Chapter 112

The passage was dark, but beyond Ye Fusheng's expectation, no monster appeared.

However, Ye Fusheng did not let down his vigilance, passing through the passage, he saw a plain.

Looking around, this plain area is full of ruins, ruins and broken walls are scattered everywhere, there are still some broken weapons left on it, and blood-stained cloth strips are flying here and there.


The wind gusts, the cold air comes, Ye Fusheng's heart shudders, he suddenly thinks of those blood-stained cloth strips, but they can turn into ghosts!

"It seems that this should be the place where those female ghosts live!"

With a sweep of his gaze, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed that there were thousands of blood-colored cloth strips flying around, and he suddenly realized it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng summoned the Youyan Warhorse, maximizing his own defense, holding the bright light sword, and put all his strength on guard.

Ghost female ghosts are immune to physics, bows and fists are useless at all, they can only kill enemies with bright light swords!
Riding the Youyan Warhorse, Ye Fusheng moved forward, and soon, several blood-colored cloth strips flew over.

Beside him, there are broken weapons and armor.


When the blood-colored cloth strips flew over Ye Fusheng, their figures immediately turned into beautiful women, but stained with blood, with hideous faces, they used blood-red claws to kill Ye Fusheng.


Not only that, there was a crisp sound from the ground, and those broken weapons and armors actually burst into green light and climbed up from the ground.

At a glance, it was clear that there was nothing in the armor, nothing, but they could move freely, rushed towards Ye Fusheng, and waved their blades.

"Hiss...there really are other monsters!"

Ye Fusheng had already checked the attributes of the female ghosts, knowing that they couldn't withstand his attack after being blessed with sacred attributes, so he quickly put his focus behind those green armors.

The bright light sword was swung out, and under the blessing of the Youyan warhorse, the sword energy shot out in an instant, cutting off the bodies of the two ghostly female ghosts.

Seemingly failing to kill them in seconds, the Youyan Warhorse opened its mouth and spewed out another cloud of anger, instantly burning them to ashes.

"Eh? Didn't kill in seconds?!"

Ye Fusheng was a little surprised, didn't he kill the female ghost in seconds before?Could it be that the female ghost attributes here will be stronger?

Surprised, Ye Fusheng used his eagle eye talent to scan the rushing green armors.

undead armor
Rating: 50
Blood value: 18000
Attack: 900
Defense: 610
Undead body protection: Since there is no flesh and blood, it is extremely immune to pain, reduces the damage it receives by 10%, and increases the damage by an additional 10% when it is attacked by magic

Darkness is coming: With the strong death energy, coupled with the blessing of the homeland, these uneasy ghosts become more powerful, and all attributes increase by 10%
Description: The undead who guarded the main city at the beginning were hard to calm down after death. They only wanted to avenge the people who died in the city. Therefore, when the enemies appeared near the city, they would recover and look forward to the opportunity of revenge
"All attributes increase by 10%, no wonder I can't drop it in seconds!"

After checking the attributes, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, 10%, that's not a low attribute value!
However, Ye Fusheng looked at the description carefully, but he had a guess in his heart.

Perhaps, this will be another magical mission!
"When the enemies appear near the city, they will revive. That is to say, their deaths back then were strange. The revival at this time also means that their enemies are nearby! This is definitely a main task!"

"We must get this task!"

Taking a deep breath, Ye Fusheng looked at the guards and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, although you were all heroic spirits back then, if I want to get the mission now, I have to find clues from you!"

After the words fell, Ye Fusheng made a decisive move, and the bright light sword swept across.

General attack + heavy slash + general attack + punching slash + sword swaying for nine days, the thunder-like offensive crashed down, bringing up a dozen blood-red numbers!

bang bang bang-

The sharp sword energy continued to impact and swept across the space, and the two armored monsters died straight away.

Sure enough, after they died, a bloody torn page burst out, on which was written the same font as the previous paper, but the handwriting was different, and the handwriting on the torn page of this chapter was blood!

Blood Diary: A diary stained with blood, which seems to record ancient secrets. When the number reaches a certain level, there may be unexpected discoveries

"Couple Diary?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered the mysterious diary that the ghost female ghost exploded last time, plus this blood-stained blood diary, could it be that they have two missions?

"Take care of how many tasks he has, the more tasks I have, the faster I can improve! Just kill him!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng was too lazy to think too much, and continued to go deep.


The cold wind was howling, and the cold air was threatening. From time to time, blood-stained cloth strips flew out as ghost ghosts, but before they touched Ye Fusheng, they were killed by the long-range sword energy combined with the jet flames of the Youyan warhorse.

As for those undead armors with green light, not to mention, they can't fly and are short in stature. Even Ye Fusheng can't attack them. toughness.

"Hey, it's not your fault that you are short, but if you want to hit me for being so short, then you are looking for your own death!"

"After all, not everyone is tall, rich and handsome like me!"

Sighing, Ye Fusheng ruthlessly destroyed those undead armors, and started a pleasant journey to level up.

Pushing all the way, in less than half an hour, there were at least five hundred female ghosts who died in Ye Fusheng's hands, and thirteen mysterious diaries were revealed.

It's a pity that the number has not yet been reached, and there are not even ten blood diaries. It will take a long time to activate the mission.

As it went deeper, there were more and more broken altars beside it, and a small palace stood in the distance.

"And the palace?!"

Seeing the palace, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, and he hurried over.

When things happen, there must be a demon. On the map of the official website, there is no such palace. It is obviously a hidden map, and there must be a BOSS in it!

BOSS means equipment and experience!
In an instant, Ye Fusheng killed the past one by one with one sword and one horse.

Entering the palace, the surrounding voices suddenly dropped, and the accompaniment sounded, like resentment or admiration, desolate, creepy, like falling into an ice cellar.

"Special map! It must be a special map!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ye Fusheng was very excited. He called up the map data and looked at it. As expected, he had already entered the palace of resentment.

The palace is full of jade, and there are many screens and materials, and further down, there are dozens of corridors. Looking up, it is dark and deep, like an abyss.


The dark wind kept blowing, and in the dim space, there were constant sounds of water dripping and teeth grinding.

Suddenly, two floating figures flew over, their clothes and skirts were covered with blood, and their eyes were filled with miserable green liquid, which looked particularly terrifying.

As soon as those figures appeared, they quickly rushed towards Ye Fusheng, wailing mournfully.

Ye Fusheng was not afraid, he swung the bright light sword, triggered by the passive sword energy, coupled with the jet flames of the Youyan war horse splashed out, and landed on the two female ghosts.

"Ah-ah! Ah!"

In an instant, there was a blushing scream, and the two female ghosts froze, with blood-red numbers floating above their heads.

As if they were enraged, they became more fierce, raised their hands and threw a phantom dagger, stabbing at Ye Fusheng.


The dagger was so fast that Ye Fusheng didn't react, it stabbed him immediately, and a heart-piercing pain suddenly spread out.

The blood bar dropped by as much as 30.00% all of a sudden!

Ye Fusheng was extremely surprised!

You know, his attributes are extremely high now. With the addition of various BUFFs, ground weapons, and gold weapons, his total blood volume is as high as 4600+. How can these two ordinary monsters lose nearly 1000 of his blood in a second? ?

They are not BOSS!
Could it be, is it a bug?


Seeing this scene, Youyan Warhorse got angry, damn it, dare to hit my master in front of me?Can't find death? !

Devil energy and raging flames surged and gathered in the mouth of the Youyan Warhorse, and then erupted.

The blazing light instantly engulfed the two female ghosts, burning them to ashes!
"Not good! I haven't seen their attributes yet!"

Ye Fusheng's heart skipped a beat, but before he had time to display his eagle eye talent, the two female ghosts had turned into white light and dissipated, becoming his experience.

"Forget it, we can only keep going!"

Shaking his head slightly, Ye Fusheng continued to go deeper, as expected, he didn't go far, and two female ghosts appeared again.

This time, Ye Fusheng resolutely displayed his Hawkeye talent!
Grudge (Elite Monster)

Blood value: 13000
Attack: 900
Magic Defense: 500
Specter: the body of a ghost, reducing physical damage received by 70%

Ear-piercing scream: Reduce the attack of enemies within 10X10 yards by 5%

Shadow Dagger: Summon a Shadow Dagger, quickly throw it at the enemy, and at the same time cause damage, there is a 10% chance to forcibly deduct 15% of the enemy's blood value, and there is a certain chance to make the enemy enter a cursed state!
"'s just an ordinary monster, but its attack power is not much worse than that of an earth-level boss, and it also has a skill that deducts HP by a mandatory percentage!"

"This monster cannot be underestimated!"

After seeing the attributes clearly, Ye Fusheng's face turned serious, and he didn't dare to pull more monsters, so he could only defeat them one by one.

There is no way, the shadow dagger comes with a percentage damage, if there is more resentment and shock, I am afraid he will kneel directly!
Fortunately, the Grievance and Horror is a mob after all, or a monster of the undead type. Ye Fusheng is extremely lethal to them, so it is not difficult to deal with them.


Pushing horizontally all the way, blushing voices kept ringing out, one after another.

Ye Fusheng picked up gold coins and equipment carefully.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!
If you don't learn how to be diligent and thrifty at home, how can you save your wallet to support the goddess Xingyun?

However, within 20 minutes, all the ghosts and ghosts in the hall were killed, and 17 more mysterious diaries dropped, reaching as many as 30!
However, it has not yet met the requirements of the mission, it just shines brightly, pointing forward, as if to guide Ye Fusheng.

Ye Fusheng immediately followed the direction pointed by the arrow, and killed along the passage.

After entering the tunnel, the resentment and panic erupted, and nearly 30 animals appeared together, all roaring, and culled towards Ye Fusheng.

"Hiss... this is playing with me!"

Even if he was as strong as Ye Fusheng, he couldn't help but gasp in the face of more than 30 grievances and horrors at the same time!

(PS: The [-]-word chapter is here, good night everyone, it will still be updated during the day, I love you!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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