Invincible in one touch

Chapter 124 The battle of the epic powerhouse

Chapter 124 The battle of the epic powerhouse
"System prompt: Congratulations to the player when using the eagle eye talent, the attributes of monsters that are higher than their own level 180, surpassing the limit, the eagle eye talent has evolved into a sky-level talent—the eye of truth!"

Fortunately, this is the game world, even if his eyes hurt unbearably, and there is still blood flowing, Ye Fusheng can still see everything, and he can also see system prompts and skill attributes.

Eye of Truth (heavenly-level talent): Analyze all the attributes of the detected object or creature, including weaknesses, and there is a 5% chance to make the target fall into the state of being seen through, and the defense power is reduced by 10%! (Note: The person under investigation cannot exceed three levels of the user, otherwise it will be invalid)

"Hiss... definitely detects all attributes, including weaknesses! It can also reduce the defense power by 10%! Hiss... this talent is too domineering!"

"Fortunately, there is a level gap limit, otherwise you will be really invincible!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Ye Fusheng suddenly felt that this task was really worth it, and he made a lot of money!

Even if there is no mission reward, the benefits he has received now are enough.

At this time, Xing Yun suddenly moved to Ye Fusheng's side, turned her right hand into a palm, and gently shook Ye Fusheng's eyes.


The warmth and radiance bloomed, like spring wind turning into rain, nourishing Ye Fusheng's soul and cheeks.

The blood gradually dissipated, and the eyes no longer hurt.

"Thank you, Lady Goddess!"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng hurriedly thanked him, feeling very happy in his heart.

Sure enough, building a good relationship with the strong is domineering.

Because the detection strength exceeds the injuries he suffered from too many bosses, that's good!

"Be careful, this demon is not weak!"

Xing Yun waved her right hand lightly, and in an instant, a silver light barrier emerged to protect Ye Fusheng's side.

Afterwards, Xing Yun stepped forward and stared at Calixis, preventing it from making a move.

"Hey hey hey..."

"Bai Yi, seeing everything in Dawn City today, seeing those undead, I don't know, how do you feel!"

Silvermoon Demon Calixis sneered eeriely.

"I only regret that I didn't discover your true face back then, and I didn't kill you!"

The white robe looked stern, and raised his right hand. In an instant, a flash of silver light turned into a long silver sword, rippling with moonlight and a holy aura.

Obviously, Bai Yi has to go all out!
"Tut tsk tsk, boy, I think you think too much!"

" don't have the ability to kill me!"

"Even if you called the city lord today, it's just a dinner for me!"

The huge black demon figure condensed again, turning into a complete figure.

It was a ferocious demon with bloodshot eyes and sharp fangs.

At this time, its eyes fell on Xing Yun, full of killing intent.


"Back then, I failed to stick to my heart, and let you, a demon, find a chance, and that's how I destroyed Dawn City!"

"Today, I will kill you, for my former brother, for the person I love the most..."

Speaking of this, Bai Yi turned around and glanced at Ouyang Jia, who was floating on the Zhenling Sword, and immediately yelled, and uttered the last two words "Revenge!"


Amidst the loud shouts, Bai Yi jumped up and flew up to a height of tens of feet. He waved the silver sword in his hand, and immediately brought up streaks of silver-white sword energy, spinning around at an extremely fast speed, like light practiced. Generally, go towards Calixis.

"The Dark Demon Roars!"

Calixis would not let his hands down, and the black mist in the sky turned into countless black dragons. They hovered, roared, and flew beside Calixis, guarding it.

Not only that, there were also some black giant dragons flying out in circles, sticking out the giant claws that contained terrifying demonic energy, and grabbed at the white clothes.


The silver-white moonlight danced, and the white clothes were like a flying butterfly. After turning around several times, he was able to shuttle among the black dragon without any damage.


The crisp sound continued to sound, and when the figure in white shuttled past the roar of the black giant dragon, those giant dragons suddenly stiffened and froze in the air.

The next moment, they burst like broken glass.

It turned out that when the white clothes passed by them, a terrifying sword attack had already erupted.

"Dark Red Flame!"

Accompanied by the hoarse drinking sound again, terrifying flames erupted from the body of the sky-filled black dragon.

As soon as the black, purple, and fiery red flames ignited, the temperature of the surrounding space became scorched.

Even Ye Fusheng who was standing at the bottom could feel the scorching heat.

For a moment, Ye Fusheng, Ouyang Jia and the ghost couldn't help becoming nervous.

Is Bai Yi the opponent of the Silver Moon Demon?

Xing Yun was the only one standing there with a calm expression.

The silver-white light shone in front of her and turned into a light shield, blocking most of the shock waves for Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia who were behind them.

"Whirling Dance of Water!"

The light blue water was mixed with cold air, and in an instant, the water splashed all over the sky, and the flames were extinguished in an instant.

"Frozen Ghost Dance Slash!"

The cold air suddenly became violent, and the sound of "Kacha——Kacha——" was heard continuously. The moment the flames of the huge black dragon were extinguished, dark blue ice cubes appeared on the surface of the dragon's body.

In just a few breaths, the giant dragons in the sky have turned into dozens of huge dragon-shaped ice sculptures!

"Blood Sword!"

However, before the white clothes completely killed those frozen black dragons, there was a bloody aura rippling in the air.


Immediately afterwards, blood filled the air, turned into a huge long sword, and slashed towards Bai Yi suddenly.


Almost at the same time as the blood-colored giant sword was swung, a terrifying force erupted, and the blood all over the sky exploded.

In an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and strong winds swept across and spread.

However, when those strong winds approached Ye Fusheng, Xing Yun, and Ouyang Jia, a silver-white radiance emerged, dispelling all the power.

Realizing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help turning his gaze to Xing Yun.

It seems that Xing Yun has been silently protecting him before!

The earth was shaking, Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia couldn't feel the terrifying power, but they understood that the terrifying battle was still going on!
The entire Hanyue Mountain Range was covered by demon energy, holy radiance, and biting cold air.

Due to the emergence of the silver-white light, Ye Fusheng couldn't see clearly, he could only vaguely see the sword qi criss-crossing, the strong power transformed into many forms, colliding fiercely together.

From time to time, hoarse roars came out.

I don't know how long this battle lasted, but the intensity finally weakened.

At this time, Xing Yun waved her right hand lightly, and suddenly dispersed most of the silver-white light in the air.

Ye Fusheng raised his head quickly, showing a look of surprise.

It could be seen that Bai Yi was actually holding two swords, like a phantom, waving the blades crazily, bursting out with brilliant and piercing sword light, constantly slashing at Calixis.

The huge Calixis also condensed his body to a size of two feet, flying in the air, brandishing a giant sword, and contending against the white clothes.

The sharp sword energy continuously bloomed from the two people's bodies, and then slashed at each other.



Subtle voices continued to sound, and Bai Yi and Calixis were both full of energy and blood, dripping with blood.

Looking intently, Ye Fusheng suddenly noticed that blood streaks appeared on the heads of Bai Yi and Calixis!

(PS: The second update today, there may be a third update in the early morning!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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