Invincible in one touch

Chapter 137 Advanced Hidden Profession!

Chapter 137 Advanced Hidden Profession!

"Are you sure, the cavalry will be built in the future, let me be the commander?"

Xue Jiafeng swallowed his saliva first, and looked at Ye Fusheng with hopeful eyes.

"As soon as a word is spoken, it is difficult for a horse to chase!"

Ye Fusheng once again threw out a heavy blow: "If you join the guild now, I can give you the title of legion leader, but the recruitment of members must go through my review!"

Although, in the history of the Three Kingdoms, Lu Bu had many betrayal operations, but in the game, this blood armor is the first, which seems to be different from Lu Bu.

Besides, so what if he is the same as Lu Bu?

Ye Fusheng is confident that he can always maintain his own advantage and lead the other players. Even if he is Lu Bu, if he wants to find trouble, he can suppress it in minutes!
His own strong strength is the confidence he dared to win over Lu Bu.

"it is good!"

"I can promise you, but you have to promise me one request!"

Lu Bu smiled awkwardly.

"What request?"

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly.

"Well, my daughter also plays this game, but I have been hunted down before, and I can't take her to level up, so that she is only over 20 levels. Can you let her join the guild?"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "I know that high-ranking guilds like yours generally don't want weak people."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help laughing, and the suspicion of Lu Bu in his heart became weaker and weaker.

Being able to love his daughter so much, it can be seen that he is different from Lu Bu in history!

Perhaps, he can really become his right-hand man!

"What is there to disagree with?"

Ye Fusheng waved his hand and said, "When you enter the guild, I'll give you the position of army commander, so go get your daughter yourself!"

With that said, Ye Fusheng sent out an invitation directly.

Blood Armor Fengxian was overjoyed and accepted the invitation.


"System prompt: [Blood Armor Blessed First] accepts your invitation and joins [Floating World Guild]!"

At the same time, news from the guild channel kept popping up.

"Guild system message: Congratulations to the player [Blood Armor] for joining the guild!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Hey, someone is here again? It seems to be a man, did Sister Xue pull it?"

Qian Shanxue: "Have you seen me pull a man? This should be pulled by your little brother himself!"

Little Bell: "Wow, the president pulled it himself, it must be very powerful!"

Guardian of War: "It's not easy, finally a male joins the guild! Cry, I've been diving for days!"

Wugou: "Brother, I am the same! After diving for a few days, I finally have a new companion!"

Clear as water: "No one will stop you from talking, it's all because you dare not dare."

Crazy Pepper: "Yeah, if you guys came out to talk earlier, I'm afraid we already have a story!"

Clear as water: "If you work harder, the children can run all over the street to make soy sauce!"

Guardian of War: "..."

Wugou: "..."

Just as the girls were about to continue molesting the only two men, Xue Jiafeng uttered the first sentence first.

Xue Jia Fengxian: "Well, hello everyone, I'm new here, and I may be your leader in the future, please take care of me!"

Crazy Chili: "???"

Clear as water: "???"

Guardian of War: "???"


Qian Shanxue: "???"

Without exception, after Xue Jia Fengxian's words fell, the entire guild fell into silence.

Ye Fusheng opened the guild interface, seeing those words, he couldn't help laughing or crying, he couldn't help but glance in front of him, and the blood armor who looked very honest and honest gave him a first glance.

No wonder, Lu Bu has been targeted by so many people in history.

With this emotional intelligence and speaking skills, he was really lucky not to be beaten to death!
However, the emotional intelligence is low, so far, he is still a good person, so you have to cover it!

Ever since, before other people in the guild could ask questions, Ye Fusheng made an operation that shocked everyone again.


"Guild Reminder: Congratulations to the member [Blood Armor Blessed First] for becoming the head of the legion!!!"


A unanimous voice sounded, and in an instant, the entire guild's chat exploded.

Ye Fusheng hastily sent out a message.

Fusheng Qianqian: "Ahem, although this guy's level is a bit low, he is very strong in operation, and he is definitely at the level of Bai Yizilong, so he will be the commander of our future cavalry army. Of course, you have confidence." If you challenge him, welcome to challenge him!"

Blood Armor Fengxian: "Thank you, President, for your trust, I will definitely work hard!"

Seeing that Ye Fusheng came out to speak, everyone immediately understood that this matter has not changed.

Even if you are dissatisfied, you have to wait until everyone gets together before you can challenge.

Ever since, everyone congratulated the blood armor.

Iron Knight: "Hahaha, here comes a big boss, please look familiar and cute!"

Wugou: "You're a 300-jin old man, and you're still young? Do you know how Qiaobiluo's big brother ran away?"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Cavalryman, it seems that you are a warrior and a shield professional, and you will have the opportunity to compete in the future!"

Xue Jia Fengxian: "It's easy to say! But be careful, don't be beaten to death by me."

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Huh? Bastard, look down on me? Come on, let's fight! I won't be able to marry you unless you kill the old lady!"

Crazy Pepper: "Why do I think, you can't get married no matter what?"

After a few words, the topic was brought to the unknown Siberian plain.

This made Ye Fusheng lament that those girls are tough, but at the same time, he no longer worries about the blood armor.

Well, there are such a group of live treasures, and the emotional intelligence of the blood armor should grow rapidly!
"Well, President, thank you for saving me just now!"

Xue Jiafeng quit the guild chat first, and said with a smile: "I will not let you down in the future, as long as you give me troops, I will sweep the world for you!"

"Very well, I am waiting for that day to come!"

Patting Xue Jia Fengxian on the shoulder, Ye Fusheng smiled and said: "Okay, you go and pull your daughter first, I have to practice leveling!"

"Okay, then you go to the president, I should also upgrade, the level can't be improved, but I can't convince the crowd!"

Xue Jia Fengxian looked solemn, this sentence made Ye Fusheng look at him again.

Sure enough, it is definitely not a fool to be able to leave a name in history.

Although Xuejia Fengxian's EQ is low, he knows that!
Separated from Xuejia Fengxian, Ye Fusheng summoned the Youyan Warhorse and rushed to the territory.

Not long after getting on the horse, a message from Qian Shanxue came.

"Where did you recruit them? Seeing that the level is very low, are you sure they are masters?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng replied: "How dare you question me? You don't want to sleep at night!"

Qian Shanxue: "Don't make trouble, talk about business! Just give him the army commander, is it okay?"

Ye Fusheng said in a deep voice: "Do you know Zilong in white? If there is anyone in that group who can compete with Zilong in white, it can only be him!"

Although there are many opinions about the ranking of the generals of the Three Kingdoms, only Lu Bu and Zhao Yun are the only generals who have truly reached the unparalleled level in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Although Lu Bu was defeated, it was middle-aged and elderly, or he was besieged by many famous generals.

Zhao Yun, on the other hand, had no defeat in his life, and he always dealt with enemies extremely quickly.Even if he had never fought against famous generals, those famous generals did not perform as well as him when they fought against those defeated by him.

Dian Wei, Ma Chao, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others should be weaker than him.

However, there are no absolutes. After all, when a real confrontation takes place, it depends on the state of mind and state of the two of them. (Note: Everyone has their favorite generals. I prefer Zhao Yun, because Zhao Yun’s image is perfect enough. Of course, I also like other people, so you don’t have to argue. Who is the number one? The gap between them , very small, they are all very strong famous generals)
Qian Shanxue was frightened: "So strong? All right, I'll wait for him to prove himself!"

Ye Fusheng curled his lips and asked: "How about the professional advancement task?"

Qian Shanxue sent a crying emoji: "It's too miserable, I have to kill a thousand monsters whose level is no lower than mine, and I'm working hard to spawn monsters!"

Seeing that task, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being surprised: "Is this task so difficult?"

Qian Shanxue said with a smile: "I'm already considered simple. I heard that someone's career advancement task is to kill three silver-level bosses. Tsk tsk, I guess it won't be completed in a day or two!"

At this time, Ye Fusheng finally understood why so many players reached level 30 but did not complete their career advancement.

too difficult!
However, this also made Ye Fusheng believe even more that every player will improve greatly after professional advancement!
"Come on, maybe you can still get the reward for career advancement!"

After encouraging Qian Shanxue, Ye Fusheng was just about to close the chat window when a server announcement came down suddenly!


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia theater player [Ye Yin] for becoming the second professional advanced player. The reward experience value is 30000000 points, the reputation value is 80000 points, and the merit value is 300000 points. The occupation is promoted to a hidden occupation—Phantom Assassin! Note: The sooner you complete the job advancement task, the higher your chances of becoming a hidden job! Only for the top [-]!"

"Hiss... Someone has completed career advancement again! He has also been promoted to a hidden profession?!"

In an instant, Ye Fusheng and Qian Shanxue were astonished.

Hidden occupation, that is a hidden occupation!
In this kind of virtual game, hidden occupations have a huge advantage over ordinary occupations.

This can be seen from Ye Fusheng and Bai Yizilong!
In the past, hidden jobs could only be obtained through special missions, and it was difficult for everyone to obtain them, so they didn't think too much about them.

But as soon as this server announcement came out, almost all the level 30 players in the Huaxia theater became excited.

As long as one thousand people are the first to complete the professional advancement task, they will have the opportunity to become a hidden profession. How lucky is that?
"Hiss... I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to do the mission! You must advance to the hidden profession!"

Qian Shanxue gritted her teeth, and Ye Fusheng helplessly replied, cheer up, but before the two of them closed the communication window, another world server announcement stimulated the hearts of many players.


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to European and American theater players [Hand of Jesus] for becoming the third professional advancement player, who will be rewarded with 20000000 experience points, 50000 prestige points, and 20000 merit points. The profession has been promoted to a hidden profession——Bright Envoy !"

"I'm going? Have you been promoted to a hidden profession again?"

"The odds are so high?"

Qian Shanxue was stunned and envious: "Hey, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to kill monsters!"

This time, Qian Shanxue hung up the communication without waiting for Ye Fusheng to reply.

In fact, there are many people who are more excited than Qian Shanxue. Originally, when many players saw such difficult professional advancement tasks, they all wanted to do it slowly.

However, the reward at this time completely stimulated them!

"This probability is a bit wrong! Why does it feel like fishing?"

Frowning slightly, Ye Fusheng vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter so much, let's fix the territory first, take a rest, and set off to the ruins of the gods!"

"It's time for me to complete the advanced level of my profession. I don't know what kind of surprises the Raider of the Heavens will give me after the advanced level?"

(PS: The quest of the relics of the gods is about to start. Also, does anyone remember Queen Scarlet Moon? Cough cough, that bellyband...)
(End of this chapter)

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