
Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Su Sansheng smiled instead of anger, "I'll let you know who is the trash."

Chen Shen has been standing by the side watching everything.After Su Sansheng finished speaking, he walked up to Zeng Shu and said, "You know where you are going. Please, District Chief Zeng."

Even though Zeng Shu was soon escorted out by two pseudo-agents of Wang, Su Sansheng still felt uneasy.He said to Chen Shen and Tang Shanhai: "Captain Chen, Captain Tang, in my opinion, we should block the news that the secret base of the military command headquarters has been destroyed. The two of you should see if you should replace all of your own people here, so as to wait for the rabbit .”

Chen took him a deep look: "Do you want the Hurricanes to throw themselves into the trap?"

Zeng Shupi smiled, "Exactly."

Chen Shen smiled, "Brother Su is indeed a talent."

Su Sansheng shook his head falsely, "No talent, no talent."

Tang Shanhai snorted coldly: "Captain Chen, Mr. Su is so wise, it seems that you and I are both idiots."

Chen Shen laughed loudly, "I don't care, anyway, I've always been famous for being stupid in operations. Captain Tang, please don't confuse me."

Su Sansheng clearly heard the intention of ostracizing him from the words of the two, but it was difficult to express dissatisfaction due to his current status.He could only wave his hands, and said with a smirk, "Forgive me, you two. Of course you can think of anything I can think of, and I'm sorry for talking too much. Now we will start a comprehensive search for members of the military's secret strongholds in the Shanghai area."

Chen Shen didn't say anything, but asked Biantou to take all the captured military criminals into prison and call Bi Zhongliang.In the process of several people walking together, Tang Shanhai saw that the two puppet operators were still staring at him, and knew that it was impossible to communicate with Chen Shen in private now, so he could only wait and see what happened.

At this time, in the lobby of Huamao Hotel, Xu Bicheng, who had been exhausted from the dinner, was leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed.The sound of the rain outside the house had already subsided, and the seemingly peaceful night was nothing like layers of dark clouds piling up in her heart, making her breathless no matter what.She felt that she was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered right now, and she couldn't wait for the steel knife above her head that would fall sooner or later.

The phone on the bar in the lobby rang.A long series of phone ringtones in the middle of the night appeared extremely sharp in the empty hall, as if they could penetrate the hall and reach the VIP box where Li Moqun, Bi Zhongliang and others were staying.Xu Bicheng woke up suddenly, and Bi Zhongliang, who was playing mahjong, stopped in the air holding a card in his hand, looked at Li Moqun, and slowly smiled and said, "Director Li, it's time to visit our triumphant soldiers. "

At the gate of the operation office, Tang Shanhai and Chen Shen had been waiting downstairs for a long time.Bi Zhongliang walked over with Liu Erbao, Xu Bicheng, Li Xiaonan and others, laughed and patted their shoulders, "Thank you."

Li Xiaonan also strode up, concerned: "Chen Shen, are you okay?"

Chen Shen shrugged nonchalantly, "What can I do, why are you still following me?"

Li Xiaonan frowned, "I just woke up. Director Bi said that you have triumphed, so of course I will come to pick up my hero."

Chen Shen was made a little uncomfortable by Li Xiaonan's numbness, "Did you import the lines from the movie? Please speak in a human way."

Everyone burst into laughter.Xu Bicheng kept looking at Chen Shen and Tang Shanhai with concern, and was relieved to find that they were unharmed.Just now in the restaurant, her heart seemed to be pinched by something, she didn't dare to speak, and was worried that if she didn't speak, it would arouse the other party's suspicion.She could feel that Bi Zhongliang had been observing her silently.

Xu Bicheng looked at Tang Shanhai and asked, "Are you all right?"

Tang Shanhai nodded slightly, a trace of exhaustion appeared on his face.

Bi Zhongliang looked at the crowd and said calmly: "Chen Shen, Shan Hai, you are tired too, so go back with the women today. I will come for the interrogation."

Xu Bicheng and Tang Shanhai looked at each other and said nothing.Instead, Chen Shen frowned and shouted: "I don't have a woman, I'll go upstairs to sleep. Captain Tang, please take your neighbor Li Xiaonan back."

But how could Li Xiaonan let Chen Shen leave like this, she held Chen Shen tightly and said firmly, "No way. If you don't send me off today, I will sleep here with you."

Bi Zhongliang couldn't help laughing, "You can take care of your own affairs." After saying that, he took Liu Erbao and walked inward.

They were walking on the stairs of the operation department, and they ran into the two fake Wang agents who had been staring at Chen Shen and Tang Shanhai all night.

Liu Erbao hurriedly stepped forward and asked the two pseudo-agents Wang, "Are there any abnormalities in them tonight?"

Pseudo-agent Wang didn't speak, but shook his head in fear.Bi Zhongliang kept on stepping, and replied coldly, "Let them continue to follow." In Bi Zhongliang's heart, he had a lot of time and a lot of patience.The only thing he wants but doesn't have are evidence and handles.

At the same time, in the interrogation room of Operation 76, Zeng Shu had already been tied to a wooden frame.The cold torture equipment, the dark prison cell, and the bloody smell that lingers in the air for years can be tasted by just taking a breath.Zeng Shu knew very well that the punishment and interrogation methods here are undoubtedly more terrifying than mass graves.

Su Sansheng wandered around the interrogation room in a good mood, looking at all kinds of torture instruments by the way.He finally stopped in front of Zeng Shu and said with a sneer: "I heard that none of the people who entered here can leave alive. How many tortures do you think you can endure?"

Zeng Shu frowned, but finally said nothing.Su Sansheng continued with a sneer: "Zeng Shu, considering the friendship we worked with in the past, as long as you tell the whereabouts of the Hurricane Team, I can help you intercede with my new boss and save your life."

Bi Zhongliang who walked to the door of the interrogation room suddenly stopped.The fish has already been hooked, life and death are already in his hands, when to let him die, when to let him spit out the news he wants, on the contrary, he is not in a hurry.

Zeng Shu laughed mockingly. After laughing, he spat at Su Sansheng and said in disgust, "Su Sansheng, let me tell you, a person like you is just a dog no matter where he goes!"

Su Sansheng was completely unmoved, what a prisoner said would not leave any feeling in his heart.He looked at Zeng Shu coldly and said, "Zeng Shu, I admire your integrity, but I can guarantee that you will soon be worse than a dog."

Bi Zhongliang who was outside the door walked into the interrogation room at this time.Hearing the movement, Su Sansheng hurriedly turned around to salute Bi Zhongliang, and respectfully called "Virgin".Bi Zhongliang hummed, glanced at Zeng Shu, then took off his hat, and suddenly bowed deeply to Su Sansheng.Su Sansheng was a little flattered by this move, he immediately helped Bi Zhongliang up and asked, "Virgin, what are you doing?"

Bi Zhongliang smiled, "On behalf of No. 76 Headquarters and the Special Operations Division, I would like to extend my highest respect to Mr. Su, and thank you for the generous gift you brought us. We will work together in the future, and please take care of Mr. Su."

Su Sansheng already understood in his heart that Bi Zhongliang was deliberately giving himself a soft nail.This time, Operation No. 76 arrested as many as a hundred Juntong criminals. Bi Zhongliang's words were clearly beating him.Su Sansheng's face was a little frightened, and he said respectfully: "I don't dare to be the leader. In the action team, I will only follow you. It is an honor for Sansheng to work with a true hero like you. You should call me Sansheng."

Bi Zhongliang patted him on the shoulder, "Three Provinces is a good name. Only by three provinces a day can we live and work in peace. District Chief Zeng, don't you think so?"

Zeng Shu looked at Bi Zhongliang coldly, "Director Bi, nice to meet you."

Bi Zhongliang smiled, raised his left hand, and touched the torture equipment hanging on the wall, "I like this opening statement. I think this indicates that we will be able to work together in the near future. I hope that your tone will be more sincere a little."

Zeng Shu smiled, "Then you will be disappointed."

"Really?" Bi Zhongliang stared at Zeng Shu, and said slowly, "I don't think so. Because I think District Chief Zeng is different from other people who come here. You and I should be the same kind of people. We can judge the situation. Can judge objectively, and will not be easily brainwashed by some people. I think the final result must be a win-win situation, and we will not be disappointed."

Bi Zhongliang said while circling Zeng Shu, and at the same time stretched out his hand to Liu Erbao.Liu Erbao understood, and immediately handed Bi Zhongliang a bunch of keys.When Bi Zhongliang finished speaking, he untied the iron shackles that bound Zeng Shu with a click.Zeng Shu looked at Bi Zhongliang in surprise, not knowing what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of this scheming old fox.

Zeng Shu in the interrogation room began to feel anxious, and Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng, who were driving back, were also anxious.When Tang Shanhai was driving, Xu Bicheng sat in the passenger seat. Even after the car stopped, he could still see the car following him in the rearview mirror.Tang Shanhai frowned tightly.When the two walked into the house, Xu Bicheng watched Tang Shanhai sit down on the sofa wearily.The broken hair in front of his forehead hung down on his face, and his brows were full of sorrow, completely different from his usual neat and elegant appearance.

Xu Bicheng stepped forward to sit beside him, she felt flustered, and looked at Tang Shanhai at a loss, "Why don't you do this? I've never seen you like this."

Tang Shanhai's gaze was a little dull, and he turned to Xu Bicheng, "What do you think of me?"

Xu Bicheng was stunned for a while, "You are always calm and composed, as stable as Mount Tai."

Tang Shanhai threw himself on the sofa, pinching the space between his brows, "Before today, I never doubted the significance of our being here. We danced with wolves, we were looking for the enemy's secrets and weaknesses, and we can still live." Living a life that looks beautiful and well-fed on the surface. I think it's all very meaningful."

"Of course it makes sense for us to do so," Xu Bicheng said.

(End of this chapter)

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