Chapter 118

The roar sounded, and the soul of the undead warrior Ouyang Hengyu seemed to be controlled. After noticing Ye Fusheng's arrival, he immediately swung his spear and rushed forward.


The blade of the gun trembled, and with the sound of howling wind, it slammed at Ye Fusheng.

"Humble bug, take your life!"

The strong wind was like a knife, and it blew on Ye Fusheng's face, making it extremely painful.

This surprised Ye Fusheng, so strong?
The sensory suppression is too real!

However, surprise is nothing but surprise, Ye Fusheng will not sit still.

Quickly got on his horse, with the help of the strength of Youyan Warhorse, Ye Fusheng raised his Bright Light Sword horizontally and blocked in front of him.


The next moment, the blade of the gun collided with the bright light sword, and there was a sound of "Zheng", and a powerful force burst out, and the blade of the gun was counterattacked back.

However, Ye Fusheng was also shaken by the terrifying force and kept retreating, the Youyan war horse neighed endlessly and kept raising its hooves.


But Ye Fusheng would not give Ouyang Hengyu a chance to breathe, he rushed forward, and after being dizzy, he started a combo.

However, when the injury broke out, Ye Fusheng was stunned.
Pale yellow numbers floated up, Ye Fusheng's pupils dilated, he even forgot to trigger the sword swing for nine days.

How can it be?

In the past, he could deal up to 2000+ damage in the face of earth-level bosses, why this time, he can barely reach 1000?

This is still blessed with sacred attributes!
What's more terrible is that Ouyang Hengyu's blood value is more than double that of other ground-level bosses, and his output has dropped again. How long will it take to kill him?

With the strongest combo, only 5000 drops of blood and 26W qi and blood were knocked out, so it took 52 combos to solve it.

Moreover, this is not counting Ouyang Hengyu's recovery speed.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling desperate.

His unicorn arm won't be able to stand it if he wasted so much time!
However, Ye Fusheng was stunned, but Ouyang Hengyu would not be stunned. As soon as the dizziness ended, he roared and swept across the spear, black devilish energy surged, gathered on the spear, and slammed on Ye Fusheng's chest.


As if his chest had been hit by a hammer, Ye Fusheng immediately staggered back with his Youyan warhorse, and the number -391 floated out of his head.

Fortunately, Ouyang Hengyu didn't use any skills, and did not cause too much damage to Ye Fusheng, but woke Ye Fusheng up instead.

"Roar, Devil Wind Thorn!"

"Darkness descends and devours everything!"

Ouyang Hengyu roared up to the sky, shook the spear in his hand, and the sharp blade seemed to come alive, trembling continuously, as if there were thousands of spear blades, wrapped in amazing power, stabbing at Ye Fusheng fiercely.

"Not good, the sword swings for nine days!"

His complexion changed slightly, Ye Fusheng quickly swung his sword for nine days, and the sword energy under his feet lingered around him.

The next moment, countless shadows of spear blades charged towards him with strong winds, colliding with the sword energy continuously.

The terrifying power continued to burst out, and three damage numbers as high as 3+ appeared on Ye Fusheng's head one after another.

Fortunately, Sword Swinging Nine Heavens has already weakened the power of the Demon Wind Thorn, otherwise, if he completely swallowed this move, he might lose his blood directly.

"No, you have to fight in close combat, otherwise you won't be able to exert the blood-sucking effect, and you won't be able to withstand his damage!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng steered Youyan Warhorse to bully him, taking advantage of Ouyang Hengyu's stabbing spear and being unable to move, he swung his bright light sword and slashed at it.



The attack speed of sword-type weapons is twice as fast as that of gun-type weapons. Therefore, when Ouyang Hengyu closed his move, Ye Fusheng had already slashed five or six swords, which caused nearly 3000 points of damage to him, and at the same time sucked back 300+ Qi blood value.

With the help of the blood returning from the tree heart earrings, Ye Fusheng pulled back the blood bar for a while.

"Damn it boy, get the hell out of here!"

Ouyang Hengyu was also very angry when he was approached, but the spear was too long, and Ye Fusheng was too close to him, so it was difficult for him to attack, so he swung the spear angrily, trying to throw Ye Fusheng away.

But, how flexible is the Youyan Warhorse?
Carrying Ye Fusheng on its back, it kept swinging and jumping, relying on the cheats of jumping left and right, it managed to let Ye Fusheng avoid those attacks.

Ouyang Hengyu couldn't hit Ye Fusheng, on the contrary, Ye Fusheng was able to wield the Bright Light Sword, constantly weakening its blood bar.

But after a while, Ouyang Hengyu's qi and blood plummeted by more than 20000, and his face was distorted in anger.


"Humble reptile, feel the fear of death from hell!"

"Dark energy!"

"Devil Wind Thorn!"

An angry roar sounded, and Ouyang Hengyu finally erupted. The terrifying power in his body swept across, scattered and burst out.

boom boom-

The strong wind was mixed with demonic energy, and suddenly rippling, instantly sent Ye Fusheng and Youyan war horse flying away.

Several bloody numbers flew up, and the moment Ye Fusheng's blood bar instantly turned black, the Youyan Warhorse's toughness value was even emptied, and it was directly sent back to the space of the mount!
"Hiss... Is this boss addicted to drugs? Sudden explosion? Still so strong? Even the mount can be forcibly broken!"

Taking a breath, Ye Fusheng frowned.

"Drink, die for me!"

However, what made Ye Fusheng even more horrified was that after the Youyan war horse was broken up and he was also controlled, Ouyang Hengyu's offensive was not over yet!

It raised its long spear, its whole body turned into a flash of lightning, and suddenly charged towards itself!
"Shocking shot!"

The piercing shout fell, and the long spear burst into purple-black light, and it turned into a beast, which burst out with a terrifying roar, shaking his soul!

"This going to fight desperately!"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng knew that he couldn't sit still, if he was caught by Ouyang Hengyu in a row, with his attack, he would definitely kill him in a very short time!
After all, this BOSS is the former city lord, so it cannot be underestimated!
But now, the Youyan Warhorse has been broken up, not to mention helping him, even the attributes that bless him are gone.

How should he contend?


Just when Ye Fusheng was hesitating, the terrifying phantom of the ferocious beast attacked with terrifying power, and even Ye Fusheng's mind was almost affected by the special effect of the shocking shot.

If it gets closer, Ye Fusheng may not be able to avoid that kind of control!

Eyeballs rolled, Ye Fusheng stepped back while opening the skill panel, looking for a way to avoid the shot.


Suddenly, the charge and slash skill was cooled down, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, he raised his bright lightsaber, and quickly released the charge and slash.

The punch has a dizzy effect, as long as Ouyang Hengyu falls into the dizzy effect, the skill will naturally fail, and he will survive, and take the opportunity to recover his blood and prepare for another fight.

However, if the boss's skills also have special effects, or if he is immune, he will be finished.

This is gambling!

A shocking gamble where life is at stake!

At that moment, Ye Fusheng was like a thunderbolt, Ouyang Hengyu was like a ferocious beast, the two collided with each other with astonishing strength and irresistible force!
(PS: Today's first update, there will be updates in the future!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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