Chapter 107
"Hehehe—I didn't expect to attract a big fish so quickly!"

"Your meat is very delicious. If I can eat you, I will definitely become stronger!"

Suddenly, there was an illusion in the air, and a figure in a black robe stepped out of it.

Black air swirled around him, looking full of force.

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng directly glanced at the eagle-eyed talent, and immediately listed out the detailed attributes.

Black Flame Lord Undead Jack (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 130000
Magic Attack Power: 890-1120
Defense: 500
Black Flame Net: Unleash the Black Flame Net, strike enemies within 30X30 yards in front, and have a 10% chance to imprison the enemy

Resurrection of the Undead: Restore 10% of your own blood, and provide a speed bonus that continues to decay within [-] seconds
Awakening of the dead: Casting on a dead unit can revive it and become a walking corpse or corpse

Roar of the Black Dragon: Condensing dark magic, summoning a wave of black dragons, causing extremely high single-target damage to the enemy

Summon Bone Dragon: Cast dark magic, open the gate of hell, and call out a powerful bone dragon from it. The duration is 10 seconds.
Description: An evil mage from hell, in order to enhance his own power, came to the human land, absorbed the power of human souls, and killed tens of thousands of civilians for his own selfish desires
"Hiss...Health recovery, summoning, and single-target high-damage magic!"

"It's a good thing that Qingning and the others didn't meet this boss, otherwise, the death would be terrible!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng smiled again.

That's right, the attributes and skills of this Undead Jack are very powerful, but Ye Fusheng has so many special effects equipment for suppressing the undead, as well as the Youyan Warhorse, if he still can't clean up the Undead Jack, then he simply deletes his account!

"Heck, kid, offer me your flesh and blood!"

"The dead awaken!"

With a sneering sneer, Undead Jack waved his right hand lightly, and the staff immediately released dozens of black rays of light, which fell into the walking corpses that had been beheaded by Ye Fusheng earlier.


In an instant, dozens of walking corpses screamed and got up, they came back to life, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng one after another.

This made Ye Fusheng frowned slightly, and he suddenly noticed that after the corpse was revived, there was a strange black light shining on its body, and even the speed was much faster.

Obviously, after Undead Jack revived those walking corpses, he could also strengthen their attributes.

"Meteor shower!"

Turning his eyeballs, Ye Fusheng did not hesitate at all, and sprinkled a rain of meteors and fire around himself.

boom boom-

The fiery red meteorites kept falling, and for a while, all the walking corpses were isolated.

After being equipped with the Bone Dragon Chain, Ye Fusheng's physical attack and magic attack are shared, and the meteor fire rain damage is extremely high, those walking corpses dare not rush in at all.

"Unexpectedly, I underestimated you!"

In the distance, Undead Jack's voice was low, and immediately he raised his hands and began to chant a spell.


Black rays of light surged and gathered in his hands.

Obviously, he wants to cast a spell!

"Hahaha, if you want to use your skills, have you asked me?"

Ye Fusheng laughed loudly, got off his horse, charged and let go!

Like lightning, Ye Fusheng swept past many walking corpses in an instant, and came to Undead Jack.

The bright light sword raised high, containing holy brilliance, and slashed at Undead Jack.

At the same time as the high damage flew up, Undead Jack's spellcasting was interrupted and he fell into a coma.

Ye Fusheng would not miss this opportunity, the unexplained combo of basic attack + heavy slash + general attack erupted, and immediately recharged, the sword light burst out like thunder, gathering around Ye Fusheng.

"Sword Swinging Nine Heavens—"


The sword energy was like thunder, raging vertically and horizontally, hitting Undead Jack continuously, and three blood-red numbers jumped up one after another!

After a set of combos, under the blessing of the sacred attribute, the output of nearly 12 hits, causing Undead Jack to lose [-]% of his blood!

At the same time, Undead Jack woke up, only feeling numb and in pain.

"Hey, damn it kid, I'm going to kill you!"

Undead Jack was furious, and swung his staff at Ye Fusheng.

However, Ye Fusheng quickly retreated after finishing the combo. With the bonus of high agility, how could Undead Jack, a mage, hit it?
Quickly opened the distance, Ye Fusheng switched weapons, opened his bow and nocked an arrow! -

With the blessing of the sure shot, Ye Fusheng didn't even aim, and the two feathered arrows landed on Undead Jack.

It's a pity that Ye Fusheng has not yet learned the active skill of the arrow system, and has no sacred characteristics, so the damage is quite low.

Fortunately, the attack interval of the bow and arrow was extremely short, and after several attacks, nearly [-] blood of Undead Jack was destroyed!

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Undead Jack resisted the offensive, waved his hands, and the black devilish energy surged again.

This made Ye Fusheng frown slightly, now that his skills are cooling down, it seems that he can only bear the damage of this time's skills.

Who knew that this guy's skill cooldown is so short!

Hope it doesn't hurt too much.

"Black Dragon Roars!"


The sound of dragon chant suddenly sounded, and the black demonic energy turned into a giant dragon, attacking and killing Ye Fusheng with lightning speed.

The body was pierced by the black dragon, as if being torn apart, the excruciating pain made Ye Fusheng's face contort.

His blood has plummeted by more than half!
Fortunately, when he brushed Undead Sword Soul and Ghost King earlier, he plundered more than 600 health points, otherwise he would be on the verge of death with this skill!

Fortunately, after releasing the roar of the black dragon this time, Undead Jack no longer cast spells, the staff in his hand floated up, released black light, and cast Awakening of the Dead again.

Dozens of walking corpses screamed and got up and surrounded them.

"No, it can't be summoned forever!"

"When the number reaches a certain level, the attributes of the walking corpses will be doubled. Meteor fire showers alone can't kill them!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng suddenly heard the special passive of walking corpses, and quickly began to dodge, taking drugs to restore blood, while using the skill of meteor fire rain.

Beep beep beep——

The shower of meteor fire continued to release, and for a while, the entire area became a sea of ​​flames.

Almost at the moment when the walking corpses were resurrected, flames ignited, burning them to death!

In this way, with Undead Jack's summoning speed, it is impossible for the number of walking corpses to reach over a hundred, let alone trigger the passive.

Of course, this consumes a lot of Ye Fusheng's potion!
After a while, the skill cooldown ended, and Ye Fusheng approached Undead Jack again.

At this time, Undead Jack's blood volume has been reduced to 40% under the double attack of meteor fire rain and bow and arrow!

Another set of combos, combined with a bow and arrow, will definitely solve it within 2 minutes!

However, Ye Fusheng wanted to kill it, and it was plotting against Ye Fusheng.

When Ye Fusheng approached, Undead Jack suddenly jumped up, and the magic staff in his hand turned into a huge black net, and flew out suddenly.

Horror and full of evil power, like a mountain, it crashed down on Ye Fusheng's body!
(PS: Today’s No.14 update, I will work harder tonight to see if I can update the fifteenth chapter. In addition, tomorrow is the fifth chapter update. I hope everyone will support it, vote for more recommendations, and subscribe more! Future updates will not Little ones, I love you guys, okay!)

(End of this chapter)

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