Chapter 105
boom boom-

Not long after, there was a terrifying sound in the village, and the earth trembled. It was the sound of trampling horseshoes!
The sound of gold and iron screaming can be heard endlessly. Obviously, the first wave of troops rushing over has already fought fiercely with the demons.

"Phew... the Ninth Legion, I hope your fighting power, don't let me down! If you can't even kill the demons that are roaming and invading the village, what's the use of you?"

"However, I have to go down. If they encounter the BOSS, the casualties will not be small. Besides, I have to deal with the BOSS. That's a reward!"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng drove Youyan to the village on the other side.

The army that bet with him started to attack from the east, while Bai Ye spread out in all directions, preparing to outflank. Most of the villages in the area had not been affected, and the demons had not yet noticed the coming of the war.

What Ye Fusheng has to do is to eliminate the boss, and then drive the alien army together to destroy them all!


The wind was blowing, and the cold air was bitter. Even though Ye Fusheng was equipped with luxurious equipment, he still felt chills all over his body.

Obviously, the level of these monsters will not be low.


Suddenly, the Youyan Warhorse stopped and roared.

"Huh? Is it strange?"

With a chill in his heart, Ye Fusheng looked around, but he didn't find any figure, only white cloth strips flying around, stained with blood.


The wind was bitter, and when a piece of cloth fluttered in front of Ye Fusheng, a strange scene appeared.

The cloth strip in front of Ye Fusheng suddenly became unreal, and a figure of a woman emerged, with red lips and white teeth, a graceful figure, protruding forward and backward, especially two balls of white jade, shining brightly, rushing towards Ye Fusheng.

"I'm going!? This game gives benefits?!!"

"That leg is really white... No, that chest is really long!"

Seeing this kind of scene suddenly, Ye Fusheng was a little confused, and Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

What the hell is this?

Female ghost temptation?


However, when the woman's figure got closer to Ye Fusheng, the Youyan Warhorse became irritable. If Ye Fusheng hadn't issued an order, it might have rushed up and tore the woman into pieces!
"There is a problem! There is absolutely a problem!"

Ye Fusheng's heart moved, and he also reacted. When the eagle eye talent was used, a row of data suddenly appeared on the illusory woman.

Ghost female ghost (elite monster)
Rating: 45
Blood value: 12000
Attack: 800
Defense: 520
Specter: The body of a ghost, immune to physical damage by 50%

Ghost Blood Claw: Gather Yin Qi and form a blood claw, causing high damage to the enemy in front, and has a 10% chance to put the enemy into a state of fear

Ear-piercing scream: Reduce the attack power of enemies within 10X10 yards by 5%
Description: The ancient dead souls, who have been wandering around the old palace site after death, are now awakened by the evil souls, blooming terrifying fangs
The attribute is not strong, but the description is a bit surprising to Ye Fu.

This ghost does not seem to be the demons that invaded the village, how could it appear in the periphery?

Frowning slightly, just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, the female ghost made a move.


With the resounding sound, the female ghost's whole body turned into a ball of blood, and the rich blood energy turned into a huge and sharp claw, and grabbed Ye Fusheng.


However, before the huge blood claw landed, Ye Fusheng had already swung the Bright Light Sword, activating the passive effect.

The holy breath bloomed, and Ye Fusheng seemed to have an angel flying out of his body, purifying the huge blood claws in an instant.

"Since physical attacks don't have much effect on you, let's try the passive effect of my weapon!"

Smiling coldly, Ye Fusheng raised his bright light sword, and silver-white light surged from the sword body!

That is the sacred and holy light characteristic of the Bright Light Sword!
That's right, the female ghost is immune to physical attacks, but after the characteristic is triggered, Ye Fusheng's attack is a sacred attribute, not only will not be reduced from damage, but it can also cause even more terrifying output!

"Kill me!"

Wielding the bright light sword, the blade swept across and chopped on the ghostly female ghost.


A shrill scream sounded, and a number 4820 suddenly floated out of the female ghost. Afterwards, Ye Fusheng reversed her wrist, and the second attack of the bright lightsaber followed! -

The blood-red numbers flew up, and the damage bonus triggered by the critical strike + the sacred attribute actually dealt nearly [-] damage!

True Blood Bar Disappearance Technique!

The blood bar of the female ghost disappeared, her whole body exploded, and a pile of gold coins and a page of paper fell down.

"Is this dead?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned, he didn't expect his attack to be so high.

In fact, the main reason is that the female ghost's defense is low, coupled with Ye Fusheng's ground weapon, gold weapon bonus, and even the Youyan warhorse has many bonuses, as well as the final damage bonus of the sacred attribute, so this sword goes down , the female ghost couldn't bear him at all.

Ye Fusheng became more and more curious as he got off his horse and picked up gold coins and paper.

The paper is full of runes from ancient times, gaudy and incomprehensible at all.

Fortunately, its introduction is still in Chinese.

Mysterious diary: Mysterious paper, on which the words of the previous era are recorded. It seems to be a diary that is incomplete. If you can get all the incomplete pages, you may be able to get a glimpse of it.

"Hiss... It seems that more paper needs to be printed, maybe a brand new task can be opened!"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng put away the paper and continued to move forward.

In the game, quests are indispensable. The more main quests you receive, the richer the rewards you will be given after completion.

Especially for this kind of mysterious mission, the rewards given are very practical, Ye Fusheng, you won't miss it!

It's a pity that not all the blood-stained white cloths flying around are female ghosts. After picking hundreds of blood cloths, Ye Fusheng finally met the second female ghost!

The shrill voice echoed, and before he knew it, the scene around Ye Fusheng also changed!


The bright light sword shone with silver light, and under various bonuses, the ghostly female ghost had just revealed her graceful figure, and before she had time to make a move, she was struck in seconds.

Unfortunately, no paper burst out.

Ye Fusheng didn't care about these things, and walked forward slowly, hunting and killing those... female ghosts who fell into the darkness!
"Huh, it's a bit strange! I'm not going the wrong way, am I?"

Killing many female ghosts in a row, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that what Xing Yun told him was that there were demons invading, not ghosts, but what he encountered one after another were all ghosts, maybe he went the wrong way ?
Looking around, the ground is full of weeds, and there are dilapidated places of worship, temples, not far away, there is a fork in the road, one leads to a deep, dark canyon, and the other road is a mountain road, and there are some villages on both sides.

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng opened the system map again, and around him, light spots belonging to tasks kept flickering.

"Hiss...that's strange, the mission is clearly here, why didn't I meet the demons, instead they were all ghosts?"

"Forget it, let's go into the village and have a look!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng no longer thought about it, and drove Youyan into the village path.

This time, the female ghost was not triggered on the road.

So much so that Ye Fusheng was in a trance, the ghost female ghosts he met earlier could not be an illusion?

Why is it gone?
Entering the village, a wave of dead air hit his face, even You Yan's body twitched.

Ye Fusheng rode You Yan, and rushed straight into the courtyard of a family, and two corpses lay on the ground.

Frowning slightly, just as he was about to turn around, he saw the two corpses jumping up suddenly, their eyes were blood red, their hands stretched out straight out, and their dirty black palms grabbed Ye Fusheng's head.

"This is a monster? So ugly?!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling disgusted by the stench, he knew that the monsters in the village were so ugly, he might as well kill the previous ghosts.

I won’t talk about the big long legs and the little white rabbit, the main thing is that it smells good too!
(PS: No.12 is updated today!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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