Invincible in one touch

Chapter 113 Beautiful Female Boss With Green Blood Bar?

Chapter 113 Beautiful Female Boss With Green Blood Bar?



The barking and screaming sounded together, and the 30 grievances flocked to Ye Fusheng in shock, with a bloody aura hitting his face.

"Come on, let the flames of war be more intense!"

Waving his hand, he summoned a rain of meteors and fire, covering his surroundings. Ye Fusheng raised his bright light sword, and when those resentful and frightened souls were about to release the shadow dagger, he rushed to release it.


The moment the purple-black daggers flew out of the sky, Ye Fusheng's figure shuttled past, and came to a ghost of resentment, and the extremely sharp bright light sword slashed straight across its body.

Pulling the bright lightsaber horizontally, taking advantage of the dizziness of the grudge, without explaining the burst of combos, immediately eliminated a grudge.

At this time, the rest of the Grievance and Horror skills also fell into CD, unable to cause high damage to Ye Fusheng. With the defense of the ground device, Ye Fusheng insisted on carrying it.

After 10 seconds, the resentment and terror fired again.

This time, the charge was still cooling down, Ye Fusheng could only hold his breath and concentrate, when the dagger was about to fly in front of him, he suddenly turned over and got off the horse.

The game mechanism, no matter the player or the monster, must be within the line of sight after casting the spell to ensure that the skill hits.

The Youyan Warhorse was huge, Ye Fusheng dodged behind it, and lost the target directly.





Youying's dagger pierced through the air, passing over Youyan's war horse continuously, and white letters floated out from Ye Fusheng's head.

"Huh... Successfully resolved the crisis!"

With a sigh of relief, Ye Fusheng got on his horse and attacked frantically again, harvesting the resentful and frightening lives.

The Grief and Shock is powerful, but the skills are strong, and the blood value and defense power are not enough for Ye Fusheng to fight.

When they released the shocking daggers for the third time, the charge and slash had finished cooling down, and they still did not pose any danger to Ye Fusheng.

The three rounds of horror daggers were over, and all 30 ghosts of ghostly resentment died in Ye Fusheng's hands, revealing the road ahead.


On both sides of the dark and deep passage, there are sudden flashes of fire, which light up independently, illuminating the road.

However, the flames kept flickering, reflecting the shadows of Ye Fusheng and Youyan Warhorse swaying on the walls on both sides, which looked particularly terrifying.

"Pretending to be a ghost! Continue to kill!"

Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, he rode the Youyan warhorse, and charged straight in.

After rushing into the tunnel, there were no more dozens of Wrathful Souls appearing at the same time, but there were still a lot of them. Almost every few feet, there was a Wrathy Soul.

These resentment and horror attributes have increased a lot, and it takes a little more time to carry them than before, but after killing them, the explosion rate is even higher!
Either drop silver coins and equipment, or drop paper!

Unknowingly, when Ye Fusheng drove the Youyan Warhorse through the passage and came to a large hall, the number of mysterious diaries had already reached 65!

Arriving at the main hall, Ye Fusheng looked up, and saw a staircase going up gently, on both sides of the staircase, there were nearly ten thousand ghosts and ghosts without heads.

Those ghosts, with ferocious faces, are particularly terrifying, especially the blood-red fonts on their heads, which are densely packed and frightening.

At the end of the stairs, there is a throne, empty, but there is a golden helmet.

"Killing all the way to the top, will you be able to summon the BOSS?"

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng was so excited, he quickly got off his horse, controlled the Youyan warhorse to move forward, and attracted more than a dozen monsters.

There are too many monsters, if you don't destroy them one by one, you will be courting death if you rush up!


Not only were you complaining and frightened, but those headless ghosts were also startled, screaming sharply, waving their purple-black ghost claws, and killing the roaring Youyan war horse.


However, just as they approached, Ye Fusheng released his charge and rushed to the middle of the group of ghosts. The moment he stunned the ghosts beside him, the sword energy gathered beside him like a dragon!

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Triple injuries emerged one after another.

The sound of drinking was accompanied by the flying sword light, which immediately penetrated their bodies and emptied their blood bars.

The moment these ghosts died, a blueprint that shone with golden light fell.

"Golden light?!"

"This is a ghost land, how can there be golden light?!"

Ye Fusheng was extremely surprised, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly picked up the piece of paper.

However, before Ye Fusheng could investigate the properties of the paper, he saw a radiant light emanating from his body, 65 mysterious diaries flying around independently, and they were actually fused together with the blueprint of that ray of golden light.


The golden light bloomed, and the 66 mysterious diaries merged together every now and then, and immediately flew to the throne above the stairs with light.


Almost where the rays of light passed by, the blood-colored names on the headless ghosts and ghosts that were haunted by resentment turned green, and they were no longer vicious. They knelt down towards the throne one after another.


"The boss is coming out? But, why did their blood bars turn green?"

Ye Fusheng was particularly surprised, green represents the friendly army!


The light kept flickering, and a figure, condensed in the golden light from the mysterious diary, immediately stepped out and floated in the air.

It was a girl in a snow-white dress, with a crown on her head, and many complicated and luxurious jewelry on her body.

She doesn't look very old, but her brows are full of sadness.

Looking past the many ghosts in the hall, the girl stared at Ye Fusheng again.

"This girl is the final female ghost boss? But why is she green? Could it be a system NPC?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Ye Fusheng's eyes widened, staring at his sister, the ghost.

"Mighty warrior, since you are able to come here, can the little girl ask you to fulfill one of my wishes!"

The female ghost saluted Ye Fusheng quietly, her voice was ethereal, but it was very nice.

"Fulfill your wish? What wish?!"

"What's in it for me?!"

Ye Fusheng stared straight at the female ghost.

"I don't have any benefits for you, but I believe he will give you good benefits!"

That female ghost showed a smile, it was a bright spring, not gloomy at all, if her body was not illusory, Ye Fusheng couldn't believe that she was a ghost!

"What wish?"

When Ye Fusheng asked, he had a vague premonition that this female ghost would bring him great benefits.

"1000 years ago, this was Dawn City, where people lived and worked in peace and happiness! But, one day, the evil demons attacked, and the powerful monsters were astonishingly powerful, defeating countless warriors in Dawn City!"

Without answering Ye Fusheng's words, the female ghost looked resentful and told a story: "Just when the monsters were about to defeat Shuguang City, a powerful swordsman came and killed the devil! Save Shuguang City from the fire and water!"

"The city lord is ecstatic, treats him with respect, and regards him as his guest! In the past few years, whenever the demons attacked, he would raise his troops to retreat from the enemy! He even regained a lot of lost ground!"

"A few years later, he has made countless military exploits, and the city lord can no longer think of rewards for him, and let him ask for it himself. But, no one thought that he would marry the city lord's daughter as his wife!"

"At that time, the daughter of the city lord made a private decision with a young swordsman for life, and he didn't have time to tell the city lord. However, in order to keep the powerful swordsman, the city lord forced the young swordsman away and imprisoned his daughter!"

"A few days later, the wedding date arrived, and the royal city, including the empire, sent people to celebrate this feast!"

"The young swordsman couldn't wait for his beloved girl to leave sadly... But, he would never have imagined that after he left, shocking things happened in Dawn City!"

(PS: The first update today, there will be follow-ups, the first epic mission in the book is coming!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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