Chapter 133
The 23 girls were chattering and rushed up excitedly.

Before Ye Fusheng could open his mouth, they had already surrounded Ye Fusheng, sizing up and observing him constantly.

"Oh my god, it's not easy. After opening the server for half a month, I finally met the number one Fusheng Wanqian in person!"

"The face is not very handsome, but with this outfit, it is really stylish!"

"There are thousands of floating lives, if you have time, can you compete with me?"

For a moment, Ye Fusheng's head grew bigger.

Three women in one play, that's definitely not a joke!

Now that 23 girls appeared together, Ye Fusheng couldn't stand up.

"Ahem, okay, don't scare our little brother Fusheng!"

Qian Shanxue is worthy of being a lady of every family, with a single sentence, she relieved Ye Fusheng from the siege.

Hearing this, the girls also felt embarrassed, and hurriedly backed away, and immediately began to introduce themselves.

The little bell that was pulled in at the beginning was as clear as water, Crazy Pepper, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, and others were there, and there were other girls, without exception, all of whom had reached level 28 or 29.

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng believed that these girls all had the strength of a master rank.

This was the first time that the Floating World Guild formed an online group. However, since the initiator was Qian Shanxue, except for Ye Fusheng, the other four men were not invited at all and successfully absent.

After getting acquainted, 25 people directly formed a large group, chatting while brushing monsters, and cultivated goodwill and tacit understanding.

Of course, most of the girls gathered around Ye Fusheng, constantly asking questions, and were very curious about Ye Fusheng's equipment and skills.

In addition to hiding the skills, Ye Fusheng simply announced the attribute panel, causing all the girls to exclaim.

Taking a closer look, even Ye Fusheng was shocked by his attributes!

Thousands of Floating Lives (The Predator of the Heavens)
Rating: 41
Blood value: 7408 (X0.3)

Attack power: 2600—3100 (X0.3)

Defense: 1129 (X0.3)

Magic Defense: 982 (X0.03)

Mana: 2860
Luck Point: 9999
Charisma: 9999

Reputation value: 487820
Merit value: 290782
With the addition of a bunch of gold and earth artifacts, almost all attributes are more than ten times higher than other players, especially the reputation and merit points, which are as high as hundreds of thousands, which is admirable.

As for luck and charisma, not to mention, I don't explain it, it's a squirrel stone hammer!

After reading the attributes, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, who had been clamoring to single out Ye Fusheng, turned aside silently.

With such a big gap in attributes, why don't you take the lead?

While so many girls were surprised by their attributes, Ye Fusheng was finally able to breathe for a while, holding a bright light sword, and continuously harvesting the lives of various sheep monsters on the green grassland.

At this time, Qian Shanxue came over suddenly, and raised his voice: "Little brother Fusheng, you made the first epic boss, including the ten purgatory monarchs, do you know their attributes?"

"Yes, yes! According to the official settings, the top ten purgatory monarchs are the strongest monsters in the entire demon clan. Do you know their specific attributes?"

Hearing this, the rest of the girls were all aroused with curiosity, and surrounded Ye Fusheng again.


Ye Fusheng, who hadn't rested for a few minutes, couldn't help crying, but said helplessly: "I didn't pay attention, I don't know."

At this time, Ye Fusheng had only one thought, even if he died outside, fell off a cliff to his death, he would not hook up with too many girls again!

One or two girls are okay, but if more than 20 girls go up together, it will kill them!
"No way? You are number one in the world rank list, the official customer service won't give you face?"

"Pfft...the customer service is customer service, and you won't be given preferential treatment just because of your strength in the game!"

"Little Pepper, you think too much!"

The girls laughed and discussed, but Ye Fusheng's eyes lit up when he heard what they said.

That's right, the official customer service does not give players face, but besides being a player, he is also the young owner of the official group!

"You want to see the information of those two Purgatory Monarchs, right?"

At this thought, Ye Fusheng raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Wait for a few minutes, and I will check for you!"

With that said, Ye Fusheng directly opened the address book, looking for the number of the person in charge of the Huaxia Group.


"Brother Fusheng, can you really get the information on the Lord of Purgatory?"

"No way? Those are version materials, Tianming Group won't release them easily, will they?"

Hearing this, the girls still didn't believe it.

After all, no matter how powerful Ye Fusheng is, he is just a player in their eyes.

Only Qian Shanxue raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, she knew Ye Fusheng's true identity, so she naturally had confidence in Ye Fusheng.

While the women were discussing the top ten purgatory monarchs, Ye Fusheng also successfully obtained some information about the two purgatory monarchs in the Huaxia Theater from the boss of the group branch.

Chant of the Demon God Karenna (Holy Boss)

Rating: 255
Blood value: 15389200000
Attack Power: 4892810—5672979
Defense: 3892090

Description: One of the top ten purgatory monarchs, the most powerful of the demon family. According to legend, he climbed out of the abyss ten thousand years ago and has been destroyed for several epochs. His strength is terrifying, especially ferocious.
Moonchaser·Xingyue (Holy Boss)

Rating: 255
Blood value: 18231200000
Attack Power: 6200047—8888200
Defense: 2008370

Description: According to legend, the eldest disciple of a generation of gods who seized the sky, was talented, and had the strength to rival gods and even slaughter gods. Later, because of love, he voluntarily fell into the abyss, beheaded one hundred and five demon gods, and finally became a purgatory that controlled the darkness. monarch
The two attribute panels were sent out. Although the skill data has not been exposed, the basic data completely shocked the girls.

Not to mention them, Ye Fusheng felt terrible even looking at them.

With more than 100 billion qi and blood, plus several million attack and defense powers, how can I kill this meow?

Even the strongest Ye Fusheng has ever seen, Xing Yun!It's only 62 billion blood points!
"It seems that those purgatory monarchs are really the final bosses. This attribute is too strong!"

Ye Fusheng sighed.

"Yeah, the attributes are too strong, I'm afraid they will be killed, and this game is about to enter the final stage."

The girls were amazed, but the attributes of the purgatory monarch were too strong, which made them not interested, and instead stared at Ye Fusheng one by one.

In the eyes, there are stars of admiration shining!

"Brother Fusheng, the information about the top ten purgatory monarchs is a secret in the game version. How did you get it?"

"You are so powerful, you can still get this kind of information, you are not the son of the boss of Tianming Group, come in to experience the game, right?"

"I really admire you!"

In an instant, more than 20 young girls who had never experienced society all fell in love with Ye Fusheng.

I'm afraid that at this time, Ye Fusheng directly pulled them to open a room, and they would not refuse, and even wanted to dance with Ye Fusheng.

Of course, all of this was in Qian Shanxue's plan, and she asked that way on purpose.

She knows that if a guild wants to truly unite and cohere, it must have a backbone that can be recognized and worshiped by everyone.

Although Ye Fusheng is number one on the ranking list, after all, he has never competed head-on with other masters, nor has he participated in professional competitions, so it is hard to get admiration.

She can only use Ye Fusheng's identity to help him complete the operation of harvesting fans.

Just as Qian Shanxue was smiling and many little fans worshiped Ye Fusheng, Ye Fusheng quietly came to Qian Shanxue's side and said in a low voice: "If you plan on me like this in the future, even if it's for my own good, the next day, Don't even think about getting out of bed! Humph!"

Ye Fusheng couldn't see Qian Shanxue's calculations, but he also wanted to unite the guild.

"Yo, make me unable to get out of bed?"

Qian Shanxue raised her eyebrows, without any fear, she provocatively said: "Do you have that ability? Don't let me be alive and well the next day, but you are paralyzed on the bed!"


"Dirty girl!"

After complaining, Ye Fusheng didn't want to continue arguing with Qian Shanxue, otherwise it would be miserable for other girls to see.

Most of the people were relatively young, and after the atmosphere became active, almost everyone was familiar with it.

Even the carefree masters like Little Pepper and Little Bell directly attacked Ye Fusheng.

In a pleasant atmosphere, the level of everyone is also constantly rising amidst the deaths of various white sheep, black sheep, and Big Big Wolf monsters.

Two hours later, almost everyone has reached level 30, and they can report to Sunset City at any time and advance their careers.

It was also at this time that a system bell suddenly rang!


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to [Bai Yi Zi Long] in the Huaxia Theater for becoming the first player to advance to a career, rewarding experience points of 50000000 points, reputation points of 100000 points, merit points of 50000 points, and a warrior badge X1!"


A series of seven world server announcements came down, and the girls immediately turned their attention to Ye Fusheng.

However, Ye Fusheng was quite calm.

He knew a long time ago that he would not be able to get the first career advancement reward.

There is no way, the task given by Xing Yun is too difficult, and it is impossible to complete it in a short time.

There are so many liver emperors in Huaxia, and if they want to collect the divine blood before them, they really have to be hacked to do so.

He didn't want to be honored every day like Grandpa Lu, so he gave up the reward for professional advancement.

However, Ye Fusheng gave up by himself, but the others didn't know.

"That's not right, Big Brother Fusheng, you're already level 41, why haven't you advanced your career yet?"

"Yeah, it's really disgusting to let that white-clothed dragon take the lead!"

Many girls already admired Ye Fusheng very much, and they all felt pity for him.

"Heh, there's no problem, it's just a career advancement."

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "Even if I don't have an advanced profession, I can still abuse others like dogs!"

"Wow, so overbearing!"

"Too domineering, worthy of being my idol!"

It was said that many girls were brainwashed again.

"Okay, everyone is already level 30, report to Sunset City as soon as possible, and accept the task of professional advancement!"

"The sooner you complete the advancement, the better the reward."

Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "You are not ashamed to see the equipment and level of little brother Fusheng today, don't you want to improve the level as soon as possible and catch up with him?"

"Hee hee, chase after chase!"

"We will definitely catch up with Little Brother Fusheng!"

I have to say that Qian Shanxue is really powerful, and a few words have mobilized the emotions of all the girls.

Da da da--

However, at this moment, a burst of messy footsteps, mixed with a slightly frivolous voice, resounded in the ears of Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue!

(PS: Today is another [-]-word update, I will continue to write!!! Please recommend tickets, please subscribe!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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