Invincible in one touch

Chapter 130 Silvermoon Magic Brilliance, Extraordinary Spiritual Weapon!

Chapter 130 Silvermoon Magic Brilliance, Extraordinary Spiritual Weapon!
"Ahem, that, Warrior, are you still listening?"

Ouyang Hengyu laughed dryly and interrupted Ye Fusheng.

What a joke, he won't survive for a long time, and if Ye Fusheng keeps laughing, he might be taken away if he can't finish talking.

"Of course I'm listening! Where are the remains of the gods?"

Ye Fusheng was startled awake, his face blushed, and he asked aloud.

"The relics of the gods are in the plain between the imperial capital and Silvermoon City! You have to be careful, that plain is full of dangers! Before you can gather enough people, don't go there to die!"

"I have done what I promised you, and I should go now!"

After finishing speaking, Ouyang Hengyu sighed, and looked around with a little nostalgia, and then the figure gradually became illusory, and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

After all, Bai Yi has selfish intentions.

At the beginning, due to Ouyang Hengyu's opposition, he did not stay with Ouyang Jia as he wished, and even caused hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Shuguang City to be killed, cursed, and turned into undead.

Even if Ouyang Hengyu is Ouyang Jia's father, the white clothes will not purify his soul.

Therefore, Ouyang Hengyu's final outcome is to die!
"This task...why does it look a bit sentimental?"

"Forget it, let's think about the relics of the gods first! Silvermoon's a bit difficult!"

After touching his nose, Ye Fusheng sighed.

Silvermoon City, that's a first-level main city. It can only be opened after the player has rushed to level 80 and completed the second job change.

Even though Ye Fusheng is now as high as level 41, but if he wants to rush to level 80 before the end of the mission, that is purely a fool's dream!
"Huh? That's right! The game setting is less than level 80, and the first-level main city will not be open, so can I just walk there from the map?"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up.

Around the first-level main city, the level of monsters will not be too high. With Ye Fusheng's attributes, several pieces of ground equipment, and equipment from Calixis, he will definitely be able to kill him all the way!

Of course, it would be best if Goddess Xingyun could be called to accompany him. In that case, any monsters would not be a problem.

After all, the strength of Goddess Xingyun is unfathomable, and maybe the entire relic of the gods cannot pose a threat to Xingyun.

"Hiss... that Calixis is already a level 225 epic boss, facing the Goddess of Star Rhyme, but was suppressed and unable to move!"

"Combined with the attribute of 62 billion qi and blood, it seems that the strength of the goddess Xingyun may be comparable to the so-called top ten purgatory monarchs!"

"Can I take her to go with me?"

Thinking of this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

However, Ye Fusheng quickly put down that thought again, among other things, everything in Sunset City is presided over by Xing Yun, how could he accompany him on an adventure?
Grinning, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to think too much, and immediately returned with the Ninth Legion.

The undead here have been purified by white clothes, not even a hair, why are they still here?

On the way, Ye Fusheng checked the strength of the Ninth Army, and suddenly found that after this battle, the ranks of those officers in Bai Ye have all been raised by as much as 5 levels.

The average level of the entire army has also risen by 3 levels, and the attributes have improved.

"It seems that the more fights, the stronger their attributes will be! If there is a chance, I still have to pull them out to fight more. It can not only improve their strength, but also clean up monsters for me! I am so happy!"

The corner of his mouth grinned, Ye Fusheng returned to the army, ordered Bai Ye, told many soldiers to continue to strengthen training, and then left, heading towards Sunset City.

Even if he knew that it was unlikely that he would bring the goddess along, he still wanted to talk to Xing Yun about the relics of the gods.

In case Ouyang Hengyu got false news, wouldn't it be dangerous for him to go hastily?

Also a waste of time!
On the way, Ye Fusheng was free now, he organized his backpack, checked the rewards of the previous epic missions, and the equipment that Calixis revealed!
The first is the reward for the first kill of the epic boss, Tianzhan Lieyan.

Sky Slashing Flames (Earth Equipment·Extraordinary)
Attack Power: 1560-1890
Power: 300
Stamina: 300
Flame: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger the Flame Spiral, causing high damage to enemies within 5X5 yards around the body, and triggering the knockback effect
Sky Slash: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to trigger the indestructible effect, which can destroy buildings, weapons, and equipment

Bitterness: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to reduce the defense of the attacked by 15%, which lasts for 30 seconds and can be superimposed
Extraordinary: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to trigger double damage, and a 1% chance to trigger quadruple damage

The number of gems that can be embedded: 9
Description: Contains blazing heat, extremely sharp blade, only the true brave can wear it
Rating: 60
"The invincible effect can destroy equipment and weapons, plus the repelled flames, can superimpose the coldness that reduces the defense, and double damage, quadruple damage..."

"Hiss... This equipment is against the sky! It has such a strong effect before it reaches the heavenly weapon. How should the attributes be set for the heavenly weapon, spiritual weapon, and even the divine weapon in the future?"

Ye Fusheng clicked his tongue in amazement, he was really frightened by the attributes of Tianzhan Lieyan.

Glancing at the level requirements, he directly inlaid a familiar gem. The next moment, the dual swordsmanship was passively triggered, and the Sky Slashing Flame and Bright Light Sword appeared on Ye Fusheng's hands respectively.

With a slight swing, the sharp sword energy seems to be able to tear apart the space, with a crisp sword sound.

Looking at the attribute panel again, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. With the two ground weapon long swords and the attack power bonus of the steel bar skill, Ye Fusheng's attack power is as high as 2600-3100.

At this time, unless monsters above level 60 could not stop his attack at all.

Attribute suppression is too strong!

The combat power soared crazily, flying to a height of 35689!

"By the way, it seems that Calixis also has a long sword that burst out. See how the attributes are. Maybe it can eliminate the bright light sword!"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up when he suddenly remembered the equipment that Calixis had unleashed, and he couldn't help hallucinating, even wanting to throw away the bright light sword that had been with him for a long time.

If the bright light sword had a spirit, I'm afraid he would have to spit and scold the scumbag!

Calixis revealed a total of two pieces of equipment, a boot and a long sword, all of which shone with brilliance.

Reaching out a little, the attribute panels of the two pieces of equipment popped out.

Silver Moon Magic Brilliance (Spiritual Artifact·Extraordinary)
Attack Power: 4510-5120
Power: 900
Stamina: 1000
Holy: 10
Magic Surge: When attacking, there is a 5% chance to make the enemy fall into a state of chaos, unable to attack, lasting for 2 seconds

Moonlight Brilliance: When attacking, there is a 3% chance to put the enemy into the moonlight state for 20 seconds

Dance of Radiance: When attacking an enemy in the moonlight state, there is a 10% chance to reduce the cooldown of all skills by 30% and increase the movement speed by 20%
Extraordinary: When attacking, there is a 10% chance to trigger double damage, a 2% chance to trigger quadruple damage, and a 0.05% chance to trigger eight times damage

Handy (Advanced): Reduce user requirements by 30 levels

Description: The sword contains holy moonlight and magic energy at the same time. Do not touch it for a long time, otherwise, you will fall into endless darkness

Rating: 100

"Spiritual weapon?! Extraordinary?!"

Looking at the world's first spiritual weapon, Ye Fusheng couldn't help gasping.

too strong!
The basic attack power is 4500+, coupled with the characteristics and extraordinary effects, killing people is like cutting melons and vegetables.

The only fly in the ointment is that the use level requirements are too high!
Even if you have a high-level handy stunt, you have to be level 70 to equip it.

There is no way, the level of Calixis is too high, even if Ye Fusheng killed him, the system has lowered the level of the item as much as possible, and it can only be reduced to about 100.

In this way, Ye Fusheng was excited, but he didn't have the previous ecstasy.

He didn't even want to look at the next piece of equipment.

No matter how strong the equipment is, it can't be equipped. What's the use of it?
That kind of feeling is like a girl naked in front of you and dancing, but you just had some kind of surgery...

People will die!
However, the equipment is just there, and I always feel uncomfortable if I don’t look at it!

Black Rock Boots (Item)
Defense: 1700
Magic Defense: 1200
Power: 500
Stamina: 800
Agility: 300
Bravery: Increase own blood value by 30%

Tenacity: Increase own defense by 20%
Description: The combat boots made of special materials are extremely hard and have amazing defensive power. When you encounter a powerful enemy, you only need to take off the boots and keep the enemy to cover their faces and flee

Rating: 100
Unsurprisingly, it is another spiritual weapon, but it is not extraordinary. Its attributes are not comparable to Silver Moon Demon Radiance, but compared to other equipment, it is already extremely powerful.

Both resistances are broken, coupled with the characteristics of bravery and tenacity, it can be regarded as an out-and-out defensive artifact!

If he could be equipped with the Black Rock boots, then Ye Fusheng's lack of defensive power in the past would be able to make up for it.

Two spiritual weapons with powerful attributes that make people drool!

However, it cannot be equipped.

Amidst the sigh, Ye Fusheng had no choice but to put away the spirit weapon, put all his energy into it, and prepared to level up.

At this time, on the equipment ranking list, these two spiritual weapons undoubtedly occupy the first and second rankings, and the third ranking is Tianzhan Lieyan.

The fourth and fifth points are Bright Light Sword and Overlord Spear, but, to Ye Fusheng's surprise, the equipment ranked sixth and seventh is not him!
Among the top ten pieces of equipment, two pieces of equipment did not belong to him, it was shocking!
Is this a plug-in?Dare to steal his limelight!

Those two pieces of equipment are also ground tools, a necklace, and a breastplate, and the owners are all white-clothed dragons.

Looking at the level of Zilong in white, he had already reached 32, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look solemn.

It seems that when he was doing epic missions, Bai Yizilong also had adventures.

"Huh, that's fine, I hope you are also in Sunset City, I want to see what skills you have!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng stopped paying attention to Zilong in white and rushed towards Sunset City.

As for other players?

Although the upgrade speed is also very fast, most of them have reached level 27, and some outstanding ones are about to rush to level 30, but there is still a huge gap between him and him!

Only Zilong in white can make him interested.

"Beep beep!"

Just as Ye Fusheng was about to step into the City Lord's Mansion, a message from Qian Shanxue suddenly sounded!

(PS: It’s another 1-word update. I’m asleep. On Saturday during the day, I’ll try my best to write [-] words and let everyone have a good weekend!)
(End of this chapter)

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