Chapter 111 Me too

When Ye Fusheng saw his mansion, he fell into it.

The antique gardens, water pavilions and pavilions, together with countless jade products, all give Ye Fusheng a feeling of returning to ancient times.

Coupled with those maidservants, Ye Fusheng even felt that his life was complete, if he could find another mistress, he would not want to go out to level up and fight again.

"Well, if the goddess can accompany me to live in, wouldn't I be a winner in life?"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help shaking his head, he could only think about it, after all, with Xing Yun's strength and wish, it is impossible to settle down in one corner.

Greeting the guards and maidservants to enter their positions, Ye Fusheng played around the mansion for a while, then went back to the inner hall.

After killing so many bosses one after another, Ye Fusheng was a little tired.

It happened to relax, anyway, the distance between him and other players was impossible to catch up in a short time.Except for that dragon in white!

"By the way, I don't know how the white-clothed dragon is doing now!"

After pondering, Ye Fusheng browsed through the major lists.

In various rankings, Ye Fusheng is No. 1. He rides Juechen and Zilong in white clothes. He also leaves the rest of the rankings behind by a huge gap, firmly occupying No. 2 times!

However, in terms of rank, the gap between the top players in the Huaxia Theater is not too big, and this is also thanks to Ye Fusheng.

1. Floating Life——Level 37 (Predator of the Heavens)
2. White-clothed Zilong——Level 29 (Dragon Knight Guard)

3. Son of the Dragon - Level 27 (Warrior)

4. Night Hidden - Level 27 (Assassin)

5. Poisoner Jia Xu——Level 27 (Mage)

6. Feng Ling Xue Wu - Level 27 (Hunter)

7. Braveheart - Level 27 (Shield Guard)

8. Bright Feather - Level 26 (Mage)

9. Hanguang - Level 26 (Hunter)

10. Rabbits don't eat carrots - level 26 (mage)

This time, there were quite a few changes in the ranking list, and several new IDs appeared.

What surprised Ye Fusheng even more was that Bright Feather quickly rushed to No.8. It seems that after the level is raised, the advantages of mage leveling began to show, and some fighters and hunters who were not strong enough were surpassed in level.

"Tsk tsk, hurry up and upgrade!"

Ye Fusheng curled his lips, very eager for everyone to upgrade quickly.

Only by reaching level 30 as soon as possible, and most people flooding into the secondary main city, can he sell equipment to make money, pay off his debts, and support his female war god Xingyun!
As for whether he will be caught up by others?Ye Fusheng is not worried at all, after all, he has already established a relationship with the strongest person in Sunset City, and has seized the opportunity, so he is not afraid at all.

Moreover, the gap between him and the others is too great, no one can catch up in a short time, not even Zilong in white!

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, Ye Fusheng thought of what the doctor told him, so he chose to log off.

After logging out, Ye Fusheng turned his head and saw that Qian Shanxue really didn't look like a goddess, lying on the bed in disheveled clothes.

This made Ye Fusheng shake his head, where is there a goddess in this world?
Ignoring Qian Shanxue at all, Ye Fusheng walked out of the room and touched Qingning's room.

For a while, the moon shyly hid in the clouds.

There was nothing to say all night, the next morning, when Ye Fusheng came out of Qingning's room, Qian Shanxue was already sitting outside in the living room.

"Yo, our young master is stealing food in front of his grandma!"

Qian Shanxue frowned, and looked at Ye Fusheng playfully.

"You said it all, in front of you, how can it be considered stealing?"

Ye Fusheng sneered: "Woke up so early, have you prepared breakfast yet?"

"It has already been bought."

Qian Shanxue lazily stretched her waist, and suddenly said: "By the way, after you went offline yesterday, another person completed the task and changed to a hidden profession!"


Ye Fusheng asked casually.

"ID is called Xinxiangmingyue, she seems to be an infatuated person."

"I have already sent someone to find out his details, do you want to lure him into the guild?"

Qian Shanxue said in a deep voice: "Nowadays, there are not many people who can get hidden jobs."

"You can figure it out. The guild's affairs are left to you. However, you must check your character. If your character is not good, no matter how strong you are, you can't accept it!"

Ye Fusheng waved his hand.

Just at this time, the butler Lao Liu came back.

After breakfast, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue went back to their room and went online together.

After going online, Ye Fusheng thought for a moment, and decided to visit the Ninth Legion.

After leaving the city gate, Ye Fusheng summoned the Youyan war horse, galloping with hooves, and arrived at the Ninth Army within a short while.

This time, the Ninth Army Corps changed drastically. There were two rows of soldiers standing at the gate of the camp, and there were still people patrolling around. It changed from the previous decadent attitude, which surprised Ye Fusheng.

"The general is here!"

"The general is here! Welcome back the general!"

Seeing Ye Fusheng's return, those private soldiers cheered and rushed out immediately, and immediately entered the camp to meet Ye Fusheng.

After what happened yesterday, they had completely convinced Ye Fusheng.

After all, not everyone has the ability to defeat the necromancer, especially after Bai Ye's explanation, they came to their senses and were convinced by Ye Fusheng.

"See your lord!"

Entering the barracks, Bai Ye and several other lieutenants rushed over, knelt down on one knee, each one convinced.

Yesterday, when they took Undead Jack's head to accept the award, they learned about the horror of Undead Jack.

"That's right, you guys are in great shape today!"

Ye Fusheng swept his gaze, and then looked around, all the things related to gambling in the military camp were discarded, replaced by various equipment used in military training.

This also let Ye Fusheng see their determination.

Obviously, before they would be decadent, it was affected by the mad war.

At this time, he came to take over, once he convinced them, he would gain their respect, and he would naturally train hard, not wanting to be looked down upon by Ye Fusheng.

"General, our army has been working hard to cultivate. As long as the general has an order to attack the demons, we will obey the orders! Even if we are heartbroken, we will be this body and protect our human race!"

With a solemn expression, Bai Ye made an oath.

"So do we!"

"Me too!"

Bai Ye was educated, and the other generals knew at a glance that he was not an academic school, and they all shouted out in rough voices.

"Ahem, very good, I have seen your intentions!"

Ye Fusheng almost didn't laugh when he heard the unanimous "I am the same" suddenly, but he held back after all, after all, these guys can be regarded as his people, so they can't be chilled .

However, if there is a chance in the future, I still have to teach them some knowledge.

For example, do ten sets of test papers and one hundred sets of tutoring questions every day!
If those generals knew what Ye Fusheng was thinking, they would definitely call the devil directly!
"Today, we don't have a mission, but when I was carrying out the mission yesterday, I discovered a strange place!"

"The mission I gave you is to follow me to explore that weird area! Do you dare to go?"

Ye Fusheng glanced at the crowd, and shouted in a deep voice: "I would like to announce in advance that there are terrifying ghosts there, and they are very different from the undead. Perhaps, you will suffer heavy casualties!"

"Now, any of you who dare not go, or don't want to go, can tell me! If you get to the place and run away again, don't blame me for being rude!"

"You guys, dare you?"


After the words fell, countless soldiers and soldiers roared, their necks thickened and their faces blushing.

"Very good, then, let's go as a team!"

Ye Fusheng raised his right hand, and in an instant, the entire Ninth Legion was boiling.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye couldn't help but burst into tears.

The lifeless Ninth Army has finally returned to normal!

However, it will take some time before it can become a truly powerful army and regain its previous combat effectiveness.

Being strong doesn't happen overnight!
Ye Fusheng found Bai Ye while everyone was adjusting the army, and reminded him about the strength of the female ghost, and told them to be careful.

Don't look at what Ye Fusheng said earlier was very cold-blooded, but these troops are all his direct troops at this moment, and they can do many things for him in the future, so he doesn't want to see too many casualties.

These troops, no more than pets, can be reborn infinitely!

Bai Ye was very moved when he heard Ye Fusheng's words, it is the greatest luck for an army to have an officer like Ye Fusheng!

"My lord, you treat me like a soldier of the country! I have already treated him like a soldier of the country!"

Bai Ye clasped her fists and made up her mind that she would only fight for Ye Fusheng in her whole life!

Ye Fusheng couldn't bear the atmosphere, left everything to Bai Ye, and left the barracks.

Soon, the adjustment of the army was completed, and under the command of Ye Fusheng, tens of thousands of troops rushed out.

Along the way, many monsters appeared and were killed by the army, which added a lot of experience to Ye Fusheng.

But within ten minutes, Ye Fusheng came to the fork in the road when he went to the village again. Not far away, there was a mountain range.

Ye Fusheng opened the map and began to investigate carefully.

In front, the map shows a valley, with a dilapidated altar and a cemetery on the side.

It is said that thousands of years ago, there was a city there, but a disaster happened, and the city owner and others all died, leaving only some survivors, whose ashes and corpses were dug up and buried together.

Over time, it turned into a cemetery.

The altar next to it was also deserted because no one came.

In these four surroundings, there are several passages, all of which can be entered.

"Huh... a ghost appeared out of nowhere, maybe it was caused by the undead!"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng hastily ordered Bai Ye to lead the army to enter through the four passages, and send heavy troops to guard to prevent any fish that slipped through the net from escaping.

After giving the order, Ye Fusheng watched Bai Ye and his men divide into three groups and rush to the other three passages, and then stepped into the last passage.

(PS: A large-scale mission is about to start, and it is also a story I have been fantasizing about before. I hope that there will be that kind of friendship in the world! Please look forward to it!)

(End of this chapter)

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