Chapter 136

The roar of the tiger resounded through the forest, even Ye Fusheng felt his heart beat faster.

However, when Ye Fusheng turned around quickly, he didn't see anyone.


Before Ye Fusheng was surprised, there was another thunderous explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the trees continued to shake, and the sound of gold and iron screaming could be heard from a distance.

"Someone is fighting?!"

"So it wasn't a sneak attack on me!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, but Ye Fusheng became curious again.

Who on earth has such strength?
player?Or is it an NPC?

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng put away the Youyan war horse, and quietly walked towards the direction of the wave.

dang dang-

The sound of gold and iron colliding became clearer and clearer. Ye Fusheng hid in front of a big tree and poked his head out.

What came into view was four figures fighting together.

Looking carefully, it turned out that three people joined forces to fight one!
There were still words floating on their heads, and they looked like players, but when Ye Fusheng saw their IDs and their outfits, he was stunned.

Among the three besiegers, one ID is Renshan Xuande, holding two swords, with a face full of benevolence and morality; ID is Hubao Yide, with a beard on his face, a snake spear in his hand, and he kept roaring when he attacked.

"This is so..."

Ye Fusheng's pupils shrank suddenly: "Isn't this the same as Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei? Isn't it the ones who were besieged by them?"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng looked at the besieged man again. He was dressed in a blood-red battle armor, his face was firm, but fierce, and he swung the spear in his hand with incomparable speed. He kept parrying the attacks of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei. Combined attack.

His ID is astonishingly Blood Armor Fengxian!
"I thought they just had the same name as the people of the Three Kingdoms, but I didn't expect that they even had similar looks and moves!"

Ye Fusheng's heart skipped a beat, he finally found the extraordinary aspect of this game.

The world he traveled to clearly had no history of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms, but these people appeared with the IDs of characters from the Three Kingdoms. What happened?

dang dang-

The roar of gold and iron kept ringing, even though the blood armor Fengxian had extraordinary strength, he couldn't resist the pincer attack of Guan Yu and the three of them, he kept retreating, and his blood bar gradually bottomed out.

In addition, this is a game after all, and there are many restrictions. Blood Armor Fengxian is only at level 26. On the other hand, Renshan Xuande, Qingshan Yunchang, and Tiger Leopard Yide have all been upgraded to level 30. With level suppression, he can sustain It is very rare to live for a long time.

It is enough to see that Xue Jia Fengxian's operation is a little better than those three people.

"Drink, drag the knife and chop!"

With a soft shout, Yun Chang in the blue shirt who had been assisting the attack violently threw out his long knife with his hand, and the sharp blade slashed straight at Xuejia Fengxian's head.

In an instant, Xue Jia Fengxian's face changed slightly, and he kept backing away, wanting to fight back.

"It looks like he should be dead!"

Ye Fusheng shook his head slightly, after all it was three against one, even if Xue Jia Fengxian escaped this move, he would not be able to stop Tiger Leopard Yide's next attack.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, Ye Fusheng had a thought, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

With this thought in mind, Ye Fusheng quickly switched the bright light sword, and locked on the blue-clothed Yunchang—the rushing and slashing skills released!

Just when the blue-clothed Yunchang's dragging knife was about to hit Xuejia Fengxian, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and a thunderbolt suddenly flew across the space and appeared in front of him.

The next moment, the blade of the sword fell, and the blue-clothed Yunchang didn't take any precautions, and was directly stunned in place.

"Second brother!"

"Second brother!"

Seeing this scene, Renshan Xuande and Tiger Leopard Yide turned pale with shock, and hurried forward.

But, how could Ye Fusheng give them a chance to besiege him.

Taking a deep breath, the sword energy gathers the power of thunder, and the sword swings for nine days, bursting into bloom!


The thunder broke out, and immediately struck the tiger and leopard Yide, Renshan Xuande and Qingshan Yunchang.

There was only a crisp sound, and damage numbers kept popping up in their heads.

In an instant, the blood bars of the three of them plummeted, especially the blue-clothed Yun Chang, who was hit by Chong Zhan and Jian Dang Jiutian after the battle, and the blood bars were almost black. I am afraid that if Ye Fusheng touches them again, they will die !

But even so, Ye Fusheng was full of surprise.

You know, the three of them fought fiercely for a long time before, and their blood volume was reduced to about half, but he dealt nearly a thousand damage, and they are not dead yet!

It seems that their blood volume has reached more than 2000.

At least one or two pieces of silverware are on his body, otherwise the defense and blood value will not reach that high.

[As expected of a master who can use celebrities of the Three Kingdoms as IDs, he is indeed much better than ordinary players! 】

Slightly nodding his head, Ye Fusheng also recognized their strength.

After getting out of the dizzy state, the blue-clothed Yunchang retreated quickly, and Danfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Ye Fusheng closely, feeling full of crisis in his heart.

"Who are you, dare to spoil our good deeds?!"

The tiger and leopard Yide bluffed and glared at Ye Fusheng.

"Yide is so rude!"

Renshan Xuande immediately interrupted him, showing a kind smile, and said to Ye Fusheng: "This brother, I don't know why you want to intercept him? As far as I know, the person behind you has done a lot of evil, but he doesn't have many friends."

"Fart, who said I have no friends?"

Xue Jiafeng, who was not far away, heard that first, and immediately cursed: "You can only bully the few with more while Wen Yuan and the others are away! If my brother is still here, how can the three of you hurt me? !"

"Heh... Wen Yuan has long since turned his back on the dark and followed Meng De, you thief, you don't have many days to live!"

Renshan Xuande smiled coldly.

"How could this be? My brother Wen Yuan, who has followed me for many years, how could he betray me?"

Xue Jia Fengxian opened his eyes angrily and roared endlessly.

"Okay, I don't have time to listen to what you say."

Ye Fusheng said indifferently: "I only saw that three big masters besieged a person, would it be embarrassing?"

Hearing this, Renshan Xuande had a calm face, while Qingshan Yunchang and Tiger Leopard Yide blushed with embarrassment, hesitated to speak.

"Oh, brother, we are determined to eliminate demons and defend the way, and bring this evil spirit out of the game! You don't know, he has done many bad things in the past, although they haven't been shown in the game now, but He won't get better, we must kill him before he bullies others!"

Renshan Xuande spoke decisively, and every sentence occupied the commanding heights of morality.

This made Ye Fusheng couldn't help complaining in his heart, but the news revealed in his words made Ye Fusheng feel shocked.

It seems that Renshan Xuande and the others also know that this is a game, and they seem to have forgotten the grievances that happened in history. They just said that Lu Bu will do a lot of evil in the future!
【In the future, I have to communicate more with people from the Three Kingdoms. I want to see what the hell is going on! 】

Having made up his mind, Ye Fusheng was too lazy to entangle with them, and said indifferently: "I don't care so much, if you want to kill him, you can do it one-on-one! I can't bear to bully the few with more! All right, let's go! "

Hearing this, Renshan Xuande couldn't help but froze.

How could he fail to understand the meaning of Ye Fusheng's words?
"I can't see through your information. In the game, the only one who is 10 levels higher than me is Fusheng Qianqian..."

Renshan Xuande suddenly smiled: "Since Brother Fusheng has said it, I will pay attention to it in the future, and next time, I won't besiege him again!"

"Follow you, hurry up and go, what are you doing in a daze?"

Ye Fusheng rushed away impatiently.

"The mountain is high and the water is far away, see you later!"

Clenching his fists slightly, Renshan Xuande put away his swords, and left with Yunchang in Qingshan and Yide in Tiger Leopard.

Before leaving, Qingshan Yunchang suddenly turned around and glanced at Ye Fusheng, and said in a deep voice: "You are very strong, next time, I will challenge you!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ye Fusheng to answer, the three left quickly.


After the three of them left, Xuejia Fengxian, who was standing behind Ye Fusheng, let out a long sigh of relief, threw away his spear, and sat directly on the ground, without the appearance of a general.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but suspect that he was born, this is really the legendary Lu Bu?
"Thank you! If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I'd have to die at their hands this time!"

Blood Armor Feng Xian grinned and said, "He's so naive, I'm so mad. If they hadn't killed me several times, I would have rushed to level 30 and advanced my career!"

"Oh, I also think you have that strength!"

Ye Fusheng smiled slightly, and asked suddenly: "By the way, who are you? I also feel very familiar with the Wenyuan you mentioned earlier. Where are you from?"

"My family is in Yanjing, and Wen Yuan was my playmate when I was young. It's a pity that he went to Zhongzhou to develop after he grew up and rarely came back. We made an appointment to play games together, but he joined a guild and couldn't join me. Play."

"Hey, it doesn't matter if my playmates aren't here before, and I'm always being chased and killed, and my daughter is still very naughty, I'm so tired!"

Xue Jia Fengxian looked unlovable.

Ye Fusheng became more and more curious.

The words of Xuejia Fengxian completely confirmed that he is from this world, and he actually knows Yanjing and Zhongzhou.

If they were really characters in the Three Kingdoms, they would never say that!

However, they are not from the Three Kingdoms, and no one in this world knows the history of the Three Kingdoms, why did they choose such a name?
Even, even grievances exist? !
"Blood armor first..."

Ye Fusheng asked sideways: "This name is very domineering, why did you choose this name?"

"I don't know, when I created the character, I suddenly thought of it!"

It seemed that Ye Fusheng saved him, or he himself was not on guard against others, Xue Jiafeng grinned first, and answered almost all of Ye Fusheng's questions.

Even his daughter said it out.

After listening, Ye Fusheng became more and more confused.

They clearly don't know the Three Kingdoms, but their interpersonal relationships and even some personalities are exactly the same as the characters in the Three Kingdoms!
However, there is one thing wrong, Xue Jia Fengxian does not know Diao Chan, according to him, his wife died early, leaving only Lu Lingqi a daughter.

[Headache, it seems that if you want to find out what is going on with them, you must contact more people! 】

[This blood armor Fengxian is a little different from Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms, and looks much cuter!Well, his strength is not bad. If he has this kind of heart, it will be a good helper if he is drawn into the guild! 】

Rubbing his chin, Ye Fusheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

That's right, he can definitely receive the blood armor into the guild first!
Doing so has many benefits for him.

First, you can keep abreast of his developments at any time, and second, you can find more people with Three Kingdoms IDs through him and get to know them.

Third, Lu Bu, who corresponds to the blood armor first, is a peak warrior in the long history. Judging from the scene where he was suppressed and could fight three against one for a long time, this operation is in the entire game. is at the forefront!
He felt more at ease with such a master sitting on the sidelines.

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng immediately smiled and extended an invitation to the blood armor Fengxian: "Fengxian, you are being bullied by yourself, why don't you join my guild?"

"Join the Floating World Guild?"

Xue Jiafeng was stunned for a moment, and said awkwardly: "It is said on the forum that your guild only accepts girls, and letting me in will ruin your good business?"

"Huh? Who said that?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng said helplessly: "My guild is only confiscating people temporarily, after all, I only accept masters! Not only girls!"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng suddenly remembered that a wild history once said that Lu Bu was very interested in becoming an official, so he quickly said: "If you come, I can let you be the commander of the army! In the future, the guild will form cavalry Team, you will be their leader!"

"Huh? Make me the head of the legion?!"

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Xue Jia Fengxian couldn't help hesitating.

Ye Fusheng didn't urge him, but just smiled, he knew that he couldn't be in a hurry, the more he was in a hurry, the easier it would be for Xue Jia Fengxian to be scared away.

However, in his heart, he was looking forward to Xuejia Fengxian joining the guild.

Among other things, that is Lu Bu, the god of war who beat all the generals in the former Three Kingdoms era!

(PS: [-] characters have been updated today, so I will continue to write. In addition, do you have any favorite characters from the Three Kingdoms? You can tell them, or you can book the corresponding characters of the Three Kingdoms characters in this world! Or, who else do you want to see? Show off?)
(End of this chapter)

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