Invincible in one touch

Chapter 125 Epic Boss Kill, Sky Slashing Flames!

Chapter 125 Epic Boss Kill, Sky Slashing Flames!
The blood bars of Calixis and Bai Yi were all shining with light.

However, Baiyi still has nearly half of his blood, while Calixis has only a little bit left, which has turned black and seems to die at any time.

Its breathing became even more rapid, its eyes were blood red, and it stared at Ye Fusheng, eyes full of horror.

It can't believe that the weak boy who could only choose to escape thousands of years ago has grown into a powerful and strong man now!

Holding two divine swords in both hands, Bai Yi glared at Calixis and shouted, "Today is your death day!"

As soon as the words fell, the white clothes rushed out, waving both hands, and the two divine swords suddenly burst into dazzling light, wrapped in shocking sword aura and killing intent, and suddenly enveloped Calixis' entire body.


There was a sudden scream, and Calixis' figure was swallowed up by the dragon-like sword energy.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help sighing, what a loss!
If Calixis can give him the final blow, he will definitely be able to burst out a lot of good equipment.

It's a pity that the battlefield is far away in the sky, and with his strength, he has no chance to intervene at all.

The most basic point, he can't fly!

The burst of sword energy suddenly shattered the surrounding mountains, shaking the ground for a while.

Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

Silvermoon Demon Calixis has been killed, and the next thing is much simpler.

High in the sky, Bai Yi panted heavily and smiled.

Although he paid a huge price and consumed a lot of power in order to kill the silver moon demon Calixis this time, he finally completed revenge for his brothers.

I believe that the brothers in the past will feel at ease when they know this.


However, just as Bai Yi was about to lower his body, there was a loud and ear-splitting dragon chant, and then, the black mist broke through the space and suddenly appeared, appearing directly in front of Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia.

A figure with a pale face, hands like dry bones, containing the breath of death, violently attacked and killed Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia.

It is powerful, so it can be sensed that only Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia are weak here.

"not good!"

"Calixis is not dead yet!"

His pupils shrank suddenly, seeing the terrifying hand bones grabbing towards him, Ye Fusheng's breathing became short of breath.

"Damn—Calixis, dare you?!"

High in the sky, Bai Yi looked down, his expression changed drastically, and he shouted loudly.

However, in that battle just now, Bai Yi had already consumed too much strength. In addition, in order to protect Ouyang Jia, he deliberately pulled the battlefield into the sky. The distance was too far, and there was no way to get close quickly.

It turned out that after the battle just now, Calixis knew that he was not Bai Yi's opponent, so he dodged Bai Yi's lore blow, and lurked beside Ouyang Jia by hiding himself, trying to hold Ouyang Jia hostage to threaten Bai Yi, seeking Chance of survival.


"I, Calixis, am one of the Seven Demon Kings. How could I have been defeated by a human like you?"

"Hahaha, I will definitely win the final victory!"

With a loud laugh, Calixis had a ferocious face, and suddenly accelerated his speed, attacking and killing Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia.

However, before Calixis's hand bones caught Ye Fusheng and Ouyang Jia, a sigh was heard, and then, a purple divine thunder fell from the sky.



There was a thunder on the flat ground, and the purple thunder contained terrifying power. It suddenly exploded on the back of Calixis, like a mountain, and instantly crushed him to the ground.

All the black mist and magic energy were swallowed up in the flickering thunder.

The next moment, a figure stepped out, and Xing Yun stepped on Calixis' back with a little force.


In an instant, Calixis let out a scream like a pig being slaughtered, his whole body writhed and struggled, as if he was in great pain.

Xing Yun is full of holy aura and strength, even if she just steps on Calixis, she can devour its source of devilish energy, devour its life, and make it feel like being burned by the sun.

Seeing this scene, Bai Yi couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Ye Fusheng summoned the Bright Light Sword and stared at Calixis.

Who knows if Calixis is showing weakness again and preparing to sneak attack.

After all, it is also an epic boss with a level of 225, and it has no special skills, Ye Fusheng doesn't even believe it.

"Little guy, this little devil wants to kill you, I don't know, do you have the guts to kill it?"

Xing Yun stepped on Calixis, looked at Ye Fusheng and smiled.


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned, and then he was overjoyed.

He couldn't tell that Xing Yun was benefiting himself!
As soon as she said this, Bai Yi was embarrassed to make up the knife again, that is to say, the last blow to kill Calixis fell on him!

This made Ye Fusheng so excited that he almost didn't jump up.

That's an epic boss, and the rewards for killing it must be very rich, maybe even equipment that surpasses the earth's equipment will be released.

"Hahaha, how could I not dare?"

"Whoever offends my human race will be punished even though he is ugly!"

Rolling his eyes, Ye Fusheng knew that the opportunity must be missed, he was worried that the white clothes would kill Calixis after he got off, so he hurriedly stepped forward, swung his bright light sword, and slashed at Calixis' head.


The blade passed by and slashed on Calixis' head, but it cut open violently as if on steel, and sparks burst out.

The number -1-1 even appeared on Calixis' head.

This made Ye Fusheng quite embarrassed, Ma De, the gap between level and attribute is too big, even if the bright light sword has sacred characteristics, it can't deal damage.

However, since it has compulsory damage, there is a possibility of beheading it, at best, it can only swing the sword a few more times.


"Bastards, how dare you insult me!"

Calixis was furious, Ye Fusheng's level was too low at this time, to him, he was just an ant.

However, the ants in its eyes are constantly attacking it, and it can't resist and fight back. How aggrieved is this?
Calixis really wanted to resist and struggle, but Xingyun was too strong, even though he desperately wanted to burn his own soul, he found in despair that he couldn't control his body and soul at all.

So, Calixis could only give up struggling in despair, and endured the crazy attack from Ye Fusheng.

Now that things are irreversible, enjoy it.

However, Ye Fusheng, who kept swinging his sword but was unable to kill Calixis, also began to panic as time went by.

What if the white clothes fall down and take away his right to kill?
"Made, you can't go on like this, fight!"

Glancing out of the corner of his eye, the white clothes were about to fall, Ye Fusheng suddenly drew the Soul-Suppressing Sword floating in the air, clenched his hands tightly, and slashed towards Calixis' head!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully killing the epic boss Calixis. You will be rewarded with 100000000 experience points, 100000 reputation points, and 100000 merit points! Sky Slashing Flame X1!"

The system prompt sounded, and the golden halo under Ye Fusheng's feet continued to bloom. Immediately afterwards, server announcements all over the world sounded again, shocking everyone online at this time in the whole world!

(PS: Killing the BOSS across so many levels and stages, this reward makes me jealous!!! Ah, it would be great if there is such a game in reality!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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