Chapter 116
The soil shattered, and a white bone arm stretched out suddenly, grabbing the hoof of Youyan Warhorse.


The Youyan Warhorse struggled immediately, and a powerful force erupted, pulling the withered bone arm out from the ground!
That is a bone warrior!
There are still monsters left in the tomb!


It seemed that Ye Fusheng had alarmed the creatures under the tomb.

Bone bones appeared one after another, and they rushed out with a bone knife in their hands. Fortunately, there were no ghost warriors or blood-winged bats.

Hawkeye's talent swept over, and the attribute panels of those bone warriors emerged.

bone warrior
Rating: 45
Blood value: 8000
Attack: 500
Defense: 300
Description: The dead bones that have been buried underground for many years have long been weathered. Remember, you must stay away from them when you encounter them. If you accidentally smash them, you will be contaminated with ominous breath
After reading the bone warrior's attributes, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, not paying attention to them at all.

That attribute is really too low!

Even if their number doubled, they would not be able to pose a threat to Ye Fusheng!

Of course, if the attribute is low, the monster still has to be killed.


A crisp sound sounded, and where the light sword passed, a white skull flew out!

Later, Ye Fusheng simply let Youyan Warhorse deal with those bone warriors, locked on the furthest bone warrior, punched and released it, and the whole person flew out, rushing out of the encirclement of the bone warriors.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng followed Mixin's guidance and came to a different big tree.

On this lesson tree, there are many patterns carved with blood, and there are mysterious and mysterious characters on it.

"When things go wrong, there must be demons!"

"Well, there is also a mysterious pattern, it must be something like a formation!"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng didn't attack directly, he knew that such an existence must be hidden with considerable danger.

If he strikes hastily, once the mechanism is triggered, even the ground weapon may not be able to protect him.

This is a trap set by a powerful demon boss!

"Yes, doesn't the Sword of Town Spirit have the effect of exorcising evil spirits?"

Grinning, Ye Fusheng took out the Soul-Suppressing Sword from his backpack, and slashed at the big tree.

Although it is not equipment and cannot be worn, it can still be used for limited purposes.

For example, use a sword to chop down a tree!
If the person who forged this divine sword knew that Ye Fusheng dared to use the divine sword to chop down trees, he would have crawled out of the grave angrily and strangled him to death!

Bastard, labor and management forged a magic sword, is it for you to use it to chop down trees?

The sharpness of the divine sword cut through the bark even without equipment.

However, after the bark was cut, there was a bright red blood flowing.


Immediately afterwards, there was a roar, and Ye Fusheng felt the soil under his feet shaking.

"I'm stupid? What's the situation?!"

With a cry of surprise, Ye Fusheng saw that the big tree dripping with blood actually pulled out a few thick branches from the soil and slammed them towards his head.

"Boss? It really is a boss!"

His eyes lit up, and Ye Fusheng was particularly excited. While waving the sword of town spirit, he cut off all the branches in front of him, and at the same time displayed his eagle eye talent, wanting to check the attributes of the big tree.

Spirit Sealing Dryad (Earth Level BOSS)

Rating: 50
Blood value: 180000
Attack: 1100
Defense: 1000
Vine body: immune to 10% physical attack power and 10% magical attack power
Magic Branch Dancing: Swings a branch containing magic power, causing high damage to enemies in front
Bind by vines: vines descend from the sky, causing damage to the enemies in front, and transforming into a vine cage, imprisoning them for 3 seconds

Power of the Earth: You can cast branches to absorb the power of the earth, restore 10% of your own blood, and increase your defense by 30% within 5 seconds
Demonic energy permeates: Summons the magical energy in the sky, reducing all attributes of enemies within 30X30 yards by 5%, and 50% of darkness resistance

Description: The Dryad possesses the power to seal the spirit and the dead, and was plundered by a powerful demon to suppress someone's soul
Weaknesses: Fire, Light

"Sure enough, it's the boss!"

Seeing the attributes of the spirit-suppressing tree demon, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being ecstatic.

This spirit-suppressing tree demon is actually a prefecture-level boss, which is really a big surprise for him.

You know, in the mission description, Ye Fusheng needs to find Ouyang Jia's body from four directions and lift the seal.

If that mysterious boss can also appear, then in this mission, there will be four earth-level bosses, and one boss that may exceed the sky-level!

Once they are all killed, not to mention the equipment that explodes, the various rewards alone can make Ye Fusheng feel soft!

What made Ye Fusheng even more delighted was that the skills of this prefecture-level boss were mainly defense and control, and there were no powerful output skills at all.

Even if the attribute is strong, it doesn't take much effort to defeat it!
What's more, it still has weaknesses!

As if aware of Ye Fusheng's thoughts, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared on Zhenlingshu, glaring at Ye Fusheng.


Immediately afterwards, the Zhenling tree demon turned into countless branches, and it seemed to be crazy, and frantically beat Ye Fusheng.

"Hey, I want to see how afraid you are of flames!"

However, Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, he raised his hand to condense a ball of fire, and rushed towards the branch that was flying towards him.

As soon as the fireball touched the branches, it exploded, and the next moment, the hot flames burned all the branches.

Beep beep beep——

The damage as high as 7000+ flew up, making Ye Fusheng ecstatic. Such a high damage can completely deal with it in a short time!

The town spirit tree demon suffered even more pain, let out a low growl, and kept shaking the branches.

A few seconds later, the branches all over the sky extinguished the flame, and whipped towards Ye Fusheng again.

This time, Ye Fusheng didn't dodge, let the branches fall, and the numbers -259 and -331 kept floating out of his head.

This made him breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that the attack power of the town spirit tree demon is really not good.

Coincidentally at this time, the Youyan Warhorse had already been killed by bone warriors, so they rushed over quickly.


The flames condensed in the mouth, and the Youyan Warhorse immediately burst out three fireballs, bombarding the branches that beat Ye Fusheng one after another.

At the same time, Youyan Warhorse rushed to the town spirit tree demon, raised its hooves suddenly, and kicked on the root of the tree.

The Youyan Warhorse is also the mount of the boss after all, and it is quite powerful. With this full blow, even if the town spirit tree demon buried the entire root of the tree in the ground, it shook violently.

Its head is even bigger, and the number -1000 is floating out!


As if angered by this continuous attack, the huge tree body of the town spirit tree demon trembled, and countless black mist bloomed out, filling the surroundings.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng's body, as well as the Youyan Warhorse's body, showed a special color.

call out--

There was a sound of breaking through the sky, and a group of black and purple vines fell from the sky, suddenly trapping Ye Fusheng!
Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force, like a poisonous snake, killed Ye Fusheng!
(PS: The fourth update today, and the fifth update later!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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