Invincible in one touch

Chapter 131 The Phantom Sakura Goddess, Chaos 5 Easter Eggs Hatch!

Chapter 131 The Phantom Sakura Goddess, the Chaotic Colorful Egg Hatches!

"What does Qian Shanxue want from me?"

Dazed for a moment, Ye Fusheng picked up the communication.

"Hee hee, dear, everyone is rushing to level 30, and we plan to brush monsters and level up together in the afternoon. I think you just finished killing the boss, so you should be fine. Do you want to relax together?"

Qian Shanxue's crisp laughter came out: "By the way, let's recognize your members, they are very capable!"

"Huh? Do you want me to take you?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng was about to refuse when he suddenly thought of the relics of the gods.

According to Ouyang Hengyu's words, if you want to successfully enter the ruins of the gods, you must cooperate with many people.

Although he is the leader of the Ninth Legion, if he wanted to lead the army across the mountains and rush to Silver Moon City, he would definitely not be allowed.

It would be even more embarrassing if it caused a misunderstanding in Silver Moon City and sent an army to intercept it.

In this way, members of the Floating Life Guild are the only power he can use!
"Okay, call me this afternoon, I'll go back and find you!"

Anyway, Youyan Warhorse is quite fast and will not waste time, Ye Fusheng readily agreed.

"Okay, thank you dear for supporting the work, go get busy, bye!"

Before Ye Fusheng could reply, Qian Shanxue quickly hung up the communication after achieving his goal, which made Ye Fusheng quite helpless.

What the hell is this girl doing?

I was too lazy to think about it, and entered the City Lord's Mansion without hindrance. At this time, Xing Yun was dealing with government affairs.

"Why are you here again?"

Seeing Ye Fusheng coming, Xing Yun turned her head slightly, her eyes full of suspicion.

"Goddess, I just heard the news about the relics of the gods from someone, so I came here to ask you!"

Ye Fusheng grinned and said: "It is said that as long as you can get the source of the gods in the relics of the gods, you can become a god. Goddess, you are powerful, why don't you join me in the relics of the gods to find the source of the gods?"

"If you really find Shenyuan, you will be a real goddess!"

"Oh? You mean, I'm not a goddess now?"

Blinking her eyes, Xing Yun stared at Ye Fusheng's smile.

This made the corner of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitch, dammit, Goddess, why are you focusing on things differently from ordinary people?

Shouldn't normal people ask about the news of the relics of the gods?
"No, no, the goddess has always been a goddess in my heart!"

Ye Fusheng quickly waved his hands and told the truth.

Well, whether it's appearance or strength, Xing Yun is the most outstanding person Ye Fusheng met in the game.

"It's almost the same, tell me, I'll check it out for you!"

Xing Yun said with a satisfied face: "There are many false god relics in the world, which are full of dangers, so don't fall for them."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng quickly relayed what Ouyang Hengyu said, and also took out the key of the gods.

Taking a look at the key of the gods, Xing Yun nodded and said: "Yes, this is the key of the gods. From the looks of it, it should be the relic of the goddess Huanying! Unexpectedly, she also fell!"

"Goddess Phantom Sakura?"

Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up, from Xing Yun's words, it was obvious that she knew the gods very well.

"That's right! There are quite a number of gods and spirits, and there are many factions. The Phantom Sakura goddess was a family close to the human race many years ago. Unfortunately, she disappeared in the battle of the gods. Unexpectedly, she really fell!"

Xing Yun sighed: "Unfortunately, you are a male, so you can't accept her inheritance. Even if you get the source of God, you can't use it. You can only refine it and turn it into your power, and you can't make you a god!"

"Hey, since I can't use it, Goddess, you can!"

Ye Fusheng said seductively: "Goddess, why don't you take me there, Shenyuan will give you... I just want the blood of God!"

"Little guy, you think so beautifully!"

Xing Yun laughed and scolded: "It's about professional advancement, I won't help you, you need to work hard! Don't worry, if you work hard, if you really collect the blood, I will reward you very generously!"

"As for the source of Goddess Huanying? I still don't like it...too weak!"

"Gah, Goddess, you actually look down on Shenyuan? Could it be that their strength is not as good as yours?"

Hearing Xing Yun's words, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Could it be that Xingyun also surpassed the god level?

"Good! Otherwise, what do you think?"

Xing Yun said in a deep voice: "Don't think that the gods are too powerful, they are just people with divine power! Even if you are a human race, you can kill gods if you practice to the extreme! At least, my master, with a human body , killed no less than 10 gods!"

"Hiss... Master, is he so powerful?"

Ye Fusheng was stunned, Xing Yun's master actually killed dozens of gods with human body, isn't it too strong? !

This also made Ye Fusheng more and more looking forward to comprehending stronger skills after his level was raised.

He is a dual hidden profession. After reaching the full level, he should also be able to kill gods!
"Since the gods are so weak, why do so many people want to become gods and worship the gods so much?"

Ye Fusheng was puzzled.

"The gods are weak?"

Xing Yun shook her head and said: "No, gods are not weak at all! I just wanted to tell you that humans can surpass gods, but becoming a god can make you stronger! Back then, my master once used human body , fighting against the Seven Gods alone, defeated and retreated, but on the way to escape, he ran into a god who was seriously injured and dying, and his strength increased greatly after obtaining his god source!"

"Facing the seven gods again, master, he killed all seven gods with just one move!"


Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng finally understood what Xing Yun meant.

"This is a real relic, and there are still five days before the deadline, so don't worry."

"By the way, the Ninth Legion still needs to guard Sunset City, and you can't mobilize them. This time, you need to work hard!"

With a slight smile, Xing Yun was like a demon, dispelling Ye Fusheng's idea of ​​using the Ninth Legion, and said with a smile: "Go, I still have to deal with government affairs."

Ye Fusheng had no choice but to leave, he could only pin all his hopes on the newcomers recruited by the guild.

Leaving the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Fusheng opened the guild panel, glanced at it, and was immediately taken aback.

The number of guild members has grown to 29, but 23 of them are girls!
In other words, apart from the 4 male players that Ye Fusheng let in at the beginning, no male players came in!

Opening the guild chat window and looking at the historical conversations, even though Ye Fusheng had experienced many battles, he couldn't help but blush.

Meow, the content of that conversation is really exciting!

Discussions about relatives and underwear are the most basic, and Ye Fusheng can't bear to look at other topics.

Presumably, the other four male players in the guild were also trembling, not daring to chat.

Gritting his teeth, Ye Fusheng looked at the time, it was almost noon, so he went offline directly.

Opening his eyes, Ye Fusheng looked at Qian Shanxue lying beside him, and slapped him directly.


A clear and crisp sound sounded, and a special tactile sensation, numbness, was transmitted from Ye Fusheng's hand to his brain, and he couldn't help swallowing.

Only then did Ye Fusheng realize that that slap had landed on an indescribable object.

Qian Shanxue also seemed to have noticed the abnormality, her brows twitched, but after a while, she opened her eyes and also retreated from the game.

Blinking his eyes, seeing that Ye Fusheng was staring at him, Qian Shanxue got up "shua", wrapped his arms around, and stared at Ye Fusheng suspiciously: "You...what do you want?"


The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Then do you think I want to?"


Qian Shanxue was also an old driver, spat softly, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you are not allowed to touch me! How long has it been, and you can't help but want to turn into a werewolf?"

"What are you thinking!"

Ye Fusheng sneered.

However, before Ye Fusheng finished speaking, Qian Shanxue's cheeks turned red, pretending to be shy, and said delicately: "Since you want to, give me time to prepare! After all, I am also very reserved. of!"


"Reserve you big-headed ghost!"

Ye Fusheng laughed angrily, and said helplessly: "What's the matter? I asked you to recruit people, why did it take so long for only 29 people? Besides, except for the 4 people I asked you to recruit from Fengyun Pavilion, the rest are all female players ?”

"Aren't female gamers bad?"

Qian Shanxue turned his head and said: "Female players are better-looking than male players, and they speak nicely. They can greatly boost morale when attacking bosses! Moreover, the strength of the players I bring is guaranteed, and the worst is that they can be ranked on the rankings. Above the master rank!" ranking, after reaching a certain rank, there will be divisions, which are master, grandmaster, and king!
Among them, 10000-1000 are masters, 999-101 are grandmasters, and the top 100 are the strongest kings!
"They are all masters and above?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng's expression was no longer as embarrassing as before.

As long as the strength is strong, no matter men or women, they can accept it.

If there are really many girls at that time, then the guild will be handed over to Qian Shanxue, and he will be just a shopkeeper.

"Yeah, you don't know, women's high school games are very rare, and they are almost regarded as treasures by major organizations and guilds. In order to win them over, I paid a lot of money!"

Qian Shanxue suddenly showed a pitiful look, leaned in front of Ye Fusheng, and asked timidly: "My husband, for the sake of my hard work, the rewards I get for killing epic bosses have the equipment I use Can you give it to me?"

"I said why are you so cute?"

Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "So you were waiting for me here, and you didn't get your equipment, let's talk about it if you have it!"


Qian Shanxue is very well-behaved, she knows Ye Fusheng's character, she will never tell lies.

"Then husband, are you still going to the afternoon activities?"

"If you don't go, there will only be a group of us girls, and you may be bullied!"

Qian Shanxue asked again.

"Since you have joined my guild, I will go naturally. However, I can only practice with you for an afternoon. I have to prepare to find the divine blood starting tomorrow."

Ye Fusheng sighed. Without Xingyun's help, the Ninth Legion couldn't use it, and the resources in the territory couldn't summon too many people. With only 28 members, would it be too risky to explore the relics of the gods?


Knowing that Ye Fusheng was not in a good mood, Qian Shanxue was very well-behaved, and after lunch with Ye Fusheng, he took a short rest and went online together again.

Too lazy to open the guild chat interface, Ye Fusheng rushed towards the Qingqing Plain between Xinshou Village and Sunset City.

The Qingqing Plain is full of level 25-30 monsters, and it is the only way to Sunset City. The rest of the guild has not yet reached level 30, so they naturally set the leveling location in the plain.

However, Youyan Warhorse was too fast, when Ye Fusheng arrived at the agreed coordinates, no one arrived!
After dialing Qian Shanxue's communication and knowing that they were still on their way, the bored Ye Fusheng simply found a small tree and sat down.


"System prompt: The player successfully kills the ants and gets a reward of 10 experience points!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully absorbing 100% of the chaotic colorful egg's spiritual energy. Do you want to hatch it?"

"Huh? The chaotic multicolored egg absorbs enough aura?"

"In other words, my pet is coming out?!"

Breathing suddenly became short of breath, Ye Fusheng became excited all over!
(PS: The first update today, and the fourth update tonight!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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