Invincible in one touch

Chapter 108 Summon Bone Dragon!

Chapter 108 Summon Bone Dragon!

"Black Flame Net!"

The black flame ignited and turned into a huge net, like the mouth of a giant beast, trying to swallow Ye Fusheng.

"Damn it, you must not be trapped by it, otherwise, I can't stand the roaring attack of the black dragon!"

Frowning tightly, Ye Fusheng hastily switched weapons, using his sword swing for nine days!

The thunder burst out, and the sword energy was fierce, and it collided with the burning black flame immediately.

The terrifying power burst out, and the black flame net was shattered under the powerful offensive, but the sword swinging for nine days also fell into cooling.

Without this skill, it would be very difficult for Ye Fusheng to kill Undead Jack with a set of combos.

"Hmph, the dead are awakened!"

Undead Jack waved his staff, and the dead walking corpses on the ground were revived again, like moths rushing to a flame, they slashed at Ye Fusheng.

At the same time, Undead Jack rubbed his hands, and the dark breath came again - the black dragon roared and read!
"No, the skill must be interrupted!"

Seeing that Undead Jack was reading the article, but he still had a long distance, Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, suddenly summoned You Yan, and quickly rushed towards Undead Jack.

After reaching 35 yards, Youyan retracted, and almost the moment it landed, it was released by punching and slashing!


Like lightning, Ye Fusheng went straight through the group of walking corpses, and the bright light sword slashed at Undead Jack with power.

The blood-red numbers flew up, and the dizzy effect was also played.

"Good job!"

Interrupting the spellcasting, Ye Fusheng did not hesitate at all, and launched a combo of basic attack + heavy slash + basic attack, causing 8000+ damage while retreating, and summoning meteor fire rain again, covering the surrounding area and reducing the speed of the walking corpses around.

After doing all this, Ye Fusheng began to drink blood medicine, switched bows and arrows, and kept leveling A to cause damage to Undead Jack, and restore his blood volume by the way.

The cooldown CD of the Black Dragon Roar is shorter than that of the punch, and he can't strike from a distance with a shocking punch. Therefore, for the second Black Dragon Roar, he can only choose to fill up his blood volume and resist!
As for melee?Don't even think about it!
There are many walking corpses around him, which is troublesome enough. If he is in close combat, he can't bear so much damage at all!

Sure enough, not long after regaining consciousness, Undead Jack cast another spell, and the black dragon roared and exploded, almost devouring Ye Fusheng's soul.

However, Ye Fusheng had been prepared for a long time, and he was able to guarantee his own safety even if there was no danger, and kept weakening Undead Jack's blood.

After all, Undead Jack is just a BOSS with a fixed behavior pattern. After he figured out the rules of the Black Flame Net, the Awakening of the Dead, and the Black Dragon's Roar, Ye Fusheng's output to it also stabilized.

Almost every combo, while avoiding a wave of black dragon's roar, can also cause nearly 10% damage to it.

After six times in a row, combined with the long-range bow and arrow strikes, Undead Jack's blood bar turned black, and he had dropped below 15%!

At this time, Undead Jack finally activated the last two skills.

"Hey, damn it, I will use my soul to curse everything about you!"

"Resurrection of the Undead!"

After a brief chanting, Undead Jack's body flickered with a faint light, and his health bar soared by 10%. At the same time, his moving speed accelerated, like a ghost, constantly changing his body shape.

In this way, Ye Fusheng couldn't even lock it.

Immediately afterwards, there was another low moan full of evil breath, and the system bell also rang.


"Battle reminder: Black Flame Lord Undead Jack is about to cast Summon Bone Dragon. After the spell is successfully cast, the gate of hell will be opened and a powerful bone dragon will be summoned from it!"

"Damn it, it's playing a big trick!"

Seeing the system prompt, Ye Fusheng's expression changed drastically.

A dragon, even a dead bone dragon, is at least a sky-level boss!

The appearance of the previous bone dragon could weaken 80% of his attributes. If it weren't for Xing Yun, he would have died tragically in the hands of the bone dragon.

Right now, Undead Jack must not be allowed to summon the bone dragon!

It is necessary to interrupt Undead Jack's skills, otherwise, he will die!

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng's soul locks on to the ever-changing Undead Jack, and quickly rushes forward, slashing and releasing!


The bright light sword was extremely sharp, and suddenly cut through Undead Jack's body, bringing up a blood-red number 4001!

However, Undead Jack, who should have been stunned, still changed his figure and chanted a spell.

"How could it be? Isn't rushing and chopping necessarily dizzy?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes widened, he quickly opened the battle prompt, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Combat reminder: Since Undead Jack is in a special state, he is immune to this stun effect!"

"Damn it, if you can't punch and slash, then you can only shock your heart with a punch!"

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng turned around quickly, ran towards Undead Jack, clenched his fist with his right hand, and punched out with astonishing force!

boom! -


It dealt a lot of damage, but the control effect was still immune, which made Ye Fusheng despair.

Both of the powerful control skills are invalid. Could it be that Undead Jack is really going to summon the bone dragon?
"No, Undead Jack has more than 1 blood left, as long as he can kill it before summoning the bone dragon, wouldn't it be fine?"

With a glance, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed that Undead Jack only had more than 1 vitality left under his strong attack. Although the skills could not interrupt his spellcasting, they could still cause damage to it. This is the hope of a comeback!

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng no longer hesitated, he switched back to the Bright Light Sword, and kept slashing at Undead Jack.

The bright light sword has sacred characteristics and can cause higher damage. Even if the attack speed is a little slower, it can surpass bows and arrows or gloves!

The damage numbers kept popping out of his head, and Undead Jack's blood bar turned black, but he still sneered, showing a ferocious face.

At the same time, the space gradually cracked, and the terrifying devilish energy had penetrated from it.

Obviously, the bone dragon is about to be summoned!

However, Undead Jack still has more than 6000 blood points at the end. What should he do when his skills are cooling down?
"Mad, fight!"

Ye Fusheng became ruthless, and cut down with his sword again despite everything.

Crit, it must be a crit!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully triggering the looting technique and getting the skill summon Bone Dragon!"


Seeing the prompt suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned, and even stopped the offensive in his hand.

"Hahaha, you're done!"

"The devil is about to come, and the darkness will swallow everything. You will eventually become my undead!"

At this time, Undead Jack laughed loudly, and then he waved his hand, and the staff suddenly burst into light, shattering the space.


Time and space shattered, and a huge bone dragon head suddenly protruded from the gap in space.

The terrifying power fell, and the entire oppressive sky darkened.

However, Ye Fusheng ignored all this, instead he opened the skill panel, released it, and summoned Bone Dragon!

Just when the bone dragon skull was about to spew out flames, Ye Fusheng also entered the state of casting spells, his body moved instantly, and unexpectedly dodged the dragon's breath.


"how can that be?"

Feeling the familiar aura emanating from Ye Fusheng's body, Undead Jack was completely confused.

"Impossible! How do you know my skills?"

"How can you summon a bone dragon? That's the contract I signed after sacrificing my soul!"

Undead Jack is going crazy. What's the situation? Why does Ye Fusheng also summon the bone dragon, and the contract and blood power are exactly the same as it?
Doesn't that mean that Ye Fusheng spent his soul power to summon the bone dragon?

This is not scientific!

"System prompt: Since the bone dragon that has signed a contract with this skill has been summoned, it cannot be summoned again. Do you want to use retrograde summoning to call it back, and then summon it again?"


His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, as long as the bone dragon could not participate in the battlefield, it didn't matter whether he could summon it, anyway, he had acquired the skill, and there would be plenty of opportunities to summon it in the future!

Furthermore, Undead Jack is already at residual blood, as long as the bone dragon can't participate in the battle, he can kill Undead Jack casually.


boom! boom! boom!
When Ye Fusheng made his choice, the space shattered again, releasing a strong pulling force, and suddenly sucked back the powerful bone dragon that hadn't had time to show off its power.


"What's the situation? Don't go!"

Seeing that the bone dragon was swallowed by the space gap, Undead Jack's head was not enough at all, and he was completely confused.

"Now that the bone dragon is gone, I want to see who else can save you!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng would not be merciful to the BOSS's subordinates, taking advantage of the moment when Undead Jack was in a daze, he jumped up suddenly, and the bright lightsaber shone brightly and dazzlingly!

Rich experience and equipment rewards, here I come!

(PS: Transitional plot, let me reveal to you next, it will be through a large-scale, touching and poignant love mission, get news from the gods, and then open the pet egg, hehe, I can guarantee that you will never guess the pet What is it!!!
In addition, please recommend tickets, this chapter is a big chapter of nearly 3000 words! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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