Chapter 119
The thunder-like power gathered, and immediately exploded, like a fairy scattered flowers, swept out.

Ouyang Hengyu with a fierce face was stiff and suddenly dizzy. In an instant, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed!
After successfully punching and stunned, the attack of the shocking shot was also interrupted. Ye Fusheng can survive!

However, this time he was dizzy, Ye Fusheng didn't attack, but retreated quickly, took drugs like crazy, and at the same time triggered the tree heart earrings to restore his qi and blood.

It is necessary to keep a distance from Ouyang Hengyu, otherwise, once Ouyang Hengyu recovers from the dizziness, one or two attacks on him will be finished.


There was a roar, Ouyang Hengyu raised his gun and stabbed again after he was released from the dizzy state. However, even though the shocking shot was not fired, it was still cooling down. At this time, it could not cause effective long-range damage to Ye Fusheng.

Ye Fusheng quickly switched to the black light bow, while recovering qi and blood, while getting stuck, he attacked Ouyang Hengyu to prevent him from recovering blood.

If Ouyang Hengyu was really asked to regain his energy and blood, then his efforts just now were in vain!

After flying Ouyang Hengyu's kite for a full minute, the blood value finally returned to full with the addition of potions and equipment.

At the same time, the cooldown of the Youyan Warhorse's call was also flickering, and it seemed that it could get better at any time and call again.


"Devil Wind Thorn!"

Just at this time, the CD of Ouyang Hengyu's first skill ended, and with a cold shout, the spear surged with magic energy, bursting out with terrifying power.

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all, his sword energy surged, while protecting his body, he bullied him, switched the bright light sword, and once again used high agility + high blood sucking to stand up to Ouyang Hengyu.

The skill sequence of black magic energy and frightening shot is higher than that of magic wind thorn, and the cooling time is longer. Ye Fusheng can fully use that time to consume Ouyang Hengyu's blood volume.

Not long after, the cooling of the black magic energy ended, Ouyang Hengyu stomped his feet on the ground, just about to be furious, and launched a black magic energy attack.

However, after the last attack, Ye Fusheng already knew the forward swing of the black magic energy, and he punched out in an instant.


"Combat reminder: Undead warrior Ouyang Hengyu fell into a dizzy state, and his skills were interrupted!"

His stature stiffened suddenly, and his black magic energy skills were interrupted.

Ye Fusheng took advantage of the victory and pursued him. Except for the useless dash, he threw out other skills in a series. In just 3 seconds, he caused more than 1 damage to Ouyang Hengyu.

After the dizziness ended, there was another burst of masturbation. Ouyang Hengyu, who was masturbating straight, wanted to die, and was very angry, but he had nothing to do with Ye Fusheng.

After a long time, a shocking shot erupted, but Ye Fusheng had been waiting for him, and Chong Zhan interrupted again, dragging the battle into his own rhythm.

Ever since, in the thrilling yet calm battle, Ouyang Hengyu's blood value kept dropping.


The ultimate move was released again and again, but was interrupted by Ye Fusheng, and then he slapped Ouyang Hengyu frantically.

This made Ouyang Hengyu so angry that he was almost not so angry that one Buddha was born, two Buddhas Nirvana, and three Buddhas ascended to heaven!
It's a pity that Ouyang Hengyu is too powerful, and Ye Fusheng didn't dare to switch his fists to beat him, and he couldn't use the looting technique. Otherwise, such a powerful boss, just brushing some attributes, brushing a skill, would be extremely difficult for Ye Fusheng big boost.

Xiao Lu was happy, Da Lu was injured, and Qiang Lu was wiped out.

Even if Ouyang Hengyu is a powerful prefecture-level boss, under Qianglu, he still has no masters, and his seven orifices are bleeding, but in less than 10 minutes, the blood value has dropped to about 20%!


"Damn ants, I want to use your blood to wash away my shame!"

"Soul Eater!"

Suddenly inserting the spear into the ground, in an instant, the purple-black devilish energy gathered and spun wildly, like a whirlpool.


The strong wind danced wildly, and Ye Fusheng was blown away, with -10 constantly appearing on his body! -10!The numbers come.

Frowning slightly, an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in Ye Fusheng's heart, and the prompt in the combat system made him open his eyes even more.


"Combat reminder: Undead warrior Ouyang Hengyu activates the state of devouring souls, and increases his attributes by 300%. When attacking, there is a 5% chance of triggering double damage, 2% chance of triggering 1 times damage, and 4% chance of triggering 0.01 times damage. 10 minutes!"

"Hiss... so strong?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng raised his head and couldn't help but look gloomy.

Ouyang Hengyu originally only had 20% of his health left, but with the blessing of attributes, it skyrocketed to 50%!

Not only that, his defense and attack power have been tripled, and even the effect of his skills has been tripled!
Coupled with the terrifying double damage effect, I am afraid that Ye Fusheng will die if he is hit once!
Eyeballs rolled, and Ye Fusheng's thoughts turned sharply, thinking about how to reverse the situation.

However, at this moment, he doesn't have any treasure on him, and he can't harm Ouyang Hengyu, nor can he imprison it.

"Hey, under the pressure of absolute power, ants are ants after all!"

"Give me death!"

After absorbing the demonic energy between heaven and earth, Ouyang Hengyu let out a roar, raised his spear and shot at Ye Fusheng.


The gun blade shone with a faint light, wrapped in astonishing power.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng couldn't help feeling desperate.

Is it possible that you are really going to die here today?

This is an epic mission!
Once you die and the mission fails, all rewards will be gone!

However, facing Ouyang Hengyu whose attribute has increased three times, Ye Fusheng really has no good means.

Whether it's ground equipment, skills, or his own attributes, it's too bad compared to it.

"Huh? Skill?!"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, remembering the skills he just acquired!
"Heh, no matter how strong you are, you are nothing more than an earth-level boss. Facing the bone dragon, I don't believe you can turn the world upside down!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Ye Fusheng quickly released the skill of Summoning Bone Dragon!

The power of brilliance bloomed, and Ye Fusheng's figure flickered in the space immediately.

The spear blade swept across, but under the protection of Summoning Bone Dragon Technique, Ye Fusheng didn't get a single attack.

click - click -

With the casting of the summoning technique, the space froze, and the next moment, it slowly shattered, and a space crack emerged impressively.


Seemingly feeling the powerful oppression from the bone dragon in the space crack, Ouyang Hengyu rarely paused.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully casting Summon Bone Dragon. A dimensional channel will be opened to summon Bone Dragon Scourge Mork to serve you for 10 seconds!"


The deafening dragon roar sounded, the space crack shattered, and a huge black shadow with a length of one hundred feet flew out of it, and then, a black dragon's breath fell.

As if destroying the world, the entire space was frozen, Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Hengyu couldn't move, they could only watch the black cloud fall.

The next moment, the black cloud fell and burst violently, and the power contained in it kept changing, like a dragon and a tiger roaring together.

When the black cloud completely dissipated, Ouyang Hengyu, who was stiff in place, suddenly knelt down, and the spear in his hand fell to the side.

Silence, silence!
(PS: The second update today!!! There will be three updates tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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