Invincible in one touch

Chapter 126 Fairy-Level Skills, Reign of Chaos!

Chapter 126 Fairy-Level Skills, Reign of Chaos!


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Fusheng Qianqian] for successfully killing the epic boss Silver Moon Demon Calixis, becoming the first hero to kill the epic boss, and getting a reward of 100000000 experience points and 10000 reputation points. Brave Badge X1!"

"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the players in the Huaxia Theater [Floating Life]..."


Nine server announcements sounded in succession. In an instant, the players in the whole world were stunned, and their hearts were full of shock.

"I'm stupid? What's the situation?"

"How did Floating Life manage to do it? We have just come into contact with bronze-level and silver-level bosses, and he actually killed epic-level bosses?"

"Hiss... This guy is definitely cheating! Maybe he found a loophole in the game!"

"That's right, how can a normal player kill an epic-level boss that sounds tall and tall in such a short period of time! It's terrifying to still be number one on the list!"

Not only at home, but also abroad, it caused an uproar.

"Baga, Lu, you bunch of idiots!"

"We must not let the Huaxia people steal so much limelight! I will give you ten days to investigate Floating Life! If you can't find any news about him, then you all, go and commit seppuku!"

"Floating lives... Huh, James, find someone to find out his identity as soon as possible, and we must win him over! If there is no way to win him over, then... find a way to get rid of him!"

"I didn't expect that you killed the epic boss so quickly, but I will try my best to catch up with you!"

The whole world, no matter if it was an individual player or a special force, was attracted by Ye Fusheng again.

On the game forum, thousands of posts broke out in a very short period of time, all of which were discussing the deeds of floating lives.

However, before they calmed down, another system announcement sounded.


"World Server Announcement: Due to the killing of the Silvermoon Demon Calixis, the monarchs of the Demon Legion woke up from the darkness, intending to attack the human race and invade the land! One day later, a new scenario will be opened-the Reign of Chaos! At that time, all countries in the world In the big server, there will be ten purgatory monarchs, leading the demons! Warriors, please raise your blade and face the baptism of blood and fire!"



"I'm going? It's only been a few days since the version was updated, and a new version is going to be opened?"

"This update speed is even faster than the poisonous milk powder in ancient times before!"

"Fusheng Wanqian is a record-breaking ah. It took about half a month to open the server, because he has to update the version twice! Looking at the previous games, who can do this?"

"I'm afraid that the son of the dragon who has been occupying No.1 before can't do it?"

"It seems that when the next ranking is updated, Dragon Son won't be able to sit firmly at No. 1!"

The forum completely exploded, but, discussing the version update, they suddenly brought the topic to the ranking.

"Shh, it's best not to say these words. As the number one expert on, Dragon's Son is now being suppressed crazily by Fusheng Qianqian, beware of him getting angry!"

"Ho ho ho, what can he do if he gets angry? Let him fight Fu Sheng Wan Qian if he has the ability!"

"That's right, what we're talking about is the truth. It is estimated that this time, the status of the son of the dragon will drop sharply. In addition to Floating Life, another white-clothed dragon will appear. The strength is also stronger than that, and he will catch up with Floating Thousand Thousands. In my opinion, the son of the dragon will kneel in the face of the two of them!"

"Okay, don't talk about this, why don't you observe the new version more, the most important thing is to improve our strength... I don't know how strong the ten purgatory monarchs are. If we can kill them, maybe we will also rise against the sky. ?”

I have to say that the news of the version update was the most shocking. After discussing for a while, the forum stopped paying attention to Floating Life, and went to the official website to check the news of the new version and the top ten purgatory monarchs.

Ye Fusheng naturally also saw those announcements, he was both surprised and delighted.

However, what surprised him the most was the equipment released by Calixis!

There were not many pieces of equipment released by Calixis, only two pieces, but each piece shone brightly and looked quite beautiful.

Quickly put away the equipment, before Ye Fusheng had time to check the attributes, the white clothes fell from the air, came to Ye Fusheng, and said softly: "Little guy, thank you for standing in front of Xiaojia and protecting her! I also thank you for bringing her to me!"

"What do you want? I will definitely do what I can do!"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng rolled his eyes and couldn't help being surprised.

Judging by Bai Yi's meaning, it seems that besides the task rewards, he can get more extra rewards!

It was an absolute surprise.

"Master Baiyi speaks volumes, and what he said must not be false."

Xing Yun chuckled and said, "Little guy, what are you still doing? If you want anything, just tell Lord Bai Yi!"


After Xing Yun spoke, Ye Fusheng naturally didn't hesitate anymore, and asked excitedly: "Master Bai Yi, can you teach me some tricks of your swordsmanship?"

Just now, even if Ye Fusheng couldn't see clearly, he could sense that Bai Yi's understanding of swordsmanship was extremely high.

The skills obtained from him will definitely not be weak.


Bai Yi was taken aback, he didn't expect Ye Fusheng to learn swordsmanship, he quickly smiled and said: "Forget it, since you have this idea, then I will do what you wish!"

Saying that, Bai Yi stretched out his right hand, pointing slightly at Ye Fusheng's head.


Ye Fusheng only felt a special power and breath flowing in his mind, and then, the system bell rang.


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully comprehending the fairy-level skill Double Swordsmanship and fairy-level skill Dazzling Sword Dance!"

Dual Swordsmanship (Fairy-level skill—passive): After comprehension, you can hold sword weapons in both hands, and perfectly increase the attributes of the two weapons on your body, and increase attack speed by 5% and critical strike rate by 8%.
Dazzling Sword Dance (Fairy-Level Skill——LV1): Dual swords flutter around, bursting out hundreds of sword qi, instantly causing thousands of indiscriminate attacks on enemies within 50X30 yards in front, cooldown time 120 minutes
"Double swordsmanship? Dazzling sword dance?!"

"Fairy-level skills?!"

After seeing the attributes, Ye Fusheng was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Bai Yi would be so willing to teach him all the fairy-level skills!
That is a skill beyond the version!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for completing the series of missions [Twilight of the Millennium]. The reward has reached 100%. You can choose to receive it or continue with the expansion mission! After accepting the expansion mission, if it is completed, all rewards will increase by 50%. Rewards cleared!"

"Whether to accept?"

Before Ye Fusheng could be happy, another choice came to him!

(PS: The first update today, the fifth update will start in the evening, please recommend tickets, please subscribe!)

(End of this chapter)

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