go and see."

When Liu Meina heard that Tang Shanhai liked it, she couldn't help being moved. She wanted to watch the movies he liked.Secretary Qian was obviously very grateful to Xu Bicheng for speaking up for him, "That's right, let's go and see, the tickets are all bought."

Xu Bicheng said again: "I have a newly bought movie pictorial, which seems to have the looks from this movie on it, and I think it is very suitable for you. Would you like to take a look first?"

Liu Meina finally nodded, and said: "Okay, bring it to me, I will go through the filing procedures for Captain Chen first."

Right now, Liu Meina cannot be allowed to enter the file room, or all previous efforts will be wasted!Xu Bicheng quickly reached out to grab Liu Meina, "Captain Chen just went back, and said he would come back later." Liu Meina glanced at the desk, saw that the documents brought by Chen Shen were still on the table, and said suspiciously: "Everything is still there .”

Liu Meina couldn't help walking towards the house.Xu Bicheng was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her heart, and she couldn't stop her - this would only make her more suspicious.

Liu Meina's footsteps were getting closer and closer to the archive room, and Chen Shen behind the door could only respond to all changes by remaining unchanged.

Xu Bicheng said: "It just so happens that Secretary Qian is also going to my place, Mina, why don't you come with me to get it!"

Liu Meina glanced at the door of the archive room again, then at Xu Bicheng, as if she was weighing whether it was necessary to go in and check again.Xu Bicheng kept looking at her with a smile on her face, and finally Liu Meina raised her eyebrows and answered, "Okay then."

The three of them left together. As the door of the outer office was closed, Chen Shen in the file room also heaved a long sigh of relief.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you know that I was almost scared to death just now?" In Chen Shen's office, Xu Bicheng complained in a low voice, until now her hands and feet are still shaking.Chen Shen was very disapproving, "I know you can handle it."

(End of this chapter)

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