Invincible in one touch

Chapter 106 The Sweaty Struggle

Chapter 106 The Sweaty Struggle


Youyan warhorse neighed, raised its front hooves, and kicked the two corpses fiercely.


The two corpses immediately flew upside down, with blood streaks appearing on their heads.

Ye Fusheng also displayed his eagle eye talent, the data panel floated up and appeared in front of him.

Rating: 45
Blood value: 3000
Attack: 350
Defense: 100
Pounce: Leap up suddenly, causing certain damage to the enemy, and has a 3% chance to stun the enemy for 1 second
Stinging Claw: Causes high damage to the enemy, and has a 3% chance to make the enemy enter a poisoned state, reducing 1% of your own blood per second, and the duration depends on the monster level
Corpse: When attacked, there is a certain chance to increase its own defense by 5%, which can be superimposed

Sea of ​​corpses: When the number of corpses in the vicinity reaches a certain number, increase its own attributes by 5%, and increase its movement speed and attack speed by 10%. Every time it is triggered, it can also randomly obtain BUFFs such as bloodthirsty, berserk, and tenacity, which lasts time 10 minutes
The attributes are not strong, and the blood value is terrible, but the skills are really good, especially the two skills of corpse sea and corpse, one of which can be superimposed infinitely, as long as it is not killed by a second, it is almost invincible.

As for the sea of ​​corpses, it is nothing if the number is small, but once the number of monsters reaches tens of thousands, their attributes will be against the sky!Coupled with those BUFF effects, maybe even the boss will die in their hands!

The only bad thing is that both the image and the name of the corpse are too low.

"It's so disgusting, existence like you, you'd better go to hell obediently!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng stepped forward, brandished the bright light sword, and cut off the two corpses fiercely before they could react.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing the zombie, and get 1000 experience points as a reward."


The experience points are pitifully low, and even the gold coins have not been exploded, which makes Ye Fusheng quite depressed.

The property difference is not unreasonable!
Continue to explore the village, as expected, they are all occupied by demons, and there are corpses in almost every courtyard.

Fortunately, they were all scattered, their attributes were extremely low, and they couldn't bear the high output of the bright light sword at all, and they turned into Ye Fusheng's experience one after another.

After cleaning up the entire village, no more female ghosts appeared. Ye Fusheng glanced at the village and then moved on to the next village.

However, the farther away from this village, the mysterious diary in Ye Fusheng's backpack also dimmed.

The mountain road leading to the next village was rugged, and when Ye Fusheng went deep, he suddenly heard the sound of rapid breathing.

Looking up, I saw many broken bodies, some with only bones left, dangling, and holding rusty iron swords.

Not far away, there is also a corpse lying on the ground.

"It seems that this is the village that Xing Yun said was invaded by the demons!"

With a raised brow, Ye Fusheng quickly stepped forward, unleashing heavy slash, rush slash and other skills, crazily slaughtering those corpses.

The Youyan Warhorse is not easy to mess with, its hooves are galloping, every time it kicks on those corpses, it can smash their bones!

It can even spray out flames, causing terrifying damage.

While slaughtering monsters, Ye Fusheng used his talent of eagle eye to detect the type of monsters.

walking dead
Rating: 31
Blood value: 2500
Attack: 200
Defense: 320
The walking dead: no pain, can't be imprisoned, has great strength and unlimited stamina

Immortality: No damage is received within 10 seconds, and the blood value of the self is restored to full state

Undead Legion: When there are undead around, it can absorb 10% of the target's attributes to bless itself, and increase its attributes by 5% in reverse; when the number of undead around reaches 100, its own attributes will increase by 50%, and the nearby undead will increase When the number of undead around reaches 25, the overall attributes of the self will increase by 1000%, and the total attributes of nearby undead creatures will increase by 100%...and so on, without end

Description: The undead army summoned by evil spirits has terrible defense and regeneration capabilities
"Hiss... is this monster's skill so perverted?"

"It seems that you can't kill in groups, you can only kill with a single click!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help worrying about the Ninth Legion, wondering if those soldiers would lose when they encountered undead monsters with such skills.

However, Ye Fusheng thought about it again, they are warriors who have experienced killing after all, if they can't even deal with this most basic ethnic group, they might as well go home and farm.

Although the skills of this walking corpse are abnormal, they can improve the strength of undead creatures of different races and themselves, but their basic attributes are too low.

It is okay to deal with ordinary people, but if you encounter a real peak powerhouse, such as Xing Yun, I am afraid that if you summon hundreds of thousands of heads, they will not be able to stop others' sword.

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but rejoice that he successfully hugged Xing Yun's thigh.

In the future, I have to build a good relationship with Xing Yun.

Among other things, it would be great if I could get Xingyun's sword. With one sword, I killed the sky-level boss with 70% of the blood value. It is definitely a magic weapon!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing the walking corpse, and get a reward of 2000 experience points."

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for killing the zombie, and get a reward of 1000 experience points."

The system prompts kept ringing, and Ye Fusheng pushed forward alone. In less than half an hour, he had cleared all the undead around the mountain road and came to the village.

At this time, the village is full of walking corpses and corpses, wandering in the village.

"Huh? They actually came together?"

"This is not good! Could it be that someone controls them?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng took a careful look, but did not see anyone else.

"Forget it, these numbers are less than a thousand, and the blessing attribute is not high, just kill them directly!"

After a little calculation, after confirming that the attributes of these corpses and walking corpses would not be too strong, Ye Fusheng rode the Youyan warhorse, and rushed straight into the village, brandishing the bright light sword in his hand, and the sword energy raged in an instant, hitting those On the undead.

Of course, due to the location of the walking corpses, they are not afraid of any control, so Ye Fusheng had to give up his control skills, and after releasing waves of meteor fire rain, he frantically leveled A, triggering passive sword energy.

The blood value of the walking corpse is extremely low, and the sword energy can be triggered three or four times to kill a bunch of walking corpses. Coupled with the continuous high output of Meteor Fire Rain, the efficiency of killing monsters is frighteningly high.

However, there is no other way. If he is too slow and fails to kill the boss before the arrival of the Ninth Legion, the possibility of eating the reward from the boss alone will be gone.

For money and experience, for Nako and equipment, Ye Fusheng can only fight like sweat!

boom boom-

The sword energy was triggered continuously, slashing at those corpses. Immediately afterwards, the bright light sword flashed brilliance, like cutting melons and vegetables, and passed over the heads of the walking corpses.

wow wow wow-

Not long after, the undead legion in the village was defeated like a mountain, and one after another undead fell in front of Ye Fusheng, turned into experience, and burst out a lot of equipment and silver coins.


However, before Ye Fusheng could pack up the loot, a gloomy and cold laughter suddenly rang in his ears!

(PS: Today's No.13 update, there will be more follow-up!)
(End of this chapter)

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