Invincible in one touch

Chapter 110 Since it is the wish of the goddess, I will work hard

Chapter 110 Since it is the wish of the goddess, I will work hard

"Master Baiyi, I hope you don't listen to other people's slander. You have to understand that I, Xingyun, created all this and formed so many legions, all for the purpose of resisting the demons!"

Xing Yun's voice was calm: "Sunset City is the junction of the kingdom and the dark plain. If the defense here is weak, if the Star Watching Tower thousands of miles away falls, the whole kingdom will be in crisis!"

"Good one for the kingdom!"

Bai Yi said: "In this case, why don't you disperse the military power and have these legions stationed around the Star Watching Tower, guarding each other, guarding Sunset City, guarding the border defense, and instead supporting yourself?"

"Only I can give them the most correct instructions!"

Xing Yun said calmly: "On the battlefield, there is a difference of one centimeter! I don't want to see any of them die in battle! Since I formed this army, I have the right to be responsible for their lives!"

"That's enough, Lord Baiyi, if you don't believe me, you can go to the Watching Tower with me tomorrow to see the surrounding city defenses!"

"Since City Master Xing has said so, then it is better to obey orders than be respectful!"


The voice fell, and with the sound of footsteps, the backyard suddenly fell silent.


Not long after, a sigh came out, and Xing Yun said in a low voice: "Little guy, since you're here, come out!"

"Cough cough!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng walked out and said awkwardly: "Goddess, I didn't know you had guests here, so I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, it's nothing."

Shaking her head slightly, Xing Yun forced a smile and asked, "Come back so soon, could it be that you have already controlled the army?"

"Or, the Ninth Legion doesn't listen to you? Doesn't want to follow you to expel the demons?"

Previously, Ye Fusheng hadn't passed the Xing Yun test, but now, even though Ye Fusheng still didn't get the divine blood and completed his professional advancement, Xing Yun recognized Ye Fusheng's performance very much, and his attitude was naturally much better.

"They are still very obedient!"

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "I have led people to expel the demons. By the way, that is a necromancer who summoned countless dead and invaded the village."

"It's a pity, that guy is too hateful, he killed everyone and failed to save anyone!"

"It's really hateful!"

Xing Yun's face darkened, and she asked, "What about its head?"

"I have asked them to redeem the reward."

Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "I have been to the Legion, and the various facilities are not very complete. Let them go to collect the bounty, so that they can improve the Legion's facilities and let them train."

"Have a heart."

Xing Yun nodded and said: "However, you don't need to do these things. Since you have recovered them, I will let the logistics department speed up and complete the Ninth Army. At that time, you can take the army out to station and guard the frontier ! Or take them to the Demon Race and expand the territory!"

"Oh? Are we going to attack the demons?!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"The land under the feet of the demons was the frontier of our human race ten thousand years ago!"

"My wish, the point of the sword's edge, there is no trace of magic!"

Xing Yun looked into the distance, her eyes full of determination.

Staring at Xing Yun for a moment, Ye Fusheng suddenly stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder.


Suddenly being patted on the shoulder by Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun's body trembled, and her whole heart was in a mess.

"Since it is your wish as a goddess, then I will help you too!"

Ye Fusheng smiled brightly, like a star, warming Xing Yun's heart.

"Okay, you can improve your strength first!"

Xing Yun didn't push Ye Fusheng away, but there was a strange emotion in the depths of her eyes.


Coughing lightly, Ye Fusheng said with a smile: "I also want to improve my strength, then Goddess, you help me get it, give me more rewards! It's best to tell me where the divine blood is!"

"Haste makes waste, I can't spoil the growth!"

Shaking her head slightly, Xing Yun stretched out her hand and tapped Ye Fusheng's forehead, and said: "However, this time you completed the task very well, I can grant you a request at my discretion!"


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully completing the task [Undead Village], you will be rewarded with 500000 experience points, 1000 reputation points, and 50000 merit points!"

The experience value has skyrocketed. It has to be said that the rewards are relatively rich. Maybe Xing Yun said no, but secretly increased the rewards for Ye Fusheng.

O woman!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for reaching 100000 points of merit. The military rank system is enabled. The current rank is Captain! All attributes increase by 5%, PVP all attributes increase by 3%, and movement speed, attack speed, and spellcasting speed increase by 3%!"

"I'm already the head of the legion, why is the rank of captain a lieutenant?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly realized that maybe this game is set to calculate military rank and military rank separately.

That's fine, it's challenging to improve slowly, and it's boring if everything is at full level at the beginning!

However, none of these things would excite Ye Fusheng, what really excited him was Xing Yun's words!

"Senior sister, can you really promise me one request?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes were like blazing flames, staring closely at Xing Yun.

Being watched by that fiery gaze, Xing Yun's cheeks were slightly red, she turned her head to one side, and said in a low voice, "You little brat, what do you want to do?"

"Cough cough!"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly took out the skill book of resuscitating the dead, and said eagerly: "Goddess, I got this thing after killing Undead Jack just now! Unfortunately, only the undead can comprehend this thing, can you help me change the attribute? "


Xing Yun blinked her eyes, and said in surprise, "That's all you want?"

"Yes! Why, can't you?"

Ye Fusheng blinked his eyes.

"of course can!"

Xing Yun smiled brightly: "However, this skill is too weak, I will strengthen it for you."

Saying that, Xing Yun waved her right hand, and a silver-white radiance immediately shone on the purple book.


"System prompt: The resurrection skill of the dead has changed and evolved into the source of life!"

Source of Life (Holy Spirit-level skill): Recover 15% of your own HP, and provide 10 seconds of decaying movement speed, casting speed and dodge BUFF bonus
"Huh? At level 1, you can recover 15% of your blood? This skill is against the sky!"

"Hahaha, thank you goddess!"

After quickly learning the skills, Ye Fusheng excitedly picked up Xing Yun and spun around.

In an instant, Xing Yun blushed, but she didn't say much.

After a long time, Ye Fusheng put down Xing Yun, grinned and said: "I'm sorry, Goddess, I was so happy that I didn't notice."

"It's okay, your strength has improved, and I'm happy for you!"

Xing Yun said softly: "Now, your strength is still too weak. I hope you can rise up as soon as possible and provoke the leader of the human race! I... I am a woman after all, and there are many restrictions! All hope can only depend on you!"

"Cough cough!"

Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes, grinned and said, "By the way, Goddess, where will my Ninth Legion be stationed in the future? I saw that white dress just now. It seems that I have a lot of opinions on our legion. You don't want to leave here, do you?"

In a short time, Ye Fusheng will practice leveling near Sunset City, if the Ninth Army is transferred away, he will not be able to rely on the Ninth Army to practice.

"Don't worry, these legions are all created by me, and I will naturally not let them go!"

"Don't say it's the White Clothes Lord. Even if the king comes in person, I won't give up!"

Xing Yun's eyes were firm, and she immediately smiled and said: "By the way, since you are the commander of the legion now, you need to have your own mansion!"

"The mansion? Can I still get the mansion?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned, he could still have his own mansion in the game, what about the territory?
If he conquers the city, he can become the king of an area?
"That's natural!"

Slightly nodding, Xing Yun took out a key from her bosom and handed it to Ye Fusheng: "I have selected the guards and servant girls for you, they know the location, just let them lead the way!"

"Okay, I still have to prepare for tomorrow's tour, you go first!"

After finishing speaking, Xing Yun waved her hand, turned and left.

Not far away, there were already dozens of figures lined up neatly, half kneeling on the ground, some men and some women, they were the maids and guards that Xing Yun had prepared for him.

"Hiss... From this point of view, this legion commander deserves it!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng waved his hand to let those guards lead the team. He also wants to experience the life of a lord in the game!
(PS: Xingyun is a very important character, not just a game NPC, so there are more descriptions, you can also guess her identity, hehe, there will be an update tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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