Invincible in one touch

Chapter 128 Two super god-level bosses in the Huaxia theater!

Chapter 128 Two super god-level bosses in the Huaxia theater!

Eternal Heart (Extraordinary Divine Skill——LV1): Perseverance is the only way to have eternal power. After death, there is a 10% chance to be resurrected, and 10% of your own attributes will be increased within 10 minutes!No cooldown!

"Extraordinary magical skills... Cowhide, this skill is too buggy! It's fine to just resurrect it, and it can also increase all attributes by 10%!"

"After the level is raised, I am afraid that the attributes will be doubled after one resurrection! The probability will also increase. When the time comes to resurrect a few times, wouldn't the character's attributes be directly multiplied several times?"

"too strong!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng felt much more comfortable.

This skill is worthy of the title of supernatural skill, and it is much stronger than the so-called equipment rewards!

After all, no matter how strong the equipment is, there will be a day when it will be replaced. Ye Fusheng dare not say how long the Bright Light Sword will last in his hands.

In fact, if it wasn't for the fusion and upgrade of the Black Star Sword, he would have been eliminated long ago!

Only skills can accompany players for a lifetime!
Moreover, this mission, Ye Fusheng has already obtained too many benefits, his level has soared from 36 to 41, and he has obtained two weapons that can be equipped, and his combat power has soared, which has widened the gap between the white-clothed dragon.

As for the son of the dragon, those people in West Lake Longjing, they don't know where he left him.

This caused another disturbance on the forum, but Ye Fusheng didn't care about it.

After watching the skills, Bai Yi and Ouyang Jia were excited and kept thanking Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun.

"City Master Xingyun is thanks to you for lending a helping hand this time, otherwise, I really don't know what would have happened."

Bai Yi said solemnly: "I have already remembered everything you said before, and today I will return and report to the king!"

"In addition, I will also ask the king to send troops here to fight against the demons with you! To save the Lord of Purgatory from taking action!"

"Then I will thank Lord Bai Yi first!"

Xingyun nodded slightly.

Although she doesn't need Bai Yi's help, nor does she need the Kingdom to send someone here, but Bai Yi can dispel the king's suspicion of her and allow her to better control Sunset City.

"We're leaving now!"

"Thank you, the city lord and little brother, for your help!"

Bai Yi thanked Ye Fusheng and Xing Yun again, and then left with Ouyang Jia.

"Not bad, little guy, you did a great job this time!"

Xing Yun didn't care about the departure of the two in white, but instead took a look at Ye Fusheng, with a smile in his eyes: "However, once Calixis dies, the demons will feel panic inside, maybe they will send out The stronger the devil, the more powerful the attack! Little guy, are you ready?"

"You are the head of the Ninth Legion. Once a battle breaks out, you will be the first to bear the brunt!"

"I have been prepared for a long time, and I am willing to give everything for the human race!"

Ye Fusheng grinned, and immediately asked: "By the way, my lord goddess, do you know the Ten Sovereigns of Purgatory?"

The Ten Great Monarchs of Purgatory are the strongest bosses in the next version, but there is no detailed information on the official website, which makes Ye Fusheng very curious.

"Naturally know."

Xing Yun said: "The Ten Sovereigns of Purgatory are the top ten powerhouses who control the entire demon clan. Each of them has amazing magic power and the power to destroy the world!"

"Even, some monarchs have the power to slaughter the entire country as early as a thousand years ago! Even I am not sure that I can kill them. Unless my master is resurrected! Otherwise, few people in the whole world can stop them!" Live them. Even if it's just the weakest monarchs!"

"However, fortunately, there are also frictions between the ten purgatory monarchs, and they also have their own races and selfishness, so they cannot cooperate sincerely. This gives our human race a chance to compete with them!"

"So that's the case. I didn't expect that the top ten monarchs would be so powerful!"

Ye Fusheng blinked his eyes, and was about to inquire about the specific information of the top ten purgatory monarchs, but Xing Yun waved his hand and sighed: "Okay, little guy, I have to go back first, you just got the inheritance of white clothes, and finally A lot of practice and familiarization. His swordsmanship is the best in the dynasty, and it can be regarded as the best in the world. If you can take the lead, it will be very good!"

Saying that, Xing Yun flew away, stepped on the divine sword, and flew away through the air, leaving Ye Fusheng alone in the mountain.

"Let's go now?!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng sighed, he could only summon the Youyan Warhorse, and rushed towards the former site of Dawn City.

The Millennium Twilight mission is completed, but Ouyang Hengyu's mission has not yet been handed in, and he can still get rewards, so he has to go back and see.

It stands to reason that Ouyang Hengyu is dead, and the task reward will be automatically issued at the moment of Calixis' death, but now, there is no task reward, there is only one possibility, Ouyang Hengyu has a problem!

What's more, Xing Yun has left, Ye Fusheng has nothing to do, so he just went back.

While rushing back to the old site of Dawn City, Ye Fusheng opened the forum, wanting to see his own image and the news of the version update on the forum.

Sure enough, on the forum, news about the top ten purgatory monarchs was exposed, and the posts were refined.

Ye Fusheng quickly opened it, and after a closer look, he curled his lips. Only the names of the top ten purgatory monarchs and Cheng Hu were revealed on the forum. As for the attributes and skills, I am still a fan!
Among the top ten purgatory monarchs, there are two in China, Europe and the United States, and one in the rest of the theaters, all God-level bosses!

However, the two bosses in the Huaxia theater are not god-level, but a bunch of question marks.

It is estimated that their level should be stronger than other theaters, surpassing the god level.

This made many players in the Huaxia theater howl, why set up such a difficult boss?

The final task is not easy to do!

However, the settings have already been announced, and no matter how much they howl, they will not change them.

The two bosses ranked in the Huaxia War Zone are Karenna, Wing of the Demon God, and Moon Chaser, Xingyue!
"Xingyue... Why does this name look so similar to a goddess?! There is no connection between them, right?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng couldn't help becoming curious when he saw the name of the Moon Chaser.

However, there are only so many news on the official website of the forum, and he has no way to investigate. The specific news can only be read after the top ten purgatory monarchs have completely appeared.

Not long after, Ye Fusheng returned to the former site of Shuguang City, the tomb cemetery. At this time, Bai Ye was stationed here with the soldiers of the Ninth Legion.

Previously, Bai Yi used the purification technique to save and purify all dead souls, resentful spirits, and monsters, so they naturally didn't have to continue fighting.

Helplessly, Ye Fusheng quickly left again, they didn't get orders, and they didn't dare to run around, so they had to stay where they were and wait for orders.


Seeing Ye Fusheng's return, tens of thousands of soldiers stood up together, shouted in unison, and saluted Ye Fusheng.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's heart surged with enthusiasm!

It's cool to have an army!

The feeling of being admired by tens of thousands of people is really exciting!

Just when Ye Fusheng was about to speak, he felt something in his heart, and his eyes moved up, looking at the loyalty of the tall tombstone.


The light of the strange soul flickered, and a figure emerged, meeting Ye Fusheng's eyes.

(PS: The third update today, there will be updates in the future!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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