Invincible in one touch

Chapter 123 Beyond Limits, The Eye of Truth

Chapter 123 Beyond Limits, The Eye of Truth


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the guardian of the undead helmet and getting a reward of 18000 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the ghost warrior and getting a reward of 12000 experience points!"

All kinds of monsters appeared, and some monsters were full of demon energy, which was extremely terrifying and contained terrifying power, which even made Ye Fusheng feel penetrating.

However, in front of the white clothes, they were as weak as babies, without any strength to resist, they melted instantly, were purified by the holy light, and became Ye Fusheng's experience points.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading, the current level is 38!"

Ten minutes later, when Bai Yi cleared half of the ghosts in the area, Ye Fusheng upgraded again.

This made Ye Fusheng extremely happy. It is worthy of being an epic-level main task. It gave him a great improvement before he got the final reward.

Needless to say, a few ground and gold artifacts, the rewards of experience points alone are rich enough.

There are still many monsters in the future, if he wipes them all out, wouldn't it be possible to reach level 40 with the final mission reward?
Seeing that his experience value kept jumping, not long after reaching level 38, it had risen by as much as 5%, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed, but turned his attention to Xing Yun.

Bai Yi is so strong, so powerful, isn't Xing Yun even stronger?

When can Xing Yun lead him to level up, the leveling speed will probably increase several times!
Another half an hour passed, and the monsters in the entire area were purified by the white clothes. Ye Fusheng's experience bar, which had just reached level 38, had risen to as much as 70%!

I'm afraid that the task is completed, he can directly reach level 40, and he will make everyone on the world ranking list despair.

After purifying the monsters in this area, Bai Yi sighed unceasingly: "These brothers were all my comrades-in-arms back then, and fought together to resist the demons. Unexpectedly, when we meet again today, they turned into undead and lost their will !"

"Xiao Jia, I'm sorry! I did something wrong back then. If I didn't trust you and left in a fit of anger, I wouldn't be in this situation today!"

"Don't worry, from now on, I will never leave you again!"

Bai Yi stared deeply at Ouyang Jia with sincere affection.

"No, Bai..."

Ouyang Jia shook her head slightly: "It's not your fault, everything is Calixis' fault!"

"Hmph, that bastard!"

"Whether it's for you or for the former comrades-in-arms, today I will kill Calixis and use its head to pay homage to everyone!"

Bai Yi clenched his fists, then turned around and walked towards Xing Yun, handed her the Sword of Town Spirit, and said softly: "Master Xing Yun, Calixis is extremely powerful, in the battle with him, I'm afraid I can't Protect Xiaojia, please help me a lot!"

"It's okay."

After receiving the Zhenling Sword, Xing Yun nodded slightly.


But Ouyang Jia said suddenly: "Bai...don't go alone, don't leave me again! No matter where you go or what existence you face, I want to accompany you!"

"That's right, Lord Baiyi, no one knows how strong that guy is. If you're not the opponent, we can help if we go!"

Ye Fusheng hurriedly responded.

What a joke, if he can't go, then he will miss a big opportunity!
Calixis, that is the ultimate boss of the epic mission, the level must be very high, if you can attack it once or twice, and get the right to own it, when it dies, the equipment that explodes must not be ordinary.

"Forget it, then let's go together! From today on, we will never be separated again!"

Bai Yi didn't know what Ye Fusheng was thinking, but he didn't want to see Ouyang Jia sad again, and didn't want to be separated from Ouyang Jia again, so he agreed immediately.

Looking at Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia's affection, a hint of envy flashed in the depths of Xing Yun's eyes.

With the existence of two peak powerhouses, Bai Yi and Xing Yun, Ye Fusheng and his party completed their journey almost in an instant, from the vicinity of Sunset City to Hanyue Mountain Range.

Just like before, Bai Yi cast a purification spell, melting all the monsters he encountered.

Unfortunately, this time, it seemed that those monsters did not belong to the scope of epic missions. After they were purified, Ye Fusheng did not receive any experience points rewards.

Fortunately, there were gold coins dropped, which surprised Ye Fusheng.

Pulling Xing Yun all the way, picking up the gold coins and putting them away, the group of four also came to a huge cave.

"In the cave, it should be the lair of Calixis!"

Feeling the surging devilish energy in the cave, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look serious.

Fortunately, Xing Yun and Bai Yi were there, otherwise, with his current strength, he might not be able to complete this task at all.

The level gap and the level gap are too big!

This task is by no means an existence that can be meddled in the early stage of the game!
Just when Ye Fusheng and the others were about to enter the cave, a sudden, deafening roar suddenly came from the cave.


The terrifying force erupted, and the cave suddenly collapsed. The thick black devilish energy rushed out from within, and then sealed off the surrounding area like a cage.

"It seems that the devil has already noticed our arrival!"

Xing Yun and Bai Yi looked calm.


"Unexpectedly, two big fish were caught at once!"

"The legendary Dawn of Sunset City, and my old friend from back then... Hahaha!"

Eerie laughter came out, and the black mist surged, turning into a gigantic devil figure tens of feet tall.

The terrifying power and momentum, like a mountain, oppressed Ye Fusheng's heart.

"This... is the silver moon demon Calixis?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng moved his eyes upwards, and quickly displayed his eagle eye talent, wanting to detect Calixis' attributes.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can help you win a hundred battles!


However, after the skill was activated, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt pain in his eyes, and he couldn't help screaming.

In front of him, a blood-red data panel appeared, and a cold system bell rang!

Silvermoon Demon Calixis (Epic Boss)

Rating: 225
Blood value: 2190000000
Attack Power: ? ? ? ——? ? ?
Defense: ? ? ?

Silver Moon Radiance:? ? ?

describe:? ? ?
"Hiss... an epic boss of level 225, with a blood value of 21 billion?!"

There are not many attributes, most of them are question marks, there is no way, after all, Ye Fusheng's level is nearly 200 levels different from it, it is not easy to find out the blood value, level, and level.

However, after being surprised by the attributes of the Silver Moon Demon, Ye Fusheng breathed a sigh of relief.

He suddenly remembered that Xingyun's blood value was as high as 62 billion, more than 40 billion more than this boss. Doesn't it mean that Xingyun's strength is also much stronger than it?

That being the case, he doesn't have to worry at all, even if Bai Yi is not the opponent of Calixis, Xing Yun can easily clean it up.

The only thing Ye Fusheng needs to worry about is how much benefit this epic boss can bring him!

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for using the eagle eye talent, detecting the attributes of monsters that are higher than their own level 180, surpassing the limit, the eagle eye talent has evolved into a heavenly talent - the eye of truth!"

(PS: Sorry, I have something to do today, and the update is relatively late. I just started writing, and I will write like crazy. Maybe I can’t write [-] words today, and I will make up for the bad ones tomorrow!!! Sorry, sorry!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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