Invincible in one touch

Chapter 134 Give you a chance, you are useless!

Chapter 134 Give you a chance, you are useless!

"Yo, so many little girls gathered together, why?"

A slightly frivolous voice sounded, and in an instant, the complexion of Qianshan Snow Maiden changed slightly.

Ye Fusheng also frowned, turned around to look, but saw a hundred people coming from a distance, the leader was a shield warrior, holding a round shield, walking proudly.

"It's him... Dances with Wolves, one of the top ten knights of the Holy Dragon Guild!"

"Didn't the Holy Dragon Guild say it would develop in Tianfan City? Why did you come to Sunset City?"

Seeing the shield man, the girls couldn't help but let out a low voice.

Dances with Wolves, ranked 1278 on, is one of the top ten knights of the Sacred Dragon Guild who occupied the No.

They are all above the rank of masters, and they are familiar with the masters of the national uniform. They recognized the shield warrior when they saw it, and they couldn't help feeling worried.

Although the Holy Dragon Guild has not yet established a guild in the reincarnation of the heavens, their registered members on the official website are as high as more than 300 million, and there are so many masters.

Even if Ye Fusheng was there, they were only more than 20 people, and they didn't seem to be the opponents of the Holy Dragon Guild.

Of course, they were nervous, but Ye Fusheng was very calm.

Don't look at the increase in various player attributes and the skills they have learned, but it is still very simple for him to kill people!
Just about a hundred people, if they really look for trouble, they won't survive 10 minutes!

"Hahaha, let me say, sister-in-law, why did you come to Sunset City?"

"The boss said, let us take you back."

While the girls were discussing, Dances with Wolves led a hundred people forward, ignored the others, and stared at Qian Shanxue.

After the words were finished, the girls couldn't help being extremely surprised, they kept looking at Qian Shanxue and Ye Fusheng.

Originally, they thought that Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue were a couple, but now it seems that they are not.

Ye Fusheng also frowned slightly, and glanced at Qian Shanxue.

Qian Shanxue's face was slightly cold, and he said indifferently: "I am not your sister-in-law, the marriage contract with him has not been finalized at all, and now, I have nothing to do with him!"

"Please go back and tell him, don't pester me again!"

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng suddenly came to his senses and knew who the leader of the Holy Dragon Guild, the son of the dragon who had been biting his rank before.

It turns out that the son of the dragon is the son of the Long family!
No wonder he is so domineering and dares to name this in the game.

But, even if he is the son of the Long family, so what?If you dare to make trouble with him, fight him anyway!
"Ah? The engagement hasn't been finalized yet?!"

Hearing Qian Shanxue's words, Dances with Wolves was taken aback for a moment, although he was the son of the dragon's confidant, but he didn't know many things, just like his younger brother, he froze in place.

He was a little puzzled, since there was no engagement between the two parties, why did Son of Dragon want him to pick up Qian Shanxue back?

However, doubts are doubts, and he dare not not do what the son of the dragon told him!

Thinking to this point, Dances with Wolves could only sigh: "Since you have no engagement with the boss, then I won't call you sister-in-law. However, the boss said that he must take you back, and I hope you will show me some face."

"If you don't go back with us, so many brothers will all have to be punished!"

"Are you threatening me?!"

Qian Shanxue's expression turned cold.

"Don't dare!"

Dances with Wolves smiled and said: "You are the top five archers in the national server, and you have even killed the top ten in the China War Zone in the reincarnation of the heavens. How dare we threaten you?"

Having said that, Dances with Wolves did not take Qian Shanxue seriously.

Qian Shanxue's operation is very good, but the reincarnation of the heavens just opened the server not long ago, except for the two super perverts Floating Life and Bai Yi Zilong, the gap between the rest of the masters and ordinary people is not too big.

Qian Shanxue is also the original hunter profession, with few skills and low health, being besieged by them is a dead end.

"Interesting, the people who threatened my Ukiyo guild in front of me, your Holy Dragon guild, are you all a bunch of idiots?"

Ye Fusheng suddenly sneered.


"who are you?"

Suddenly hearing Ye Fusheng's words, Dances with Wolves and the others found that there was another person among the girls, and they couldn't help being surprised.

"Who am I, you are not qualified to know!"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I'll give you three breaths, get out of here! The members of our Floating World Guild are not something you can provoke!"

"Joke? Do you know who we are?"

"Hey, in this game, there is no one that our Holy Dragon Guild dare not provoke!"

After the words fell, before Dances with Wolves could reply, the faces of the people around him changed drastically, and they cursed angrily.

"shut up!"

However, in Dances with Wolves, his pupils constricted, he quickly stopped the words of the people around him, and stared at Ye Fusheng.

He suddenly remembered, it seemed that the Floating World Guild was the first guild created a few days ago!
The creator is now number one on the ranking list, with thousands of lives!
" are the floating life?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Dances with Wolves asked out loud.

"Now that you know who I am, don't you hurry up?"

Ye Fusheng yawned and waved his hands casually, just like chasing a little piggy.

He just finished the epic mission, got so much good equipment, and has a fairy-level pet. He is in a good mood, and with so many young ladies watching by him, he doesn't want to kill anyone.

What a sight!


"Is he a floating life?"

"Didn't it mean that he has already gone to Sunset City? How could he be here in Qingqing Plain?!"

Hearing this, the faces of the people around Dances with Wolves changed slightly, and they couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Previously, Ye Fusheng fought thousands of troops alone twice, and he killed thousands of people. The battle formation of tens of thousands of people has really become the shadow of other players!

Even if their Holy Dragon Guild had never really confronted Fusheng Wanqian, they were quite afraid.


Dances with Wolves let out a long sigh of relief, cupped his fists and said, "I didn't expect to see the legendary Floating Life here. It's a pleasure to meet you! This is the place where you practice, and we will leave. But before we leave , can you let Fenglingxuewu go with us?"

Dances with Wolves smiled wryly: "After all, our boss made it clear that we need to bring her back, otherwise we won't be able to do business."

Sacred Dragon Guild is the number one guild recognized by the government after all, and Dances with Wolves knows that he is not an opponent of Floating Life and Thousands, so he will not just leave like that.

That would tarnish the reputation of the Holy Dragon Guild.

"Oh, so, are you the one who doesn't take my words seriously and wants to threaten my Floating World Guild?"

"It's really a group of... stupid people who are pathetic!"

Ye Fusheng smiled, but a cold light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Realizing this, Qian Shanxue smiled slightly, and retreated behind Ye Fusheng.

"No, not a threat."

Dancing with Wolves frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Our boss and Feng Lingxuewu know each other in real life, can we call her a threat if we invite her to the Holy Dragon Guild?"

"Besides, Fusheng Qianqian, you are just a little higher level, to seize the opportunity. If you are so arrogant, we, the Holy Dragon Guild, don't mind teaching you to be a man!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the Holy Dragon Guild quietly stepped forward and surrounded Ye Fusheng, Qian Shanxue, and Xiaoxiang Yeyu.

After all, they have never seen Ye Fusheng's power and terror with their own eyes, and now they are scolded by Ye Fusheng to get out, how can they bear it?

Thinking that they bear the name of the Holy Dragon Guild, where did they suffer such grievances?

"Heh... teach me to be a man? Then I want to see, how do you teach me to be a man!"

Ye Fusheng carried the light sword, walked up to the girls, protected them behind him, and said indifferently: "Come on, show your unique moves, don't make me feel bored! Just kill you like that!"


Dances with Wolves glanced at the hundred or so 28- and 9-level elite players beside him, feeling ruthless, and immediately tore his face: "There are thousands of lives, don't think that our members of the Holy Dragon Guild are afraid of you! You were polite before, You are really in heaven!"

"Hehe, but good luck, I got some good equipment in the early stage, and the level is improved faster! Who do you think you are?"

Saying that, Dances with Wolves glanced at the girls behind Ye Fusheng, and then showed a strange smile, and said with a smile: "Create a guild, but only accept beautiful female players, do you still want to turn them into your taboo? For you Have fun day and night?"

"Bah! Rogue!"

"Why is this bastard's mouth so stinky?! Brother Fusheng, don't talk nonsense with them, let's kill them together!"

As soon as the words fell, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, Xiaolingdang and the girls were furious, they all glared at Dances with Wolves and gritted their teeth.

If they hadn't convinced Ye Fusheng, they would have rushed to fight!

"Oh, don't worry, I will let them understand, what will happen to the cheap talker!"

Ye Fusheng's voice was calm, in his heart, he had already sentenced to death for Dances with Wolves and others!

"Made, you won't cry until you see the coffin! Come on, brothers, abolish him for me!"

Dancing with Wolves gritted his teeth, waved his big hand, and immediately rushed towards Ye Fusheng with his shield in hand.


The shield shone brightly, enhancing defense.

Dances with Wolves was the leader, followed by everyone behind him, and the soldiers all rushed forward.

Priests and mages recite spells and release skills.

"Hey, why do people always think they can kill me?"

Ye Fusheng sighed: "I have a habit of killing people like me, even if he doesn't hurt my ability!"


Almost at the moment when Ye Fusheng's voice fell, the attacks of mages and hunters broke out in the distance.

The arrows rained continuously, roaring endlessly.

The spell attacks of various elements also fell overwhelmingly.

However, facing those attacks, Ye Fusheng didn't even dodge!
No matter how many attacks fell, the numbers -1-1-1 jumped out of Ye Fusheng's body, and there was even a white MISS flickering, stimulating the minds of Dances with Wolves and others.

It even shocked the girls of Xiaoxiang Yeyu!


"How is it possible? I can hit a level 35 monster, and I can get more than 500 HP with one arrow, but I can't beat him as a player?"

"I'm so... More than 200 agility, hit a MISS, can you believe it?!"

Those mages and hunters were stunned, and they couldn't help doubting themselves.

Could it be that the high damage they dealt before was all fake?

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately, you are useless!"

"Then, it's my turn to act!"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng's wrist was turned upside down, the bright light sword trembled, and the sound of the sword chant was clear and rippling!

(PS: Thank you for giving me a reward that is so difficult to name, I love you, so I will strive for a 2-word update today!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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