Invincible in one touch

Chapter 122 The Flying Sword

Chapter 122 The Flying Sword
"Who is coming?"

Seeing the sharp sword piercing through the air, before Bai Yi could react, Xing Yun yelled loudly, raised her hand and summoned a silver light, imprisoning the sharp sword in place.

The next moment, the terrifying silver light whirled, containing a tremendous force, and was about to erupt.


Bai Yi shook his head violently, but shouted: "City Lord Xingyun keeps the sword!"


Hearing this, Xing Yun quickly stopped her attack and looked at the white clothes in a little astonishment.

"This sword...why does it look so familiar to me?"

Bai Yi frowned slightly, and looked at the Zhenling Sword, but saw that the Zhenling Sword kept trembling.

Unfortunately, it was imprisoned by Xing Yun's power and could not move.

Ouyang Jia who was hidden in the sword body could not show up, let alone speak.

Da da da--

In the distance, the sound of horseshoes sounded, and another figure galloped forward.

Xing Yun and Bai Yi looked up, but this time, it was Xing Yun's turn to be surprised.

The person who came was Ye Fusheng!

"Master Goddess, keep the sword in hand!"

Ye Fusheng's face changed slightly when he saw Xing Yun's move to imprison the Zhenling Sword. He didn't want the Zhenling Sword to be destroyed, which would lead to the failure of the mission.

Are you kidding me, Xingyun's strength is dozens of times stronger than the sky-level boss, how can a mere sword of suppressing spirits stop her?
Hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Xing Yun completely dissipated the power in her body, but she still hasn't loosened the restraint of the Zhenling Sword.

"Goddess! Master in white!"

Riding the Raging Flame Pegasus, Ye Fusheng came to Xing Yun and Bai Yi, and said: "Goddess, please untie the restraint, there may be someone in this sword that Lord Bai Yi wants to see."


Xing Yun was slightly surprised.

Bai Yi was also amazed: "The person I want to see? How is it possible? I have lived in the dynasty for hundreds of years, how can there be someone I want to see here?"

"Master Bai Yi, you will know later!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders.

"Hahaha, that's what I'm looking forward to!"

Smiling slightly, Bai Yi nodded to Xing Yun, and said: "City Master Xing Yun, since this is your friend, I believe him too, and I want to see what is in this sword!"


Xing Yun flicked her right hand lightly, and the soft wind blew, immediately loosening the restraint on the Zhenling Sword.


In an instant, the Zhenling Sword trembled, bursting out with a burst of brilliance.


A soft female voice sounded along with Guanghua.

The next moment, Ouyang Jia's figure appeared in front of Bai Yi, Xing Yun and Ye Fusheng.

As soon as she appeared, Ouyang Jia's eyes were fixed on the white clothes, and her eyes were full of tenderness.

" is it possible?!"

Bai Yi trembled violently all over, he couldn't believe his eyes, but he soon realized that Ouyang Jia's state was wrong, and exclaimed: "Xiao Jia, why did you become a ghost state?"

"Could it be that bastard treated you badly after marriage? Damn it, where is he, I'm going to kill him!"

Even though they hadn't seen each other for many years, seeing Ouyang Jia's state, the originally calm and aristocratic Bai Yi suddenly became furious.

His eyes were bloodshot, his breathing was short of breath, and his murderous intent scattered.

Even Xing Yun took a step back and looked at Bai Yi in surprise.

Knowing Bai Yi for hundreds of years, it was the first time she saw Bai Yi furious. This shows the importance of Ouyang Jia in Bai Yi's heart.

Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief, he guessed right, Bai Yi is indeed Ouyang Jia's sweetheart!

In his capacity, the reward for his mission this time will definitely not be bad!

"After marriage? I'm not married..."

Ouyang Jia turned his head slightly, and said with a smile, "It's great to finally see you again!"

"What? You're not married? Back then?!"

The pupils shrank suddenly, and Bai Yi looked at Ouyang Jia in surprise.

"Back then, my father forced me to marry that devil... But, I didn't agree!"

Ouyang Jia said softly: "I wanted to leave with you, but unfortunately, I was imprisoned and unable to leave the city. I can only watch you leave alone!"

"It turns were imprisoned! I'm so stupid!"

His face turned pale suddenly, and the white clothes revealed a look of pain: "I'm sorry, back then I thought you had given up on me, so you left in anger! After that, I came back, but Dawn City was shattered, and you all disappeared , I don’t know what to do!”

"Where are those two bastards? Damn it, I will make them pay! How dare they hurt you, it is unforgivable! Unbearable!"

Bai Yi clenched his fists tightly.

"That demon not only hurt me, but also the entire Dawn City! Father is also innocent."

With a calm voice, Ouyang Jia narrated what happened in the past.

After listening, Bai Yi became more desperate and regretful.

"I'm sorry, Xiaojia! If I hadn't left in a fit of anger, that guy's trick would never have succeeded! I will definitely protect you!"

Bai Yi looked at Ouyang Jia, feeling very guilty.

"No, didn't do anything wrong, I'm very glad that you can leave in order to have today's results!"

"Bai... I hope that you can take action to avenge all the soldiers in our Dawn City, kill that demon, and save our souls!"

Ouyang Jia smiled and stared at Bai Yi.

"Don't worry, I will definitely avenge my brothers! At the beginning, I thought that that guy was not a good person, but it's a pity that no one believed me!"

"What I regret most now is that I didn't take you away with me! If God gives me another chance, even if I don't wait for you, I will kill you and take you away!"

Bai Yi stared at Ouyang Jia.

At the same time, Ye Fusheng heard system notifications one after another!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the second stage of the epic mission [Twilight of the Millennium], you can get a 60.00% reward, do you want to continue to the next mission?"



"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully accepting the third phase of the epic task [Twilight of the Millennium], lead the white clothes to the graveyard and the ruins of the original Dawn City, purify all cursed warriors and undead, and go to the Cold Moon Mountains to kill Silver Moon Devil Calixis! After completing the task, you will be eligible to unlock rewards!"

"It seems that this should be the last mission!"

Seeing the reminder, Ye Fusheng couldn't help nodding his head slightly.

As long as the silver moon demon Calixis is killed, this series of missions should also be over.

I don't know how rich the epic mission rewards will be!
"This little brother, City Master Xingyun, I might have to leave!"

Bai Yi turned to look at Xing Yun, and sighed: "Please allow me to leave for a while, and come back after I rescue my former brother!"

"It's okay, we can go with you!"

Xing Yun shook her head and said, "It just so happens that this little guy also needs some practice!"

"The goddess is wise!"

Ye Fusheng flattered him, and immediately grinned and said: "Master in white, that silver moon demon is not weak. When you are dueling with him, we can protect Miss Ouyang for you and help you."

"Bai... Calixis is very strong, it's better to have more people in the past."

Ouyang Jia also shook her head slightly. Hearing this, Bai Yi could only sigh and said, "Forget it, City Master Xingyun, Xiao Jia's safety is in your hands! That demon Calixis caused me to be separated from Xiao Jia, and even more so. So many of my brothers have fallen into the curse, I will never forgive him!"

After all, Bai Yi stretched out his hand, and a breeze brought up the Sword of Zhenling, and quickly flew towards the distance with Ouyang Jia.

Bai Yi's speed was extremely fast, and within a few breaths, he was far away from Ye Fusheng's sight, which made him dumbfounded.

Originally, Ye Fusheng's heart was already swollen, and he felt that he was very strong, but now when he saw Bai Yi, he immediately calmed down.

He understands that his strength in this game is just the beginning.

"Don't be in a daze, little guy, put away your magic horse! I'll take you there!"

Xing Yun walked to Ye Fusheng's side, her voice was calm.


Ye Fusheng reacted, and quickly put away the Raging Flame Pegasus. The next moment, he felt a flash of light in front of him, and then he appeared on a silver-white sword.

Behind him, there was a subtle breath and a faint fragrance!
"Flying Sword?!"

Ye Fusheng was stunned.

Flying with the sword is the dream of every teenager, otherwise, in the previous 4G and 5G network era, Xianxia TV series would not be so popular!
Unfortunately, after the full popularization of 6G network, the emergence of virtual games has greatly impacted the previous entertainment methods, and this has become an online game for all!
"Goddess, when can I fly with the sword?"

Ye Fusheng asked excitedly.


"Don't talk, just feel it!"

Xing Yun's voice was quite gentle: "I will teach you when you reach the level."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng closed his eyes, feeling everything.

However, just when he realized something, he felt that the fluctuations in the space around him accelerated. When he opened his eyes again, he saw them descending at an extremely fast speed, and then the blades under his feet flew out, gradually turning into feathers and dissipating.

The surrounding air was cold, and Ye Fusheng suddenly realized that they had returned to the vicinity of Shuguang City in such a short period of time!

This is so fast, isn't it?

The white clothes held up the Zhenling Sword, and Ouyang Jia's soul flew out again, looking at the surrounding scenes, he couldn't help but look sad.

"Damn it, the air here is so filthy!"

"Darkness has taken over here!"

The white clothes looked dignified.

Xing Yun also sighed: "I didn't expect that there are so many undead hidden here!"

"City Master Xingyun, I won't trouble you here! Let me purify these undead!"

After all, Bai Yi walked forward with Ouyang Jia's soul.



The white clothes passed by, and the souls on both sides, the undead warriors, got out of the armor or the mud, roared and roared, and rushed towards the white clothes.


However, before they got close to Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia, a bright golden light burst out of his body.

The golden light was holy, and the moment it bloomed, it was like a raging flame, burning those undead warriors into ashes in an instant.


The golden light continued to bloom, and countless undead warriors and skeletons died under the golden light.

Seeing those monsters die, Ye Fusheng was heartbroken, it was all his own experience!
However, when Ye Fusheng was feeling distressed, a golden disc circled under his feet, and a crisp system notification sounded.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the ghost warrior and getting a reward of 18000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the Resentful Horror and getting a reward of 13000 experience points!"


The hints of experience acquisition jumped more than ten times per second, and they were refreshed crazily. Ye Fusheng called up the attribute panel and looked at it, and he was overjoyed immediately!

His experience points are rising crazily!

It turned out that the experience points of the monsters killed by Bai Yi were all counted on his head!
(PS: The fifth update is over, go to bed, continue writing tomorrow, finish writing this plot, and then go to explore the relics of the gods, and the pets will come out too!)
(End of this chapter)

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