Invincible in one touch

Chapter 120 The Remains of the Gods

Chapter 120 The Remains of the Gods


Vaguely, a mocking voice sounded, and then the world returned to light, and the black dragon got into the space crack and disappeared into the world.

"Hiss! Cowhide, is this the real strength of the Bone Dragon? A ground-level boss in seconds!"

"Fortunately, the goddess Xingyun came when I met the bone dragon last time, otherwise I would have to die!"

Taking a long breath, Ye Fusheng was a little depressed as he watched the Summoning Bone Dragon skill slowly disappearing on the skill panel.

Such a strong skill, I didn't expect to spend it here.

Originally, he wanted to save it for when he went to get the blood of God!

"Forget it, it's an extremely powerful prefecture-level boss anyway, I hope you can give me something good!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng stepped towards Ouyang Hengyu who was kneeling on the ground. At this time, his blood had dropped to the lowest value, and the whole blood bar was black.

But his eyes were full of blood-red light, and he was still glaring at Ye Fusheng.

This made Ye Fusheng quite surprised, the blood bar was emptied, why hasn't he died yet, and hasn't exploded his equipment?
Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered the Sword of Zhenling.

The real identity of this boss is Ouyang Jia's father, but he suppressed Ouyang Jia's soul. It is very likely that he has been turned evil.

The fact that the blood bar is reduced but he is not dead means that he still has a mission process to go, perhaps, it can be triggered by mission items.

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng summoned the Sword of Zhenling, and slashed at Ouyang Hengyu's body.


Almost at the moment when the Zhenling Sword passed Ouyang Hengyu, the holy light burst out like a flame, igniting blazingly, burning Ouyang Hengyu.


Heart-piercing screams rang out, and countless black mist suddenly emerged from Ouyang Hengyu's body. Immediately afterwards, the armor on his body dissipated, and the black mist gradually dissipated, revealing his figure.

That was a middle-aged man of average stature!

However, at this moment, only the phantom of his soul remained, and he was very weak.

"Warrior... Thank you for your rescue!"

After all the black devil energy evaporated, Ouyang Hengyu also recovered his sanity, was extremely weak, and bowed slightly to Ye Fusheng.

"You're welcome, thank your daughter if you want to thank me!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders. To be honest, if Ouyang Jia hadn't given him such a miraculous mission, he would never have saved Ouyang Hengyu's life.

"Oh, I didn't expect that I was obsessed with ghosts and did so many stupid things!"

Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Ouyang Hengyu suddenly smiled wryly: "If I could do it all over again, I would definitely not force Jia'er to do something I don't like! I will also be fooled by that devil again!"


With a sneer, Ye Fusheng was noncommittal.

You bad old man, I believe you a ghost!
People like you have always done anything for your own benefit, so it's no wonder you care about your daughter!
"Warrior, I can't survive, can you please promise me a request?"

"If you can complete it, I am willing to tell you an important secret! It is related to the secret of human beings becoming gods!"

"As long as you can get that secret! You can become a hero of the human race, lead us to expel the demons, and create another glory for the human race!"

Ouyang Hengyu was short of breath, staring closely at Ye Fusheng.

"Huh? Another mission?!"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng was also quite surprised.

Logically speaking, a mission map has at most one mainline mission, but why did he receive different missions from the city lord and the city lord's daughter?

"What request?"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng asked directly.

"First, I beg you to use my soul to break away from the restrictions of this tomb and free my daughter's soul! Let her be free!"

"Second, I ask you to defeat the hateful demon, the silver moon demon Calixis, and lift the curse he cast on the warriors of Dawn City!"

"If you can do this, I can tell you the secret!"

Ouyang Hengyu looked at Ye Fusheng full of hope.


"System prompt: Do you want to accept the legendary adventure mission [God's Ruins]? The mission requires that Ouyang Jia's soul be released from suppression, defeat the silver moon demon Calixis, and remove the curse of the undead in Dawn City!"

"Legendary adventure mission?!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ye Fusheng realized that this is a brand new task, and there must be a good reward!
Faced with this kind of task, it would be a fool not to accept it!

"Oh, thank you Warrior!"

"The old man did many wrong things back then, and caused his daughter to die tragically. I am guilty, and I shouldn't be alive!"

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Hengyu's soul jumped up abruptly, and pierced through his body holding the Zhenling Sword.


The soul body was pierced by the Soul-Suppressing Sword. In an instant, Ouyang Hengyu's soul was on fire, but he didn't have the slightest fear.

The soul that was almost on fire, the moment the gleaming sword of suppressing spirits collided with the huge tombstone, a terrifying power bloomed, like a sweeping mat, and immediately destroyed the tombstone.


A crisp sound sounded, and when the huge tombstone shattered, Ye Fusheng clearly felt that the surrounding air had changed.

At the same time, a whisper sounded in my ears: "Silver Moon Demon Calixis usually hides in the devil's cave east of the Cold Moon Mountain Range and rarely comes here. Please go to the Cold Moon Mountain Range and kill him!"

"Also, warrior, watch out for its puppets!"

The voice gradually weakened, and Ouyang Hengyu's soul completely dissipated.


The Sword of Zhenling shone brightly and pierced into the ground.


In an instant, a lot of glittering equipment and silver coins suddenly dropped from around the sword.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng, who was still a little sentimental about the plot, suddenly came to his senses.

This is just a game. Although the city lord was stupid before, he is not bad. At least at this juncture, he still remembers to lift the curse of his brothers.

"Forget it, let's look at the equipment first!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng stepped forward and began to look at the equipment.

This time, with good luck, an Earth-level boss unexpectedly revealed three Earth artifacts!

Overlord gun (earth device)

Attack Power: 980—1120
Power: 150
Stamina: 200
Overlord's Battle Cry: When attacking, there is a certain chance to trigger the Overlord's War Cry, just like the Overlord's battle cry, extremely ferocious, increases the critical strike rate of oneself by 10%, and the critical strike damage by 50%, lasts for 1 minute, cools down for 30 seconds, can be superimposed twice

Wang Dao: When wearing this weapon, you can increase your blood value by 10%, and your mana value and defense power by 5%
Vigorous: When attacking, there is a certain chance to trigger double damage

Description: Ouyang Hengyu, the heroic city lord of a generation, is equipped with a gun with extraordinary power

Wearing requirements: proficient in gun skills (you can guess who will get this gun in the end, hahaha)

Rating: 60
Handy (Intermediate): Reduce user requirements by 20 levels

The first piece of equipment gave Ye Fusheng a big surprise!

Extremely high attack power, far surpassing the equipment he exploded before, especially the special effects, which are more powerful, integrating attack and defense, and can also increase the critical strike rate and critical strike damage.

It also has a handy special skill, which can be equipped at a low level.

The only pity is that the requirements for wearing it are too fantastic. What does it mean to be proficient in spear talent?
"It's a pity, I don't like to use guns very much, and this equipment is useless to me! Sell it for money!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng put away the Overlord Spear, and began to look at the attributes of the next two pieces of equipment.

King's Ring (Earthware)

Power: 200
Stamina: 300
Power of King: Increase own strength and stamina by 3%

King's Heart: After opening, the own movement speed, attack speed, and release speed increase by 10%, the duration is 1 minute, and the cooling time is 5 minutes
Rating: 40
There are no fancy descriptions, but the special effects are very practical, one increases attributes, and the other is a magical skill during PK.

Movement speed and attack speed are the most important attributes for fighters.

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Fusheng replaced the original silver ring.

Finally, a dagger.

Dagger of Repentance (Earth Tool)
Attack Power: 700-930
Power: 80
Stamina: 50
Agility: 150
Heart of Repentance: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to make the enemy enter a state of repentance, and the own attack power is reduced by 5%, and there is a 1% chance to invalidate the attack or skill within one second
Description: A generation of kings, because of their own misjudgment, caused the entire city to become a dead city. When it turned into an undead, they poured all their repentance and troubles into the dagger, making it possess magical powers that can influence the lives of others. mind
Rating: 50
"This attribute is good for assassins, save your life!"

After reading the three pieces of equipment, Ye Fusheng turned around, and looked at the place where Ouyang Hengyu was before, and when he walked there, there was a formation that shone with purple light.

Waving the sword of town spirit, the formation was broken immediately.

In an instant, the soul of Ouyang Jia, who had fallen to the ground before, and the four urns in Ye Fusheng's backpack all flew out, and immediately exploded, shining with light.

After the light dissipated, a girl's soul suddenly floated in front of Ye Fusheng.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the first stage of the epic mission [Twilight of the Millennium], you can get a 30% reward. Do you want to continue to the next mission?"



"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for accepting the second phase of the epic task [Twilight of the Millennium], lead Ouyang Jia's soul to escape from the graveyard, get rid of the pursuit of the dark pursuers, and go to the Dark Plain and the Cold Moon Mountains to find Ouyang Jia's sweetheart!"

(PS: The third update today!!! In fact, if there are any old readers of mine, they should have already guessed who Ouyang Jia's sweetheart is. Hehe, there are two more updates in the future!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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