Invincible in one touch

Chapter 135 Give You a Baby

Chapter 135 Give You a Baby


The bright light sword flickered with sword energy, and slashed at the rushing warriors, Dances with Wolves and others.

"Drink, Dunli!"

Dances with Wolves gave a loud shout, held the shield in front of him, and rushed towards the blade.

The warriors beside him used their basic force chopping skills one after another, wanting to attack Ye Fusheng together with Dances with Wolves.

"The sword swings for nine days!"

Almost at the moment when the sword blade touched the shield, thunder burst out, and the lightning sword energy splashed, and suddenly hit many warriors and that Dance with Wolves.


The screams came out along with countless blood-red numbers. Those soldiers had more than 800 blood points at best, and they couldn't hold back the offensive of the sword swinging for nine days. They were killed in seconds and turned into white light data.

Ye Fusheng didn't care about them, he turned his sword and released his dashing ability, locking on to the mage and hunter in the distance.


Like a flash of lightning, Ye Fusheng's body pierced through the air, and under the astonished eyes of many hunters, mages, and priests, the sharp blade has already cut their heads and bodies continuously.



Even if it was just a basic attack, those long-range crispy occupations couldn't bear it, and were sent back to the spring directly.

The reincarnation of the heavens has a very strict professional system. Warriors have high physical attacks, mages have high magic attacks, shields have high HP and high defense, priests are pure support, hunters and assassins are both high-sensitivity and high-explosive, but they are two extremes of combat and long-range .

Except for the relatively high blood volume of shield warriors, the rest of the professions are crispy, and warriors can carry a little bit.

Of course, hidden occupations are not counted, but this group of ordinary players will not have hidden occupations, so there is no need to worry.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Fusheng would use his skills to kill warriors and shield warriors, rush to the crowd in the back row, and directly attack everything.

In dead silence, after Ye Fusheng harvested the last priest with a sword, everyone in the field was stunned.


"President Floating Life is so handsome!"

"It's too strong. That's the elite of the Holy Dragon Guild. Almost everyone has one or two bronze wares, and their level is not much lower than ours. However, with so many people, they can't even survive for a minute in front of President Floating Life." ?”

"Gulu, if I dare to say that I will find the chairman to fight alone in the future, remember to wake me up!"

The girls murmured, their admiration for Ye Fusheng reached its peak.

However, at this time, there was a sharp scream that broke the time.


"You... how come your attack power is so high?!"

Where a bunch of soldiers lay dead, Dance with Wolves trembled, looking at Ye Fusheng with horror in his eyes.

Hearing the sound suddenly, Ye Fusheng was also stunned, raised his brows slightly, looked carefully, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Yo, you kid can do it, and you can actually block my skill from dying!"

It has to be said that the equipment of Dances with Wolves is still better than others, and after a life-threatening attack of sword swinging for nine days, there are still more than 100 drops of blood.

It seems that his total blood volume should have reached more than 1400, which is one of the few existences in the entire Huaxia theater.

"You... how do you have such a high attack?"

"Even the boss needs a whole set of skills to beat me to the brim!"

The whole three views of Dances with Wolves were subverted, and Ye Fusheng's terrifying injury completely frightened him.

"Heh, that's why he's good!"

Ye Fusheng stepped forward, with a smile on his face, and walked slowly to Dance with Wolves.

However, seeing Ye Fusheng's smile, Dances with Wolves trembled all over, as if falling into an ice cellar, not daring to move a bit.

Who knows if Ye Fusheng will suddenly kill him.

"Tsk tsk, do you regret it now?"

Ye Fusheng looked at Dances with Wolves jokingly, raised his hand, and slapped him on the cheek with the light sword.

"Clap clap-"

A crisp voice sounded, and Dance with Wolves turned pale, but once he felt the cold blade, he didn't dare to move.

It's better to be humiliated than to be slaughtered.

In the early stage of the game, there is a gap of tens of thousands of rankings at the first level!

The later he arrived at the secondary main city, the less likely he was to receive a good mission and get better rewards.

"Go back and tell the son of the dragon that if you want to chase a girl, let him do it himself! Don't use such indecent means, that will only make others look down on him even more!"

"Also, I have a message for you!"

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "In this world, good people will not die, and bad people will not die, only stupid people... will die! I hope you will stop being a stupid person in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Fusheng swung the bright light sword in his hand, and the blade immediately brushed against the neck of Dancing with Wolves, bringing blood red numbers.


With the sound of screams, Dances with Wolves and the brothers who followed him were sent back to Novice Village.

A few hours of work was wasted.

"Tsk tsk, even the damage figures will kill you, don't blame me!"

Cursing his lips, Ye Fusheng didn't take those people into his heart at all, put away his bright light sword, and smiled at Qianshan Snow Maiden, "Okay, girls, all the annoying flies have been killed!"

"Hee hee, I know you are the best!"

Qian Shanxue showed a smile: "That guy, Dragon Son, is so annoying, he has been pestering me, hey, I have rejected him many times!"

"Wow, Sister Xue, the president of the Holy Dragon Guild has not agreed to pursue you? Then do you have someone you like?"

"It goes without saying, there must be! But who it is, we don't know!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing the girls chatting enthusiastically again, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but look confused.

What's the situation, didn't you just want to destroy Shenglong with an angry face?

Why did they start chatting about other things just after the killing and before he could comfort these girls?

Didn't it mean that girls are very vulnerable after encountering danger and need comfort from men?
Liar, those methods of picking up girls are all fake!
[It seems that I can only use my handsomeness to get the girl's love and love! 】

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng led the girls to fight monsters again.

After the members of the Holy Dragon Guild were dealt with, no one came to bother them anymore. Even if someone passed by, seeing so many people forming a team, they all left wisely.

After playing together for another half an hour, it was almost seven o'clock before Ye Fusheng opened his mouth to end today's leveling.

All the girls had a good time, and their levels all rushed to level 30, and they all left contentedly.

However, they are Internet addicted girls after all, and they didn't go offline to eat at all. After retiring from the team, they rushed towards Sunset City, preparing to grab the ranking rewards for professional advancement.

The sooner you complete the career advancement, the richer the rewards will be.

Seeing the girls leave, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but sigh: "It's been a long time since I leveled up with ordinary players, it feels pretty good!"


"You call them ordinary players?"

Qian Shanxue rolled her eyes and said, "They are all masters above the master rank. At this stage, very few can reach level 28. They are all going to compete for professional advancement. Do you think they are weak?"


Hearing this, Ye Fusheng laughed out loud, Qian Shanxue wanted to complain a few words, but seeing Ye Fusheng's level, he swallowed the words again.

"By the way, so many people have reached level 30, why did only one white-clothed dragon succeed in advancing?"

"Could it be that the professional advancement task is difficult?"

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng looked at Qian Shanxue again, and asked in doubt: "And you, why don't you grab the ranking reward for professional advancement?"

"No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to finish in the top ten. If you can't get good rewards, why waste that effort!"

Qian Shanxue stretched her waist, with a graceful face, said: "If you can manage the guild well, I think you won't treat me badly."

"Are you really not treating yourself as an outsider!?"

Ye Fusheng looked helpless.

"Hee hee, do you dare to treat me badly?"

Qian Shanxue showed a fox-like smile: "If you dare to bully me, I will tell your father!"

"Oh, he's not at home all year round, so what if you tell him?"

Ye Fusheng was not afraid at all.

"Then I will give you a child, if you dare to bully me, I will beat your child!"

Qian Shanxue's eyes widened, and she looked at Ye Fusheng.


A black line appeared on his forehead, Ye Fusheng was completely defeated by Qian Shanxue, he didn't understand what was going on in that girl's brain circuit at all!
"When are you going to do career advancement?"

Ye Fusheng changed the subject.

"I'll do it after a good meal in the evening, how about you? Then level up?"

Qian Shanxue turned her head slightly.

"It depends on the situation, go offline to eat!"

Looking at the time, the two went offline together.

It has to be said that with Qian Shanxue's friendship towards Qing Ning, Qing Ning no longer panicked, and completely regarded Qian Shan Xue as a young mistress. Even after Ye Fusheng and Qian Shan Xue went offline, Qing Ning had already prepared dinner alright.

After dinner, Ye Fusheng had a heart-to-heart talk with Qingning, and then went back to the room to go online.

After logging into the game, he still appears in the Qingqing Grassland, but Qian Shanxue has long since left.

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng summoned the Youyan Warhorse and rushed back to Sunset City.

Opening the ranking list, sure enough, thanks to the efforts of the national service Gandi, the top ten rankings have reached level 31. Qian Shanxue accompanied him to a meal, and fell out of the top ten.

As for the number of players at level 30, it has reached as many as [-]!
However, they are scattered in major sub-main cities, and there are not too many people in each city.

Rushing to his small shop at the fastest speed, Ye Fusheng found the customer officer and was polite, set up the rules for buying and selling equipment for him, and put some junk silver and bronze wares he had found on the shelves.

Although those silver and bronze wares are rubbish to him, in the eyes of others, they are indispensable equipment in today's game stage.

As for the gold equipment and earth equipment, those are the equipment that only the top masters can compete for!

After cleaning up all the equipment below the gold utensils, Ye Fusheng's backpack opened up a lot, leaving only a bunch of valuable goods!

"Hey, everyone, hurry up and level up, there are more people, and when the auction house function is opened, sell these equipment, and I will be the biggest rich man!"

With a sigh, Ye Fusheng put away his backpack, left Sunset City again, and rushed towards his territory.

I don't know how the territory is developing in the past two days, can we call out some more troops to accompany him to explore the relics of the gods.

While thinking, Ye Fusheng rode the Youyan Warhorse through the dense jungle.

"Drink, Tiger Roaring Spear!"


A tiger's roar came down with the piercing shout, like thunder, it exploded in Ye Fusheng's ears!

His heart was beating violently!

Someone sneaked up on him? !

(PS: The second update today, there will be an update tonight!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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