Invincible in one touch

Chapter 117 Jealous of My Peerless Beauty

Chapter 117 Jealous of My Peerless Beauty

When the purple-black vines fell, before Ye Fusheng had time to resist, those vines were like poisonous snakes, instantly entangled his whole body.

Afterwards, the terrifying contraction force erupted, and Ye Fusheng was imprisoned in place, unable to move.

However, Ye Fusheng stared at the town spirit tree demon with the eyes of a fool.

This guy can't be a fool, can he?

Flame attack is a spell, and it can be released even if it is imprisoned. Unless it is controlled by strong control such as dizziness, it cannot be used.

But this spirit-suppressing tree demon, leaving the Youyan warhorse that can cause high damage to it, just left the confinement skill to Ye Fusheng, which is really a wonderful operation.

Sure enough, when Ye Fusheng was imprisoned, Youyan was like a horse having fun, kicking the spirit-suppressing tree demon while spouting flames, burning its branches.

Not only that, although Ye Fusheng was imprisoned and unable to move, but he was chanting spells in his mouth, and he continued to cast meteor fire rain and fireball skills.


The fireballs and raging flames continued to fall, giving the town spirit tree demon no chance to extinguish the flames.

In this way, even if the town spirit tree demon has more than 10 qi and blood, and has the ability to recover qi and blood by a percentage, it can't hold on at all.

Under the weak point attack, in just a few minutes, the spirit-suppressing tree demon with a blood value of more than [-] collapsed!

The pupils gradually dissipated, and the spirit-suppressing tree turned into a dry trunk, and fell to the ground, revealing an entrance similar to an acupoint in the ground.

Ye Fusheng reached under the tree, groped for a while, and immediately found three pieces of equipment, shining with silver light.

Of the three pieces of equipment, two were silver and one was gold, which made the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitch.

What kind of luck is this?
The majestic level boss unexpectedly released silver and gold artifacts?

Could it be that God is jealous of his peerless beauty?
Putting away the equipment, Ye Fusheng brushed the entrance again, and suddenly found that there was a graveyard underneath.

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng asked Youyan Warhorse to dig open the grave, and got an urn from it.

Mysterious urn: Incomplete spirits seem to be suppressed inside
After reading the attributes, Ye Fusheng confirmed that this was Ouyang Jia's sealed spirit body, and immediately stepped over the Youyan Warhorse and began to kill towards the south of the tomb.

This tomb cemetery is divided into four areas.

Right now, he has just cleared the first area.

As Ye Fusheng speculated, the monsters in the four areas are actually the same, even the distribution is very similar.

I had a sweeping experience once, but in less than half an hour, thousands of blood-winged bats and evil spirit warriors were killed. As for the bone warriors, there were countless deaths.

After clearing out the mobs, Ye Fusheng followed his breath and found the spirit-suppressing tree demon that was suppressing Ouyang Jia's soul.


The fireball technique and fire meteors continued to erupt, and the spirit-suppressing tree demon once again fell into the burning flames. This time, it actually exploded a piece of ground equipment, tree heart earrings!

Tree heart earrings (earthware - earrings)

Intelligence: 150
Power: 150
Stamina: 300
Spirit: 150
Heart of the Earth: When you step on the ground, you will be immune to 30% of the damage you receive, and you can recover 0.3% of your own blood value per second, and you can get the rest of the BUFF bonus.
Handy (Beginner): Reduce the user's level requirements by 15

Level Required: 50
The four-dimensional attribute bonus is extremely high, and the effect of the heart of the earth is so strong that it explodes, which is much easier to use than the silver helmet he originally used.

Without the slightest hesitation, he directly replaced it with the tree heart earrings, and his attributes suddenly skyrocketed.

The qi and blood value, which had dropped to half, slowly rose.

Unsurprisingly, he opened the tomb, and got another urn. Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng rushed to the third tomb area again.

Due to the existence of the tree heart earring, Ye Fusheng no longer mounted the horse, but walked instead, triggering the characteristic and recovering his own blood volume.

There is no way, he has been killing monsters and fighting bosses during this period of time, and the potions he got from that girl are almost finished, so he must be frugal!
[It seems that after this battle is over, we need to prepare more potions!Headache!Could it be that he had to go back to Xinshou Village to find that girl?Want to sell my body? 】

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng regained his energy and blood, and he steered the Youyan Warhorse to sweep across the graveyard.

An hour later, the entire tomb cemetery was swept away, and the four spirit-suppressing dryads also fell, and four urns were obtained.

However, looking at the urn that hadn't changed at all, Ye Fusheng couldn't be happy.

The mission requirement is to find Ouyang Jia's sealed spirit body and wake it up. Why have all four urns been found, but nothing has changed?


Suddenly, low-pitched crying sounded, like resentment or admiration, like weeping like complaints, it was creepy.

Ye Fusheng raised his head suddenly, looked in the direction of the sound, and he could see that there was a gap quietly opened at the huge tombstone in the middle of the tomb cemetery, and the figure of a beautiful girl, with pear blossoms and rain, was floating in the air.

However, on her chest, there was a gun head exposed.

His eyes moved down slowly, and he could vaguely see a figure covered in black iron armor, holding a long spear, piercing through the girl's heart!

The cry was low, like a magic voice, constantly echoing in Ye Fusheng's ears.

"There is still a boss?"

However, Ye Fusheng was in such an environment, and seeing such a terrifying scene, he didn't feel fear or panic, but became excited instead.

For him, BOSS is the source of experience and treasures!


Just when Ye Fusheng was excited, the terrifying battle armor boss suddenly pulled out his spear, whipped Ouyang Jia's soul aside, and suppressed it tightly near the huge tombstone.


A deep roar sounded, and the terrifying boss turned around, staring at Ye Fusheng, with blood-red monsters shining in his eyes.

Ye Fusheng also used his eagle eye talent to probe the attributes of the boss.

Undead Warrior Ouyang Hengyu (Earth Level Boss)

Rating: 55
Blood value: 260000
Attack Power: 1100-1300
Defense: 800
Magic Defense: 650
Shocking shot: stabs out a shot with lightning speed, when the blade is facing the enemy, there is a 10% chance to make the enemy enter a panic state, the damage received increases by 50%, and they cannot move, and cannot trigger dodge and immunity effect, and comes with must-hit and must-explode attributes

Black magic energy: Exudes a strong magical atmosphere, knocking all the nearby enemies within 50X50 yards into the air, and attaching 10% of the current HP as damage
Black Devil Thorn: Launch three lightning-like stabs to the front, each time the damage increases by 30%, if the last hit is hit, the enemy will fall into a poisoned state, reducing the movement speed and defense by 10%
Soul Devourer: Devour the energy of heaven and earth around you, consume your own mana, increase attributes, up to 500% attributes, when attacking, there is a 5% chance to trigger 2 times damage, 1% chance to trigger 4 times damage, 0.01% chance to trigger 10 times damage Double damage for 10 minutes
Description: Originally the king of Aurora City, after being killed by a monster, his body was corroded by the magic energy and turned into a demon
Weakness: heart
"Hiss... 26 qi and blood, four ox pen skills, worthy of being the former city lord! But, what is the weakness of mental arithmetic?"

(PS: The fifth update ends today, and the fifth update will start tomorrow, so save the recommendation tickets for me, hehe, I love you guys, okay!)
(End of this chapter)

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