Invincible in one touch

Chapter 132 Fairy pet, big and white

Chapter 132 Fairy pet, big and white

The excited Ye Fusheng chose to hatch without the slightest hesitation.


In an instant, the chaotic colorful eggs in the backpack were suspended in the air, shining brightly, stimulating Ye Fusheng's eyes.

However, under the extreme excitement, Ye Fusheng didn't feel the glare, and stared at the chaotic colorful eggs!
He is looking forward to it, even the goddess Xingyun said it will be a surprise pet, what exactly is it!

The crisp sound kept ringing, and cracks appeared in the chaotic multicolored eggs, slowly cracking open.


The spiritual power roared, and suddenly gathered from all around, turning into five elemental fluctuations, pouring into the egg.

It seems that too much spiritual power poured in, and the chaotic multicolored eggs suddenly burst, and the eggshells flew, and bloomed with brilliance.

The brilliance condensed into a figure, which emerged out of thin air and met Ye Fusheng's eyes.

In an instant, Ye Fusheng's nosebleeds flowed down uncontrollably.

What caught his eyes was a young girl, and she was completely naked!
Looking at the white and crystal-clear skin, the tall and straight snow-capped mountains, and the slender waist, even Ye Fusheng has countless beauties, and everyone has to praise, this figure is amazing!

Most importantly, that's a loli girl!
The face is exquisite and prettier than the two-dimensional anime heroine, apart from Xing Yun, Ye Fusheng can't think of anyone else who can match this girl's appearance.

Qian Shanxue, Liu Yue and other women in reality are simply not comparable!
Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng stared at the loli girl and froze in place for a moment.

The girl also stared at Ye Fusheng with big watery eyes, her eyes were full of doubts.

"Hiss... My pet is actually a loli girl? Or a girl with no clothes on?!"

After a long time, Ye Fusheng finally came to his senses, he quickly opened the pet panel, glanced at it, but was even more surprised.

[Chaos Dancer] (Fairy Level)
Rating: 0
Blood value: 1000
Attack Power: 100-300
Defense: 200
Skills: None (comprehend after level up)
stage: nascent
Growth qualification: Attack 30 star, stamina 30 star, defense 30 star, agility 30 star, spirit 30 star

Potential Qualification: 66
"Hiss...a fairy-level pet, level 0 has 1000 vitality and more than 100 attack power. Is it okay for her to develop?"

Swallowing his saliva, Ye Fusheng was really frightened by the attributes of a loli girl.

As soon as he thought of the word development, he couldn't help but glanced at Loli, well, it was indeed Loli, who hadn't developed yet.

"The game officially announced that 15-star growth aptitude is the full value, but she came with a 30-star one. What's going on? Has it exceeded the limit?"

The more he looked at the attributes, the more shocked Ye Fusheng was.

Compared with her, that earth-level pet ghost king before is completely scum, okay? !
I just don't know what skills she will comprehend in the future.


Just as Ye Fusheng was looking at the loli girl, the loli girl suddenly opened her mouth and made a clear and silvery voice: "You... are my master?"

"Yes, I am your master!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ye Fusheng felt that it was a little difficult to press the gun, so he quickly changed the subject: "Well, what's your name?"

"Name? What's that?"

The loli girl blinked her eyes, looking confused.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng suddenly realized, meow, this is just a game!
No matter how good and cute this loli girl is, it's just a bunch of data.

As soon as he thought of this, Ye Fusheng's impulse was extinguished, and he didn't need to press the gun anymore. He pondered: "A name is a title, a code name. Since you don't have a name, then I will pick one for you!"

"From now on, you'll be called Xing Xing!"

Thinking of Xing Yun suddenly, Ye Fusheng's wicked taste suddenly arose, and he named Loli girl.


The next moment, the attributes of the pet panel changed, and the Chaos Dancer turned into a star.

"Thank you, master, from now on I will be called Xing Xing!"

Xing Xing nodded heavily, and immediately smiled at Ye Fusheng.

That innocent smile made Ye Fusheng's heart beat faster - um, what's going on?

Why do I feel an ominous premonition!
Just when Ye Fusheng was surprised, a female voice sounded faintly.

"Okay, I didn't expect that No. 1 Floating Life in the dignified world is actually these people!"

"He hooked up with a little girl to come under a secret tree, and tempted others to be naked, just to satisfy his own selfish desires!"

"If this matter spreads to the forum, it should explode in an instant, even more popular than the UP master at station B?"

A series of insulting words rang in his ears, and the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth twitched involuntarily.

He said why he felt uneasy, it turned out that it was Qianshanxue who came!
Turning around and looking, as expected, Qian Shanxue was standing not far away with a longbow in his hand, looking at Ye Fusheng and Xing Xing with a smile.

The star was just born, and had never seen anyone else, so he quickly hid behind Ye Fusheng.

Seeing this scene, the smile on Qian Shanxue's face grew wider, but in her heart, there was a kind of impatience and irritability.

"what are you thinking?"

Ye Fusheng said angrily: "I'm not interested in how many girls take the initiative to sleep with me, would I do this kind of thing? But you, your tone seems a bit sour!"

"Hey, who will be sour on you?"

Qian Shanxue sneered, still staring at the stars.

As if stimulated, Xing Xing suddenly asked in a low voice: "Master, do you need to take action and kill her?"

"Gah? You will take the initiative to fight?"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng was stunned, this pet's ai is a bit high, not lower than Xing Yun and those in white at all.

Could it be that this pet will also be that level of powerhouse?
"Floating life, what are you talking about? What kind of battle?"

Qian Shanxue was also stunned, she couldn't understand Ye Fusheng's words, and she didn't understand why that innocent-looking loli girl was actually called Ye Fusheng's master!
Could it be that he is still a COSPLAY lover?
"Forget it, let me tell you directly, this is not a player, but my pet!"

Ye Fusheng saw that Qian Shanxue was stiff at the side, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with her, so he said it directly.


Qian Shanxue was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "I'm dying of laughter, how are you coaxing the children? Where can there be humanoid pets? Can they still chat with you?"

"Please, if you lie to others, you have to lie... Ga..."

As Ye Fusheng displayed the attribute panel of the stars, Qian Shanxue's voice was interrupted abruptly.

After she finished reading the attributes, she couldn't help but roll her throat, swallow her saliva, and looked at the stars with shock in her eyes.

"Fairy...a fairy-level pet?!"

"What a strong attribute and growth aptitude!"

Qian Shanxue was amazed: "This pet can definitely crush all other pets!"

"That's right, she has already topped the list of pets!"

Ye Fusheng shrugged his shoulders.

However, the current level is still too low. In the whole world, there are only four players who have pets, two of them are silver-level pets, and only the white-clothed dragon is barely enough to see.

Apart from other things, Xing Xing could kill those three people in a flash with his growth aptitude alone, ranking first, with 17 more points than Zilong in white!
"Hey, why is your pet in human form? It always feels so awkward!"

Qian Shanxue bit her lip and kept looking at the stars.

Fortunately, Ye Fusheng gave Xing Xing an order not to let her make a move, otherwise, she might rush to find Qian Shanxue to fight.

"You ask me, how do I know?"

Ye Fusheng said unhappily: "Anyway, for me, as long as her attributes are strong enough, it's fine. Human form is also fine. One day, if you get tired from hunting monsters, you can chat with her to relieve fatigue!"

"Cut, pervert!"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes and asked suddenly: "Try it, can this pet be equipped with equipment? Since it is in human form, it should not be equipped with pets anymore!"

"She is only level 0, how to equip it?"

He rolled his eyes, but Ye Fusheng also felt that it was not good for Xing Xing to stay here naked, if other girls from his guild came later and let them see, then he would not be able to wash himself by jumping into the Yellow River Cleared up.

Maybe the next day's news headlines will be shocking, the dignified Huaxia No.1 has a thousand lives, and actually played a stripping game with a girl in the game!

Once this news gets out, I'm afraid it will be out of control and the fire will be a mess.

Then his reputation will be ruined!
After thinking up to this point, Ye Fusheng took the stars back to the pet space without the slightest hesitation, but in his heart, he was still very excited and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Fairy-level pet, the world's first fairy-level pet, after the star level is raised, it will definitely give him a huge surprise!

"Put it away, don't let others see it."

Qian Shanxue blinked, and said in a low voice: "You must be aloof later on, and maintain a good personality! People are messing around in the rivers and lakes, and personality is very important!"


Glancing at Qian Shanxue, Ye Fusheng didn't care at all.

"Hey, right?!"

Suddenly, Ye Fusheng asked suspiciously: "Qian Shanxue, can't you dream about what happened to me? Why don't you know the existence of stars?"

"I said earlier, some things will change after you change."

Qian Shanxue said helplessly: "When you created the guild before Bai Yizilong, everything about you will no longer be on the track I am familiar with! However, tomorrow, it seems that it is time for me to dream again, and maybe I can see what happened after you thing."

"That's it... Then I won't go to Qingning tonight. You have to tell me the dream tomorrow morning."

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng was very concerned.

Only by being able to predict the future can he change his life.

"Hahaha, sister Xue, where is sister Xue!"

"There is someone beside me, it must be Floating Life!"

Suddenly, an exclamation sounded.

Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue looked up, and they could clearly see that a group of more than ten people came together.

The group of people are all young and beautiful girls, and their appearance is not bad. Although they are not as good as Qian Shanxue and Xing Yun, but in reality, they can be regarded as little beauties.

Especially the girls, they have developed very well, um, the equipment is very large, very white, ah bah, the attributes in the game are well developed!

"This is a member of my guild?!"

"How does it feel, like opening a harem..."

(PS: How about it, what are the attributes of this pet? Is it big and white? Ah bah, is it strong and cute? Uh huh, do you like this pet?

In addition, there will not be many heroines in this book. Most of the girls in the guild have nothing to do with the hero, and there will be other masters and important characters coming in in the future! ! ! )
(End of this chapter)

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