Invincible in one touch

Chapter 114 Twilight of the Year, the 1st Holy Artifact!

Chapter 114 The Dusk of a Thousand Years, the First Holy Artifact!
[This guy must be the daughter of the city lord, right? 】

Hearing the story about the female ghost, Ye Fusheng took a look at her and already had a guess in his heart.

It is very likely that she was relatively chaste and would rather die than obey, and chose to commit suicide on the wedding day, which aroused the displeasure of the powerful swordsman and broke up with Shuguang City.

Thinking that the demise of Dawn City was most likely due to a woman, Ye Fusheng couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

What a beauty!

However, what the female ghost said next caused Ye Fusheng's expression to change slightly.

"Who would have thought that that powerful swordsman turned out to be an evil devil! After he attracted some of the kingdom's dignitaries, he secretly poisoned them with a bewitching poison, controlling their hearts and souls! He even cursed the soldiers of Dawn City, causing them They become undead monsters, fighting for the demons! Otherwise, they will die, become undead, and become innocent souls!"

"Even the city lord couldn't escape his hands and turned into an evil soul!"

"Only the daughter of the city lord was killed in the process of escaping, but her bones were also suppressed by the devil around the tomb, unable to be reincarnated, and even without the ability to become a ghost, unable to tell her beloved people!"

Speaking of this, that figure actually shed tears, looking very sad.


The corner of his mouth twitched, while Ye Fusheng was stunned. The plot of this story was different from what he had imagined, as well as the ones in previous novels!

However, it is still a tragedy.

"If I'm not wrong, you should be the daughter of the city lord, right?"

Ye Fusheng didn't directly agree, but asked instead: "You said, you can't be reincarnated, and you can't become a ghost, so what's your state now?"

"I'm not a ghost!"

The woman shook her head with tears in her eyes: "Strictly speaking, I am not the daughter of the city lord, I am just her obsession! Her soul, everything about her, is buried around the tomb!"

"It's just that you have collected enough imprints that she wrote back then, and that's why you summoned me!"

"Also... the person she loved back then has also come near this city! She... wants to wake up!"

"The person I loved back then?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

That was all thousands of years ago, how could someone live for 1000 years?

However, Ye Fusheng thought about it again, after all, this is a game, let alone live 1000 years, he can do it after 2 years, so he is not surprised.

"Then, what wish do you need me to help you fulfill?"

Ye Fusheng asked again.

Since the sweetheart of the daughter of the city lord has lived for 1000 years, his strength is definitely not bad, as long as he completes this task, the rewards must be very heaven-defying!

"I need you to help me break open the tomb and collect her soul so that she can see the sun again! Even if it's not a human body!"

"In addition, I hope that you can take her to meet her sweetheart!"

The female ghost sighed: "Of course, around the tomb, there are guards of that demon, and even, that demon sometimes appears! I will give you a treasure, and that treasure can temporarily seal him for a while!"

"If you are unlucky and meet him, just seal him and save the city lord's daughter before leaving!"

"You, are you willing to agree?"

The female ghost suddenly raised her head, her eyes were fixed on Ye Fusheng, and her eyes were full of hope.

"Okay, I promise!"

Ye Fusheng resolutely agreed, what a joke, you can get a treasure, there are tasks, you can also meet a powerful boss, if you are lucky, you can even meet a strong man who has lived for a thousand years, this is killing four birds with one stone What a great thing, how could he refuse?

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for collecting enough mysterious diaries, activating the epic task [Dusk of the Millennium], and entering the first stage, go to the grave of the dead, find the body of Ouyang Jia, the daughter of the city lord, and break the seal! After the task is completed, There will be extremely rich rewards!"

"Epic level mission?!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng couldn't help breathing quickly.

Epic level, that is a task beyond S level, the reward will definitely not let him down.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for accepting the [Millennium Twilight] quest, and getting the item Soul-Suppressing Sword, looking for the heart!"

"Two treasures?!"

Slightly surprised, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the panel to check the attributes.

Sword of Town Spirit (Holy Artifact)
Attack Power: 8900-10300
Power: 1000
Stamina: 1500
Suppression: Deal 500% damage to all spirits, and have a certain chance to trigger the Suppression effect when attacking, making them fall into a state of shock for 10 seconds (unable to act)

Suppressing Evil: Deal 500% damage to all evil beings, can be superimposed with the effect of Suppressing Spirits, when attacking, there is a certain chance to make the enemy enter the state of soullessness for 10 seconds (unable to act or attack allies)
Holy Sword: Contains a holy breath, which can imprison monsters for 30 minutes

Description: It was originally the saber of the most powerful man in Dawn City. After the death of its owner, it was passed down from generation to generation and circulated in the family of the lord of the city. After Dawn City was destroyed, the Sword of Zhenling disappeared without a trace.
Level: 0

"Fuck! Such a violent weapon?!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ye Fusheng suddenly became excited.

With an attack power of up to 10000 and three special effects, all of them have extremely high damage to the demons, and they also have strong control, which makes Ye Fusheng very excited.

This time the task is really worth it!

However, when Ye Fusheng was about to wear the Sword of Town Spirit, he was stunned.

Can't switch!

"What's the situation?! This sword doesn't need a level, so why can't it be worn?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was very surprised, why can't he use it after reaching the level?

Looking down, Ye Fusheng couldn't help cursing in a low voice after reading the attributes of the Sword of Town Spirit.

Under the level, there is still a line of small words - mission items, which cannot be worn and can only exert special effects!
"After working on it for a long time, it turned out to be a mission item, so I can't wear it!"

"However, after completing the task, maybe this sword will be usable!"

With a grin, Ye Fusheng became happy again, and continued to investigate the attribute of seeking heart.

Heart-seeking: Guidance props, which can guide the player to find Ouyang Jia's grave and guide the player to find Ouyang Jia's beloved
"So it's all mission props, hey!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng just wanted to ask Ouyang Jia about his obsession, if he could give him some help, but Ouyang Jia's obsession began to appear unreal.

"Warrior, I can no longer exist for long, please leave as soon as possible!"

"Once I disperse, the ghosts around will turn into raging fierce spirits. I don't want to see you get hurt, and I don't want them to get hurt either!"

Ouyang Jia obsessed with looking at Ye Fusheng with hopeful eyes.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng didn't care at all, what a joke, killing so many monsters will definitely give him a lot of experience, why not kill them?

But, just when Ye Fusheng was about to refuse, a system notification suddenly sounded in his ear.

(PS: The second update today!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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