
Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Tang Shanhai closed his eyes, his expression was full of pain, and his tone almost murmured: "It doesn't make sense. When I watched more than 100 people were arrested overnight, and the entire army in Shanghai was wiped out, but I couldn't do anything, I feel like I'm just trying to survive."

Tang Shanhai couldn't describe his mood at that moment, he even wished that those hands covered with sharp knives were reaching out to him.

More than 100 colleagues were taken away in front of his eyes. The powerlessness and the infinite despair born from the bottom of his heart almost destroyed him.Xu Bicheng looked at Tang Shanhai helplessly and sadly, and didn't know how to comfort him.She could understand his feelings, and could only comfort him over and over again: "Don't be like this, Shanhai."

Tang Shanhai buried his head deeply in his palm, he couldn't restrain his emotions at this moment.Xu Bicheng looked at Tang Shanhai, but couldn't say any comforting words.But she understands Tang Shanhai's helplessness, Tang Shanhai's discomfort, and all Tang Shanhai's emotions.It's just that for Xu Bicheng, Tang Shanhai is her only backbone, so she is very scared and panicked now.She took Tang Shanhai's arm and said in a crying voice, "Don't be like this, Shanhai! You are already like this, what do you want me to do?"

These words gave Tang Shanhai some strength suddenly.He raised his head again and held Xu Bicheng's hand, "You have to leave as soon as possible. I'll help you find a way. You leave Shanghai early tomorrow morning."

Tang Shanhai knew in his heart that he could no longer guarantee Xu Bicheng's safety at this time.Bi Zhongliang's people were watching them all the time.He wanted Xu Bicheng to leave, leaving before Xu Bicheng suffered any harm, so as to avoid what he least wanted to happen in the future.

"I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere." Xu Bicheng shook her head firmly, she couldn't leave Tang Shanhai behind at this time.

Tang Shanhai suddenly became calm again.He calmly analyzed Xu Bicheng: "Listen to me. Whether Zeng Shu recruited the whereabouts of the Hurricane Team or Lao Tao was arrested, we will have no way out. We can't just sit and wait, you have to go."

Xu Bicheng looked at Tang Shanhai, weeping with tears streaming down his face, and refused to say anything.She said anxiously: "The last time you saved Zhou Li, you didn't leave me alone. How could I leave you?"

Tang Shanhai was taken aback for a moment, he always knew that Xu Bicheng was a good girl.Just like what Chen Shen said, if it weren't for this troubled world, she would be able to live her life like a painting or a poem.Tang Shanhai was very moved, he told Xu Bicheng: "Thank you for saying that. But you have to go."

Xu Bicheng asked: "Then tell me, why didn't you leave?"

Tang Shanhai suddenly smiled, and there was a feeling in that smile that would never change.He said: "That's because if I disappeared suddenly, it would be equivalent to confirming my identity as a traitor. Will Bi Zhongliang let you go?"

Xu Bicheng held Tang Shanhai's hand tightly, "Isn't the current situation exactly the same? If I just leave like this, I don't need to torture Zeng Shu, and I don't need to wait for Lao Tao to be arrested. Bi Zhongliang will also think that you are an undercover agent."

Tang Shanhai was speechless.His mind is in a mess right now, but Xu Bicheng's words gradually calmed down his restless nerves.

Xu Bicheng tried to persuade Tang Shanhai, "So now we should stop in silence, right? If Lao Tao senses that the wind is wrong and evacuates in time, we can continue to stay. Right?"

Tang Shanhai looked deeply at Xu Bicheng and nodded.Xu Bicheng laughed through tears, and suddenly felt that Tang Shanhai in this appearance was even childish, and this was the first time she had seen Tang Shanhai like this.Tang Shanhai also decided that he would try to meet Lao Tao tomorrow.

In such a restless night, it seems that everyone can hardly hide the irritability and exhaustion in their hearts.Chen Shen followed Li Xiaonan back to her apartment, and all he could think about was the scene of today's action team rushing into the military command headquarters.If someone from the military command was arrested today, who can guarantee that no one from the CCP will be found tomorrow?
When Li Xiaonan came out of the kitchen with a plate of tea sets, he saw Chen Shen sitting on the sofa in a daze.She smiled and handed over the teacup in her hand and said, "I know arresting people is a dangerous and labor-intensive thing for you, so drink some tea and calm your nerves."

Chen Shen didn't answer, and sat silently on the sofa as before. After a long time, he suddenly said, "Li Xiaonan, do you know who I am?"

Li Xiaonan put down his teacup and looked at him, "You are my man, you are my hero."

"Heroes?" Chen Shen snorted coldly, "I am a traitor, a villain. The people I catch are heroes, anti-Japanese heroes."

Li Xiaonan was silent for a while, and looked at Chen Shen sincerely, "No, I know you are a good person."

Chen Shen suddenly felt very irritable.He said: "Look, we even have different basic values ​​and views of right and wrong. Do you really think we can be a family?"

"Yes. At worst, you can say whatever you want. I will listen to you." Li Xiaonan said indifferently.

Chen Shen shook his head, "Our life is beyond your imagination. You have encountered the explosion in my house once. Such a danger may come at any time. I can't let any girl suffer from me."

Li Xiaonan didn't know what happened to him tonight, maybe this action touched a nerve in him.But she told Chen Shen seriously: "Then if I'm not afraid, can you marry me?"

"No." Chen Shen told her firmly, "Because I don't love you at all."

Such conversations are always discussed between the two of them every once in a while.But Chen Shen had never said this to Li Xiaonan with such a serious expression.

Li Xiaonan's eyes were filled with tears, she looked at Chen Shen stubbornly, "Then have you ever really loved a woman?"

Chen Shen sighed deeply, "Yes, I have loved. That's why I know that my feelings for you must not be love."

Li Xiaonan's tears flowed down, she had never been so sad like this moment, it was a feeling almost desperate.

She always knew that Chen Shen was a bit cynical and never cared about girls. She hoped that she could become the unusual one.However, he told her that it wasn't that he didn't understand love, but that he didn't love her.

Chen Shen stood up, trying to ignore the tears on Li Xiaonan's face.He said: "As long as you want, from today onwards, you are my righteous sister, and you can continue to live here. Just don't look for me again, and don't tell others that you are my fiancee. There will always be love between us." Impossible." After saying that, he walked directly to the door.

Li Xiaonan burst into tears facing Chen Shen's back, his voice trembling but extremely firm.She told Chen Shen: "You can't leave, even if I don't look for you, one day you will come back to look for me."

Chen Shen opened the door without saying a word, and locked Li Xiaonan's last words inside the door.His heart is also extremely heavy.There are too many things on his body, he is no longer qualified to talk about love.Not far behind him, he could still see two pseudo-agents of Wang who were stalking him.Chen Shen looked inside through the light from the window of Tang Shanhai's house, and next to his ears was the sound of Li Xiaonan crying loudly from inside the house.He stood there blankly for a while, feeling very obscure inside.

He was walking slowly on the side of the street, when an empty rickshaw passed by him and asked him, "Sir, do you want to take a car?"

Chen Shen waved his hands in a trance, and left straight away.The rain has stopped at this time, and the roadside is covered with damp soil smell. On such a cold spring night, this seemingly familiar city and familiar streets also become so strange and so long at this moment.Chen Shen lowered his eyes silently, looking at the rain-washed but already extremely muddy street under his feet, the despair in his eyes grew crazily.He felt that he was going to be out of breath.

In the early morning after the rain, the first ray of sunlight appeared. The dawn light spread on the roof of Tang Shanhai's apartment, and the light shone on a corner of the house, but it didn't look Hexi.The weather in early spring is too cold, and the coolness of the north wind seeps into the bones through the heavy clothing.Tang Shanhai and Xu Bicheng walked out of the house and were about to reach the car, but she stopped them.

Xu Bicheng said, "Don't drive today, I'll take you to a stall to eat fried dough sticks."

Tang Shanhai nodded.While leaving with each other, Tang Shanhai noticed a car not far from the opposite side. The people in the car were very alert. When they saw his turned eyes, they quickly lay down on the steering wheel.

Xu Bicheng leaned into Tang Shanhai's ear and asked softly: "Tracking?"

Tang Shanhai nodded, took Xu Bicheng's arm and continued to walk forward, "Ignore him, you should try to behave as usual.

Don't show yourself before the news is sent out. "

Bi Zhongliang's eyeliner has not been withdrawn, this is what Tang Shanhai had already guessed.If he doesn't show his feet for a day, the other party won't let it go.And compared to the immediate situation, he has another important thing to do.

The breakfast stall that Xu Bicheng brought Tang Shanhai to was the one that Chen Shen often visited.Tang Shanhai sipped the soy milk, and there was a little pot ashes floating on the soy milk. He carefully scooped out the black pot ash with a spoon and poured it on the ground beside the table.

He seldom eats breakfast outside, Xu Bicheng is right, he is too fastidious, such food is not easy for him to accept.Coupled with what happened last night, Tang Shanhai could hardly eat.In the corner of his eyes, he was always checking whether there was a shadow of Wang's pseudo-agent around him.

At this moment, Xu Bicheng beside him shouted cheerfully, "Captain Chen!" Tang Shanhai paused, and turned his head to see Chen Shen also coming to the biscuit stall.Tang Shanhai's mood also relaxed a little, and he smiled and said to Chen Shen: "Captain Chen? What a coincidence, let's sit together."

Chen Shen stepped forward with a smile, "It's better to be late than to be late. It seems that we can have breakfast today."

(End of this chapter)

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