Invincible in one touch

Chapter 127 Extraordinary Divine Skill, Eternal Heart!

Chapter 127 Extraordinary Divine Skill, Eternal Heart!
"Successfully increases the reward by 50%. If it fails, all mission rewards will be emptied! This is a bit cruel!"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help hesitating.

After thinking about it, this task has already given him a lot of benefits, even if he fails, there is nothing to lose, why not give it a try?
Beat a fight, bike change bike!
Once it succeeds, the reward can skyrocket a lot more, and there is no loss if it fails, there is no need to refuse it at all.


Ye Fusheng made a choice, just looked up, but saw Bai Yi patted his shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Brave, young swordsman, I hope you can carry my will and pass on... the double swordsmanship!"

Hearing this sentence suddenly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being stunned for a moment, what does this mean?
How does it sound, a bit like Tuo Gu?

However, before Ye Fusheng could react, a crisp sound came from his ear.


"White clothes?!"

Exclamations sounded one after another, and Ye Fusheng looked down, only to realize that the white clothes had pierced his abdomen with a sword blade.

The blood was bubbling, and Bai Yi's whole body became slightly illusory.

In itself, after the duel with Calixis, Bai Yi's condition was not very good, he was almost seriously injured, and now he stabbed himself with a sword, dispelled all defenses, caused extremely high damage, and directly turned his health bar into black that's it.

I'm afraid that if he is not careful, Bai Yi will die.

"Bai...why are stupid!"

Ouyang Jia's spirit floated forward and hugged Bai Yi tightly.

Even in the state of soul, crystal tears flowed down Ouyang Jia's cheeks.

"Xiao Jia, because of my cowardice, I made you suffer so much! Today, since I found you, I will not let you go again!"

"Even if I become an undead, I will be by your side, by your side!"

Bai Yi's blood volume continued to drop, but his face was full of smiles, and he hugged Ouyang Jia's soul with a contented expression, without any sense of sadness about dying.

Seeing this scene, Xing Yun stood aside and said nothing, Ye Fusheng was also shocked.

This is a game!

How could there be such touching feelings?
Ye Fusheng couldn't even believe it, the emotional flow between Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia was a completely virtual setting!
"you are silly……"

Ouyang Jia smiled, but her face was covered with tears.

Bai Yi hugged Ouyang Jia tightly, turned around to look at Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun again, and said in a low voice: "This swordsman, the Lord Xingyun favors you very much, and I will not doubt your strength and character. , you can help me choose a good heir in the future!"

"City Master Xingyun, I'm sorry, I can't go back to the dynasty, and explain the border defense situation for you! I think the king will send other people, I hope you will have good luck!"

"Also, two, can I ask you to take action to end my life?"

Speaking of this, Bai Yi looked at Ouyang Jia again, his eyes were full of tenderness, and said indifferently: "My life origin cannot end by itself, and I hope you two can help!"


Xing Yun sighed: "Actually, I still have a way to bring her back to life!"


"Can a person be resurrected after death?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned, he knew that the player could be resurrected, but in the setting, didn't those NPCs disappear after being hung up?
How can it be resurrected?

Not only Ye Fusheng, but also Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia looked confused.

"People cannot be resurrected after death, City Master Xingyun, I know that you are powerful, but how can there be a way of resurrection in this world?"

Bai Yi shook his head and said, "You don't need to comfort me, I'm dead, as long as I can be with Xiao Jia, I'd rather become a ghost!"

"No! Bai...listen to her carefully!"

Ouyang Jia interrupted Bai Yi's words, bowed to Xing Yun, and said softly: "Girl, if you have a way to save Bai, I am willing to give everything!"

"I never say anything I'm not sure about!"

Xing Yun said indifferently: "Don't worry, both of you can survive! But, after that, you can't be separated, and you can't be distracted. If you are separated from your virtue, you will both explode and die!"


Bai Yi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he exclaimed: "What you said...could it be the legendary art of connecting souls?"

"But, isn't that a myth and legend?"

"Since it is a legend, it must have actually happened, otherwise how could it be passed down?"

Xing Yun shook her head, and asked calmly: "I just want to ask you one question, do you agree? Once the art of soul connection is formed, you will live forever, and you will not regret it!"


Hearing this, Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia looked at each other with firm expressions: "Life after life, we will never be separated!"


Slightly nodding, Xing Yunhu's hands formed a seal, and in an instant, a bright, holy silver-white radiance bloomed under the feet of Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia, and they condensed into a formation, covering the two of them in Bai Yi.

Raising his right hand, Xing Yun called out a dagger, which floated in front of Ye Fusheng, and said in a deep voice, "Little guy, I'm in charge of maintaining the formation. Use this soul dagger to dig out their hearts!"

"Get out their hearts?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned, is this saving people or killing them?
"Not bad!"

Xingyun's handprints are constantly changing, and the holy breath is condensed, repelling all the dark and devilish energy around.

Immediately, holy power enveloped several people, and white light fell like rain and snow.

Ye Fusheng gritted his teeth, stepped forward quickly, and stabbed Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia with the soul dagger, gouging out their hearts.

To be precise, that is the heart of the soul!

The two hearts were dug out, and the figures of Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia dissipated immediately, turning into a sky full of stars, twinkling endlessly.


Immediately, the holy breath mixed with the starry sky, and they fell down one after another, respectively injecting into the two souls.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, the aura trembled, and countless blood energy filled the air, mixing with the aura and starlight, forming two brand new figures.

Those two figures were the newborn Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia!

At this time, their bodies were completely recovered, no longer illusory, and no longer the body of the soul.

Looking at each other, Bai Yi and Puyang's family hugged each other excitedly, tears couldn't stop falling down!

Those were tears of excitement!


"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for overfulfilling the epic main mission [Twilight of the Millennium]. The reward experience value is 300000000, the reputation value is 100000 points, the merit value is 100000 points, and the eternal heart X1!"

"Gah? The reward is gone?"

Although the 3 million experience point rewards allowed Ye Fusheng to upgrade again, Ye Fusheng was still a little disappointed.

With so many tasks, the accumulated rewards can't be only this little experience and reputation, right?

Could it be that the Eternal Heart is strong enough to resist the rest of the rewards?
Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng opened the backpack, but did not find the equipment called Eternal Heart.

"Wait, isn't it a skill?"

Blinking his eyes, Ye Fusheng brought up the skill panel, and suddenly saw an icon shining with silver light. His eyes swept away, and his breathing suddenly became rapid!

Eternal Heart (Extraordinary Divine Skill——LV1):  …

(PS: The second update today, there will be another update tonight!!! After finishing this task, after a short transition, pets will appear and the relics of the gods will be opened. Hehe, it will be very cool!

In addition, I saw some people say that they want to watch a more open and flamboyant plot, but now because of XZ fans, the online articles may have to be severely cracked down once, so I dare not write. After the limelight, the protagonist will still be flamboyant and coquettish ,Hahaha! )
(End of this chapter)

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