Invincible in one touch

Chapter 115 Blood Winged Bat

Chapter 115 Blood Winged Bat


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for accepting the side quest [Ouyang Jia's Hope]. Mission objective: no longer kill the Grudge and Undead puppets. , additional experience and money rewards!"

"There are rewards?!"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng quickly accepted the task, turned around quickly, and just like a rabbit, he steered the Youyan war horse and galloped out.


Almost the moment Ye Fusheng rushed to the passage, Ouyang Jia's obsession dissipated, and countless resentful and frightened souls revived. They roared and turned into famous red monsters again, losing their sanity.

After running wildly for a long time, Ye Fusheng rushed out of the palace, and then stopped.

"Huh, it seems that there should be three kinds of existence in this area. One, Ouyang Jia's former maids and guards, two, the original warriors of the City Lord's Mansion, and three, the undead who surrendered to that devil!"

"This palace should be where the City Lord's Mansion was originally located, so there are mostly Ouyang Jia's maids and soldiers from the City Lord's Mansion. Next, I should go to the grave to find Ouyang Jia's sealed body!"

Opening the map, Ye Fusheng hurried on his way after confirming the route to the tomb.

This time, Ye Fusheng no longer pushed horizontally, and chose to go around when encountering resentful horror and undead armor along the way.

Although Ye Fusheng was very heartbroken seeing those monsters go away from him, but when he thought of the reward after completing the mission, he came back to life again.

As Ye Fusheng gradually approached the grave, a new monster finally appeared, making Ye Fusheng no longer so heartbroken!

Ghost Warrior (Elite Monster)
Rating: 55
Blood value: 20000
Attack Power: 910—990
Defense: 700
Heavy Slash: Cause high single-target damage to the enemy, and have a 5% chance to knock back the enemy
Ghost Slash: Call out evil power, cause high damage to the enemy, and have a certain chance to put the enemy into a cursed state

Description: Originally an elite warrior of Dawn City, after being cursed, he chose to betray his belief and became a ghost warrior
"What a strong attribute! However, you still have to fall in front of me!"

Seeing these evil spirit warriors, although Ye Fusheng was amazed by their strong attributes, he did not hesitate at all. He swung his bright light sword and made a judgment on behalf of the power of justice!
It has to be said that elite monsters have extremely strong defenses. Even with the sacred extra damage bonus, Ye Fusheng's A sword can only deal 2000+ damage, which is much more resistant than those female ghosts.

However, no matter how resistant to grass, the evil spirit warriors with strong attributes could not resist the attack of the ground tools, and soon, they turned into white light one after another, becoming Ye Fusheng's experience.

Within half an hour, a huge tomb cemetery appeared in front of Ye Fusheng.


As if alarmed by Ye Fusheng's arrival, the trees around the tomb trembled, and there was a creepy sound, which made Ye Fusheng's whole body shudder, and he quickly raised his head!


The shade of the tree sprouted, and there were countless bats with rotting corpses hanging upside down on the tree.

Their teeth are sharp, and their claws are bloody, leaving only bones.

"Skeleton bat?"

With a thought, the eagle eye talent bloomed, and the attributes of those skeleton bats suddenly floated out.

Bloodwing Bat (Elite Monster)
Rating: 39
Blood value: 23000
Attack: 1100
Defense: 300
Bat Blood: absorb the enemy's blood and convert 30% of it to restore your own blood
Blood Wing Dash: Flap the wings and sprint towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed, causing extremely high damage, and has a certain chance to make the enemy enter the blood poison state, reducing the blood value by 3% per second

Crying Blood Sound Wave: There is a 5% chance to cause enemies within 30X30 yards of oneself to be confused for 3 seconds
Description: Bats that swallowed human blood have a very high demand for blood. Once you encounter them, please flee as soon as possible, otherwise, you will fall into endless fear
"High attack, 30% lifesteal and crowd control skills!"

"The attributes of this blood-winged bat are good, and it cannot be killed in groups!"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but grabbed the hair of Youyan warhorse, it seemed that he was going to let the horse bear the damage again.

If the Youyan Warhorse could speak, it would definitely breathe fragrance!
I'm just a mount, so why is it so miserable?

As Ye Fusheng gradually approached the tomb, the blood-winged bats hanging on the branches around the tomb all woke up. Those monsters who were close to Ye Fusheng soon triggered their hatred, screamed loudly, and rushed towards Ye Fusheng to kill them.

Not only that, many bone warriors emerged from the cemetery, roaring together with the evil spirit warriors patrolling around the tomb, staggering and waving bone swords.

bone warrior
Rating: 55
Blood value: 16000
Attack: 700
Defense: 300
Heavy Slash: Perform a heavy slash to the front, causing decent damage
Description: A dead warrior was awakened by a demon after turning into a corpse
The attributes of the Bone Warrior are very weak, far inferior to the Blood Wing Bat and the Evil Spirit Warrior, but there are a lot of them, and their speed is extremely fast, even a little faster than the flying Blood Wing Bat. In front of Ye Fusheng.

"I'm stupid? So fast?"

With a cry of surprise, Ye Fusheng was almost frightened.

It's a pity that no matter how fast those bone warriors are, they can't be faster than the Youyan Warhorse.

"Bang bang bang-"

Before Ye Fusheng could make a move, the Youyan Warhorse had already counterattacked continuously, kicking out its own hooves, or spraying flames from its mouth, attacking those skeleton warriors.

boom boom-

Those bone warriors had extremely poor attributes, no matter how they could block the skill attack of the Youyan Warhorse, they turned into a pile of bones.

However, at this time, the blood wing bat and evil spirit warrior rushed over.


Like a flash of lightning, the blood-winged bat pierced through the resentment and horror at an extremely fast speed, and immediately killed Ye Fusheng.

His qi and blood dropped by a quarter, and he had figured out the damage that the blood-winged bat would do to him. Ye Fusheng would not be merciless. He raised his hand and punched out a shocking punch, which stunned the blood-winged bat that was close to him. He immediately switched weapons and waved the bright light The sword cut up.


The sword energy surged, and the blood strip of the blood-winged bat seemed to fall off a cliff. Coupled with the flaming offensive of the Youyan warhorse under its crotch, the nearby blood-winged bat suddenly turned into white light.


However, there are too many of those blood-winged bats, coupled with the limited sword energy, many bats cannot attack, and the attack of the Youyan Warhorse alone cannot kill them instantly.

They are like mindless zombies, frantically rushing up, constantly attacking.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but backed away slightly, trying to keep a distance from the blood-winged bat as much as possible, and kept himself safe with the help of the blood-sucking ring.

It took a full 6 minutes for the first wave of blood-winged bats to be neutralized, and Ye Fusheng also spent a lot of potions.

No way, the Blood Wing Bat's attributes are too strong, and it also has blood-sucking skills and control skills. Thanks to Ye Fusheng's attributes being solid enough, it can withstand it with the Youyan Warhorse.

If it were another person, even Zilong in white would have to die at the hands of those blood-winged bats!
"It seems that we can only slowly kill the monsters, and we can't attract so many blood-winged bats!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng got off his horse and continued to let the Youyan Warhorse seduce him, pulling the awakened Blood Wing Bats to him in several batches, and then slowly killed them.

For two full hours, the blood-winged bats around the cemetery were cleaned up. After carefully looking at them for a moment, after making sure that there were no other monsters, Ye Fusheng took out the heart-seeking props to investigate the suppressed corpse of Ouyang Jia.


As soon as Mixin appeared, she shone with light and flew towards a broken cemetery.

Ye Fusheng followed quickly.


However, just as Ye Fusheng passed by the tomb, the soil underneath suddenly shattered!

(PS: The third update today, there will be an update tonight! Please recommend tickets!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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