Invincible in one touch

Chapter 104 The bet is life

Chapter 104 The bet is life
"Who is in charge, stand up for me!"

After Lin Lie's words fell, the deputy head of the army trembled, quickly scolded the rest of the people, stepped forward to Ye Fusheng and said respectfully: "I don't know the general's name, do you have a transfer order and a military order?"

"Oh? Goddess Xingyun hasn't sent you the news yet?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised.

"Xingyun...a goddess?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and the deputy commander was shocked. As the deputy commander of the Ninth Army, he naturally knew the name of the city lord. He was shocked when he heard Ye Fusheng call Xing Yun a goddess so casually!
Xing Yun, that is a legendary figure, one of the strongest in Sunset City, since Ye Fusheng knows Xing Yun and can tease him like this, he must have extraordinary strength.

But, this is a legion after all, he can't see proofs like military orders, and he won't trust Ye Fusheng either.

"Do you still need a certificate?"

Ye Fusheng groaned, and suddenly remembered that although there was no reward for completing the task, Xing Yun had already determined that the so-called military orders should be modified in his settings.

Quickly checking his own attributes, Ye Fusheng suddenly found that in the column of identity, there was an extra line of fiery red characters.

Ninth Legion, Legion Commander!

With a thought, Ye Fusheng showed his identity and attributes, and in an instant, a token flashing red light appeared in his hand.

"Oh my god! That's really a bloody military order!"

"Where is General Berserk? Where is our General Berserk? How did he become such a little kid?!"

Seeing the flickering blood-red light, many soldiers were stunned.

The deputy head of the army was startled, he didn't dare to doubt Ye Fusheng's identity, he quickly knelt down on one knee, clasped his fists and said: "Subordinate Bai Ye, I pay my respects to the leader!"

When Bai Ye knelt, his direct subordinates all knelt down and saluted Ye Fusheng.

Are you kidding me, Ye Fusheng knows Xing Yun, how could Bai Ye resist?

Maybe, their army can still take Ye Fusheng's car and become Xing Yun's confidant!
"Not bad!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng was also quite satisfied with Bai Ye, his eyes swept over, and the talent of eagle eye was displayed, and Bai Ye's attributes suddenly floated out.

This will be his lieutenant general, Ye Fusheng has to figure out his attributes.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles!
Bai Ye (Deputy Chief of the Ninth Legion of Skystar City)

Rating: 45
Blood value: 200000
Attack Power: 1200-1390
Defense: 900
Sweeping Thousands of Armies: Swing the spear and cause a strong wind attack on the enemies within 10X10 yards around you. The enemy at the head of the spear will receive secondary damage, and there is a 10% chance to enter the tearing state, losing 1% every second Qi and blood
Spear Like a Dragon: Quickly thrust out the spear, unleash a violent attack with lightning speed, and repel the enemy
Overlord Gun:? ? ?

Swords and Guns: You can wield two weapons, knives and guns at the same time, and increase your own attributes by 10%
Serial Thunderbolt Knife: Quickly chop six knives with the force of lightning, causing extremely strong damage to the enemy.

? ? ? :? ? ?

Description: The deputy head of the Ninth Legion, after Kuang Zhan left, took up the heavy responsibility alone, reorganized the army, and kept training. His strength surpassed Kuang Zhan to a certain extent

There are a total of six skills, two of which are question marks, and their attributes are stronger than Berserker.

It seems that after such a long life of luxury and luxury, Kuang Zhan's strength has indeed dropped drastically, otherwise, with Ye Fusheng's strength, he really might not be his opponent.

"You're not bad, but the rest of the army, is their daily life the same as today?"

Although Ye Fusheng is very satisfied with Bai Ye, Ye Fusheng is not satisfied with those soldiers.

They were just broken up, how could they be so decadent and depraved?
Bai Ye heard the meaning of the words, and quickly said: "Master General, calm down, we never relax on weekdays, but today, brothers are all tired, so I ordered to relax for a day!"

"If the adults don't like it, the subordinates will resume training immediately!"

However, Bai Ye was willing to listen to Ye Fusheng's words, but the rest of the soldiers were unwilling and sneered: "Deputy Army Commander, this guy is just a kid, why listen to him?"

"Hmph, I really don't know what the city lord thinks, but let such a brat replace General Berserker!"

"Except for General Berserk, I don't agree with the rest!"

"Boy, don't play tricks here, I'm afraid you haven't even been on the battlefield!"


Many soldiers laughed and stared at Ye Fusheng mockingly.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng also laughed: "Interesting, since you guys look down on me so much, why don't you make a bet?"

"Bet? What do you want to bet, little guy?"

"Isn't it a bet on who will be scared to cry first? Hahaha!"

Many soldiers said mockingly: "I advise you, it is better to go home quickly, the battlefield is not just playing tricks!"

"I just ask you, to gamble or not to gamble! Could it be that you are afraid?"

Ye Fusheng looked calm.


"Bah! I've never been afraid of such a big job! Tell me, what are you betting on? What bets?!"

The soldiers were furious.

"The bet is..."

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Our fate!"

The awe-inspiring voice fell into the hearts of all the soldiers, but it shocked their nerves.

"Use your life as a bet? This guy, isn't he crazy?"


Swallowing their saliva, many soldiers took a few steps back, looking at Ye Fusheng in fear.

They couldn't believe that Ye Fusheng could say such words at such a young age.

"What? Afraid? Don't dare?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng sneered: "It seems that you are nothing more than that!"

"Fart, what do you mean we are nothing more than that!"

"Brothers, this guy is just a baby, bet with him!"

Being so provoked by Ye Fusheng, those soldiers were furious, and stepped forward one after another, choosing to bet with Ye Fusheng.

"good very good!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "You can choose one person and bet with me!"

"You say what to bet first, and we will choose someone!"

One of the soldiers stared at Ye Fusheng and said with a sneer, "What if we choose a good person, what will you do about the weak points?"

"Hahaha, okay, then I'll let you guys go!"

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Fusheng said calmly: "After all, we are comrades, and I will not attack you! Coincidentally, City Master Xingyun said that there are evil beings invading the village 100 miles away from here. Road, bet on who can lead the army, kill more evil beings, and win the war!"

"As a soldier, it depends on strength and command ability. Do you agree?"

Ye Fusheng swept his gaze, and those soldiers were stunned.

They originally thought that Ye Fusheng would bet on something they rarely touched, but unexpectedly, Ye Fusheng wanted to compete with them in leading soldiers to fight.

This made them ecstatic, and at the same time, their perception of Ye Fusheng also changed.

"Okay! I agree!"

"Me too, it seems that you still have a few brushes!"

Many soldiers laughed, and then they turned their attention to Bai Ye.

As the deputy commander of the army, Bai Ye's strength and strategy are recognized by those soldiers, they naturally hope that Bai Ye can take action to defeat Ye Fusheng.

"Don't look at me!"

But, to their surprise, Bai Ye waved his hand and said: "I think I am not as good as this general, so if you want to bet with him, that is your business!"

After all, Bai Ye ignored the astonishment of the rest of the soldiers, and clasped his fists at Ye Fusheng and said, "General, my subordinate Bai Ye requests to return to the army, and is willing to follow the command of the general to expel the evil race and protect the safety of our human race!"

"Not bad!"

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng was very satisfied with Bai Ye, and said in a deep voice: "However, since this is a bet between me and them, it is not suitable for you to appear, otherwise even if they lose, they will not be convinced."

"Then I will send you to lead the troops to seal off the area. If any monsters break out of our blockade, you will be responsible for clearing them!"

"Subordinates respectfully obey the military order of the general!"

Clasping fists with both hands, Bai Ye took the order.

Those soldiers were stunned, they didn't understand why Bai Ye recognized Ye Fusheng so quickly.

But, they could only grit their teeth, luckily Ye Fusheng didn't let Bai Ye go with him, otherwise, they really wouldn't be convinced.

"Where are those monsters? I'll take people to clear them up!"

Another soldier in white armor came out from behind.

"Ha, it's Lieutenant General Sun!"

"With Deputy General Sun, we will definitely not lose!"

Seeing the appearance of the general, the rest of the soldiers were also overjoyed. Obviously, that person's strategy and ability are definitely not bad.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Since it is said to be a bet, it must be fair and just! You have a large number of people, and you can only carry three thousand troops! I, command five thousand!"

"Deputy Captain Bai Ye, I will trouble you with the allocation of manpower. I hope you can distribute it fairly!"

"Yes, General!"

Not far away, Bai Ye nodded and agreed.

It has to be said that Bai Ye is indeed a dog licker. After knowing Ye Fusheng's identity, when distributing troops, he secretly assigned half of his elite guards to Ye Fusheng.

Of course, no one discovered this.

Afterwards, Ye Fusheng and his party led nearly ten thousand troops towards the mission map.

Even though the Ninth Legion was broken up, they were a regular legion after all. They were powerful and mighty, shocking the monsters around them, so much so that they didn't even encounter some monsters along the way.


After a long time, the wind was strong, and the weather became dark. A village appeared in front of everyone, surrounded by black smoke, revealing a dead air.


Ye Fusheng and the others quickly reined in their horses, staring at the village with solemn expressions.

A strong death energy rippling from it, rushing towards his face.

"It seems that this area is occupied by monsters!"

"Hmph, these damn aliens!"

Bai Ye's face was gloomy, he gritted his teeth, and the hatred in his heart was overwhelming.


Breathing out lightly, Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Everyone, this time, whether it is to win the bet or to protect the human race, I hope you will go all out to drive those damned alien races out of the human race's territory." !"

"Hmph, you don't need to say it, we understand this too!"

"Brothers, let's go! Kill monsters!"


The howling sounds kept ringing, and as the battle was approaching, those soldiers rushed out excitedly like a torrent, rushing towards the village like a torrent.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up. In fact, the bet is false, but it is true to stimulate this army and rekindle their fighting spirit!
Furthermore, he is also confident of winning this bet. By that time, their respect and trust as well as the combat power of the army will be gained. It is simply killing two birds with one stone!
Long before arriving at the Ninth Army camp, Ye Fusheng expected that those soldiers would not convince him, even if he had the protection of Xing Yun, he would not be able to convince them.

People are not in harmony, they are unwilling to listen to Ye Fusheng's words, and it is very likely that things will be ruined.

Ye Fusheng would not allow such a thing to happen, so he played this game and prepared to calm down.

"My lord general, when will you act?"

Bai Ye asked carefully behind Ye Fusheng.

"No hurry! Let them fight for a while, Bai Ye, you send people to seal off the area within two hundred miles of this village, set traps, and only leave me a way!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes were shining with light, he already had the certainty of victory!

(PS: No.11 is updated, more than 3000 words of chapters are sent, and another question, brothers like to watch monsters upgrade, or is strategy based, controlling the legion to fight monsters? Or as long as you pretend to be refreshing? Good? You can give me some suggestions! If you like strategy-based, I will try to design some novel tactics!)
(End of this chapter)

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