Invincible in one touch

Chapter 121 Finding Your Sweetheart

Chapter 121 Finding Your Sweetheart

"Get rid of the pursuit of the dark pursuer?"

"what is that?"

Seeing the mission prompt, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

In front of him, Ouyang Jia's soul gradually solidified, as if reborn, with a holy light.

"This warrior, thank you for your help!"

"Thank you even more for taking action, purifying father's devilish energy and restoring his soul!"

Ouyang Jia saluted Ye Fusheng slightly, looking very dignified.

"It's okay, can you feel the seat of your sweetheart?"

"Otherwise, there is only an approximate location, and it will be difficult for me to guide you to find him!"

Ye Fusheng sighed, he had already looked at the map, the Dark Plains and the Cold Moon Mountains are very vast, if you search slowly, you will be exhausted.

"Sorry, this warrior, I'm far away from him, so I can't determine his exact location, but when I get close to him within a certain distance, I can accurately sense his location!"

"Excuse me!"

Ouyang Jia's soul bit her lip and looked at Ye Fusheng with pitiful eyes.

To be looked at by a girl with such eyes, even a man would soften his heart, let alone a cute two-dimensional girl?
Ever since, Ye Fusheng endured it!
Purely when I go shopping with my sister to see the scenery.


However, before Ye Fusheng agreed, there was a glass-like voice in the distance.

Then there was the sound of iron hooves trampling.


Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice.

All I could see was a group of cavalry in black iron armor galloping from a distance, and black devilish energy surged around them.

"There is another monster, could it be that this is the Dark Chaser?"

"Hiss... a whole team of cavalry? Then I can't handle it alone!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng was a little depressed, this mission shouldn't be so tricky, right?
boom boom-

Iron hooves trampled the ground, and hundreds of dark cavalry rushed forward at an extremely fast speed, with great power!
As they got closer, Ye Fusheng used his eagle eye talent, and the attributes of those dark cavalrymen suddenly emerged.

Dark Chaser (Elite Monster)
Rating: 48
Blood value: 21000
Attack: 400
Defense: 700
Darkness Rush: Gather dark magic energy, condense into a terrifying dark blade, impact on the enemy, and cause high damage (when the number of dark shockers around reaches a certain level, the attack power will increase by 10%, up to 100%)

Dark Blood: Burn blood, increase own attack power by 10%, blood value and defense by 30%, and increase dodge rate by 10%

Description: It was originally the cavalry legion of Dawn City, but was cursed and became the dark cavalry, with extremely strong defense
Weaknesses: Insufficient attack, insufficient magic defense
"Hiss...they are cavalry, no wonder they have such high vitality and defense power! However, their attack and magic defense power is insufficient, so they can be used!"

With a turn of his eyes, Ye Fusheng waved his hands, and the rain of meteors and fire kept falling.


The blazing flames fell and continuously bombarded those dark pursuers. Almost every flame could cause up to 2000+ damage.

How fast is the meteor fire shower?

Almost every second, several fire rains fell, and the qi and blood of those dark pursuers weakened very quickly.

However, there are too many of those dark pursuers!
The previous hundreds are just estimates!
When the dark pursuer in the vanguard died, more cavalry rushed out behind him at a faster speed!
"No, I can't keep killing, otherwise I don't have enough mana, and I can't stop it!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng swept his eyes and found that the Youyan Warhorse could be summoned again, so he quickly summoned it, and while swaying meteor fire rain behind him, he ran towards the Cold Moon Mountain Range with the Sword of Zhenling.

Ouyang Jia exclaimed, and quickly flew into the Sword of Zhenling.

For a moment, countless dark pursuers ran wildly, chasing and killing Ye Fusheng frantically, making him dare not stop at all.


At this moment, there was another deafening sound of trampling horseshoes, and Ye Fusheng's face suddenly darkened. Another monster came?
The trampling sound of iron hooves became louder and louder, like thunder, and the whole earth trembled.

However, as the breath of flames rose, those dark pursuers who were frantically chasing the souls of Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia stopped.


Ye Fusheng noticed the abnormality, turned his head and saw thousands of soldiers galloping towards him.

Like a whirlwind of flames, the group of soldiers brandished their blades, instantly killed Ye Fusheng, bypassed him, and unleashed a strong impact on the dark pursuers.


In an instant, all the dark pursuers who were not far from Ye Fusheng were forced to retreat.

Those soldiers shouted, brandished their blades, and kept fighting with the dark pursuers.

"Hahaha! It turns out that reinforcements have arrived!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing out loud, ecstatically.

"Master General!"

General Bai Ye stepped forward and saluted Ye Fusheng.

"Excuse me for being late to rescue you! What else can you order?"

"Okay, I'll leave these dark chasers to you! I don't want to kill them all, after all, there are many terrifying monsters hidden behind them!"

Ye Fusheng patted Bai Ye's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "I only hope that you can lead the soldiers to stop these demons, and don't let them cross here! I'll go find reinforcements!"

"My lord, if there are only these monsters, I can easily kill them!"

Bai Ye raised his eyes, glanced at the dark pursuers, and asked: "Why don't you let the young general kill them and force out the demons behind them?"

"Absolutely not!"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly shouted: "Behind them, there is a huge demon hidden, I will go to the Lord City Master right now, you must remember not to act rashly!"

"Only the city lord can solve it?"

Hearing this, Bai Ye's heart shuddered, and he didn't dare to say anything else.

Ye Fusheng also let out a long sigh of relief, what are you kidding about, there are so many monsters, I leave it to myself to brush, and I will definitely be able to level up steadily, if you kill them all, wouldn't I be at a big loss?

Bai Ye stepped forward and controlled tens of thousands of soldiers, instead of forcefully controlling them, he intercepted them like a steel wall.

In itself, the attributes of their Ninth Legion are stronger than monsters of more than 40 levels, and the number is also large. It is easy to block their attacks!
Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng was completely relieved, and left with Ouyang Jia's soul.

At this time, no dark pursuers could rush over to attack and kill Ouyang Jia and the others.

Riding the Youyan Warhorse, Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia came to the Hanyue Mountain Range all the way out of the tomb cemetery.

The Hanyue Mountains are particularly vast, connecting with the Dark Plains, only tens of miles away from the Star Watching Tower.

Ye Fusheng took Ouyang Jia and walked around the Hanyue Mountains for nearly half an hour, but he failed to trigger the mission to find her sweetheart, which made them all anxious.

"How could this be? I clearly feel that he has stayed here before, and there is still his aura here..."

Ouyang Jia cried softly: "My Bai... Where are you?"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng's heart skipped a beat, he suddenly thought of a person.

It seems that the Hou Ye who is very domineering to the goddess Xing Yun is called Bai Hou Ye?

Coincidentally, today Xingyun went to the Wangxing Tower with him and passed by here. Could it be that Lord Bai is the person Ouyang Jia is looking for?

[That's right!Lord Bai Hou passed by here, which stimulated Ouyang Jia's obsession, and made her wake up, so that the ghosts in this area will recover! 】

His eyes lit up, Ye Fusheng was sure of his guess.

"Ouyang Jia, I'll take you to find your sweetheart right now!"

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng turned around abruptly, controlled the Youyan Warhorse and rushed towards the area of ​​the Star Watching Tower.

Ouyang Jia exclaimed, and quickly turned into a soul, attached to the Soul-Suppressing Sword in Ye Fusheng's hand.

At this time, under the Star Tower.

Xing Yun and Bai Yi lead a group of generals, strolling beside the tall city wall.

Beside them, under the city wall, there are overwhelming black figures, all of which are terrifying demon creatures.

They are like tireless monsters, constantly climbing along the mountains.

However, they had just approached, and there were already soldiers on the city wall attacking them, forcing them back.

However, no matter how many demon creatures die, those monsters will continue to attack like moths to a flame.

"Master Bai, now you understand why I have deployed so many troops, right?"

Xingyun's voice was calm.

Bai Yi sighed, and said helplessly: "Understood, but the people above may not agree!"

"The people above won't agree?"

Frowning, Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "Then you come with me again!"

After finishing speaking, Xing Yun turned around and walked to the other side.

Bai Yi followed, and suddenly realized that it was the route to the plain behind and to the mountains.

Frowning slightly, just as Bai Yi was about to ask, a sharp sword came through the air and rushed towards him head-on!
(PS: The fourth update today!!! Please recommend tickets!!)
(End of this chapter)

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