Invincible in one touch

Chapter 138 The Surprise of the Fairy Pet

Chapter 138 The Surprise of the Fairy Pet

After two days of development and the steward's efforts, Shengyuan's usable resources have risen instead of falling, reaching as many as 23.

This gave Ye Fusheng a surprise, and used the resource tokens that exploded from spawning monsters in the past two days, and the resources skyrocketed to 27W!

Except for the 10 basic resources that cannot be used, the 17 resources can summon 566 cavalry!
Leaving one or two hundred cavalry guarding the city, Ye Fusheng can also take away more than 300.

Combined with their attributes far surpassing ordinary players, they are enough to explode against the sky.

"I have long heard that Lü Bu led the cavalry to fight and is invincible in the world. I don't know how powerful these cavalry can be given to him!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng chose to summon the cavalry without the slightest hesitation.

Not long after, more than 500 cavalry were born, wearing iron armor and neighing horses under their crotches.

Handing over the development and construction of the territory to the steward, Ye Fusheng gathered more than 700 cavalry in the territory and took them out of the city to practice leveling.

After all, the relics of the gods are high-level maps. Players are fine, and the level suppression will not be too strong. However, the difference in level between NPCs can suppress the attributes to the point of misery. Their levels must be raised, otherwise they will be in the relics of the gods. , is courting death.

By the way, the star level should also be brushed up.

That's a fairy-level boss. Even if he can't comprehend powerful skills, his basic attributes can make many people despair.

However, the most troublesome thing for Ye Fusheng is that Xing Xing has no clothes.

When he is alone, he looks really cool, but pets are for fighting!

If during the battle, he suddenly summoned a loli girl with no clothes on, that would be a big deal!
"Hope, the stars can wear equipment!"

Shaking his head, Ye Fusheng led the cavalry to find a good leveling point, ordered many cavalry to form a team to kill monsters, and directly summoned the stars.


The colorful lights flickered, and as soon as the stars appeared, they stared at Ye Fusheng with big watery eyes.

Being stared at by a naked loli, even though Ye Fusheng has experienced many battles, he couldn't help but blushed slightly: "Well, Xing Xing, can you put on clothes?"

"What are clothes?"

Xingxing blinked, looking confused.

"You don't even know what clothes are?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng looked at Xing Xing carefully, and after making sure that what she said was not a lie, he finally understood.

In the setting, the stars are born from chaos, without any memory, and naturally they don't understand these things.

"Okay, then you sit here first, and don't move!"

Ye Fusheng turned his head, trying not to look at the stars anymore, although the girl is still young, she has everything she should have, and it's late at night, it's hard to press the gun!

"Okay, master!"

Xing Xing is very well-behaved, sitting on Ye Fusheng's side, constantly looking around, observing the surroundings.


Suddenly, a golden light flashed from under the star, and it was upgraded!

"Oh? Fairy-level pets, so little experience is required to upgrade?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng was quite surprised. He thought that the experience needed to upgrade a fairy-level pet was higher than that of other pets. Now it seems that the difficulty of upgrading has nothing to do with the grade.

In this way, Ye Fusheng didn't bother to do it himself, so he simply lay down under the tree and took a rest.Only seven hundred cavalry were left to sweep the map frantically.

He needs to think about the future development of himself and the guild.

Although the Floating World Guild is the only guild today, Qian Shanxue's recruitment is very strict, and only girls are accepted, resulting in a small number of staff.

No matter how strong they are, they will not be able to fight against a hundred, unless it is in the late stage, when the equipment is formed and the maneuverability is high, they can fight thousands of troops.What's more, there are many masters in other guilds.

In the early stages of the game, the guild battle was still about the number of people and the number of masters. He had to find a way to recruit more reliable and high-strength players.

In addition, you must also upgrade your own equipment.

Now, Ye Fusheng wears several gold utensils, four earthen utensils, and a mount, which are already godly attires in the eyes of others, but he is still not satisfied.

With this attribute, it is okay to deal with [-] to [-] players, but if it is blocked by a guild with several million members like Shenglong, it will be difficult to kill it.

Especially after the professional advancement, the player learns advanced control skills. Once the effect is played or the defense is successfully broken, his more than 7000 blood cannot withstand the attacks of thousands of people.

At that time, you have to be careful when facing thousands of players at the same time.

"It can't be controlled, and it can't be broken. This requires a few pieces of equipment that can increase the resistance to abnormal states!"

"Also, the Youyan Warhorse is only at the silver level after all, so it should be eliminated!"

Ye Fusheng was filled with emotion, people must keep improving.

If you let Youyan Warhorse know Ye Fusheng's thoughts, he will definitely be filled with grief and indignation, dammit, after being robbed by you, you have tried your best to be the savior several times, and you actually want to abandon me?

Suddenly, a bell rang, awakening Ye Fusheng's thoughts.

"System prompt: [Star] has successfully reached level 25, entered the growth stage, increased all attributes by 30%, and comprehended the skills of Chaos Five Elements, Concentrating Star Slash, Flashing Star Step, and Shunpo!"

"Huh? Stepping into the growth stage from the infancy stage, the improvement is so great?"

Shaking his head violently, Ye Fusheng quickly opened the pet panel, his eyes widened in shock!
【Star】(Fairy level)
Rating: 25
Blood value: 2275
Attack Power: 1105—1365
Defense: 1235
Chaos Five Elements (Improve all attributes of self and an additional target by 10%, last for 60 seconds, cooldown time is 30 minutes)

Concentrating star cut (concentrate the power of starlight, accumulated in the sword body, causing 150% high damage to the enemy, and has a 5% chance to make the enemy tremble, can interrupt the skill, cooldown time is 120 seconds)
Flashing Star Step (passive skill, increase own 10% dodge rate, and, for every three attacks, the fourth attack will cause a knowing blow, triggering the crit effect)

Shunpo (transform body shape in an instant, can shuttle freely within 30 yards, cooldown time is 180 minutes)

stage: growing up
Growth qualification: Attack 30 star, stamina 30 star, defense 30 star, agility 30 star, spirit 30 star



The sound of swallowing saliva sounded, this time the star advanced, gave him a big surprise!
The naked attributes are almost the same as many Gao Wan who are dressed in silver and bronze!

If Xing Xing can wear equipment, get her a set of ground equipment, the attributes will not be much worse than Ye Fusheng, but the AI ​​is lower, but even so, it can easily kill hundreds or even thousands of players.

"too strong!"

Exclaiming, Ye Fusheng pondered for a moment, then took out a few pieces of equipment for Xing Xing to try wearing.

In case, she can wear it!
Although Xing Xing didn't understand why she had to wear clothes, but Ye Fusheng was her master, she was obedient and gave Ye Fusheng another surprise.

The blood value has skyrocketed to 3000, and both the attack power and defense power have reached 1600+, surpassing most players!
This is just ordinary silverware!
What made Ye Fusheng even more gratified was that the star wearing clothes could finally be summoned in front of the players.

"The attribute is very domineering, I don't know how to fight AI!"

Turning his eyes, Ye Fusheng stopped being lazy, took Xing Xing to find monsters, and asked her to try to kill monsters.

It seems to be instinct, the loli girl with a cute face, after seeing the monsters, her expression was cold, and then she killed those monsters with extremely cruel means.

Stepping on the flashing star step, the star slash was mixed with the basic attack, killing those monsters.

From time to time, when he was attacked by monsters, Xing Xing was able to perform Shunpo at the right time, adjust his body position, and kill again.

Moreover, Xing Xing is an NPC, not like a player. Any operation must be judged by the combat system. She can make many unimaginable operations, causing effective damage to monsters.

In just 10 minutes, Xingxing crossed nearly 30 levels and slaughtered dozens of monsters in front of him.

After killing the monster, the stern-faced Xing Xing put away his sword blade, regained his cuteness, stood still, and stared at Ye Fusheng with his big eyes flashing.


Ye Fusheng was amazed, and made up his mind that before going to the relics of the gods, he must train the stars to level 30 and put on a set of golden utensils.

He had a hunch that perhaps the stars would play an irreplaceable role in the remains of the gods!
With a goal, he will be motivated to brush monsters. Ye Fusheng sweats like rain, killing monsters together with Xing Xing.

Her experience is also constantly beating.


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the Huaxia Theater [Blood Armor Fengxian] for becoming the fourth professional advanced player, who has been rewarded with 10000000 experience points, 30000 reputation points, and 10000 merit points. The profession has been promoted to a hidden profession—Blood-bathed Warlord !"

"I'll go, Fengxian, he was only level 26 two hours ago, how did he complete the professional advancement task?"

After rubbing his eyes and making sure he read correctly, Ye Fusheng quickly sent Xue Jiafeng a message: "What's going on, brother?"


Blood Armor Fengxian laughed excitedly: "President, I met a boss on the way back. After killing it alone, I was promoted to level 30, and my career advancement was completed inexplicably! By the way, a prefecture-level boss also popped up!" Mount, do you want to use it?"

During this period of time, he has been besieged by people. Today, Ye Fusheng saw him for the first time, but he helped him like this, and trusted him, and he was very moved by doing it for his army commander.

Even if a usable prefecture-level mount broke out, worth tens of thousands of gold, he didn't hesitate at all.

"You keep it for use, congratulations, you are getting closer and closer to the goal of sweeping the world!"

Ye Fusheng said happily: "Okay, you go back to find your daughter first. I'll continue leveling!"


Blood Armor Bongxian is not long-winded.

Hanging up the communication, Ye Fusheng hadn't turned off the interface yet, when Qian Shanxue sent a message: "Niu, the vision is really strong! The person who just got here is famous!"

"That's right, don't you look at who I am? Can my son have poor eyesight?"

Proudly replied, Ye Fusheng stroked his chin and opened the guild chat window.

Sure enough, the guild chat exploded.

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "I'll go, yes, and quietly become the fourth person in the world to succeed in career advancement!"

Wugou: "Boss Niu Pi, can you take a look at the skills of the hidden profession?"

Blood Armor Fengxian: "Skills? Wait a minute, I'll post it right away!"

Non-sweet toffee: "I think we'd better not look at it. Those hidden professions are too BT, too strong!"

Clear as water: "Hey, I'm so envious, why can't we get a hidden job?"

A piece of corn: "Everyone, don't be envious. Others not only have better occupations than you, but also have better equipment than you!"

Qian Shanxue: "I'm heartbroken...Leave me!"

Non-sweet toffee: "I'm heartbroken...Leave me!"

Little Bell: "I'm heartbroken...Leave me!"

Floating life: "I'm heartbroken...Leave me!"

Crazy Pepper: "Pierce the heart... Hey, that's not right, Brother President, are you a ghost? Do you think we are not enough to pierce the heart? Cry!"

Blood armor Fengxian: "Blood battle (passive): After death, you can resurrect on the spot, and restore 50% of your blood and mana, and increase your maximum blood and mana by 10%! As a price, every time you die, the character will be reduced by 2 Level! Blood Rain Gunwind:..."

After the skill was posted, the guild chat interface suddenly fell silent.

Even Ye Fusheng was quite surprised, this profession is a bit domineering!
Especially the bloody battle skill, which has the same effect as his Eternal Heart, but the increase effect is different, and the cost is also higher.

The rest of the skills all have a high percentage of damage. It is conceivable that the strength of the blood armor will become more and more terrifying after being promoted to an advanced hidden profession.

Clear as water: "It's too strong... How do I feel, if I don't hide my profession in the future, I won't be able to compete with them at all!"

For a long time, the water was as clear as water, making a faint sound.

Qian Shanxue: "So, everyone, work hard to level up, and strive to be able to advance to hidden professions! Let alone, I went to do the task, and looking at these two perverts, Fusheng Wanqian and Xuejia Fengxian, I am afraid that I will close!"

Wugou: "Leveling is busy, so farewell!"

Guardian of War: "Leveling is busy, goodbye!"


Seeing these conversations, Ye Fusheng smiled lightly and shook his head, also closing the chat window.

"There are stars, blood armor first, plus those 20 cavalry, more than [-] masters, who else can stop me in this mission?"

The corners of his mouth curled up, Ye Fusheng was full of ambitions!

(PS: Today's first update, brothers, I want to try to recommend it next week, please don't save it, and follow up and subscribe every day! I know, sometimes I feel that I can't read enough, so this week, I will strive to update [-] words every day! As long as the follow-up subscription can go up, keep it up, and it will be recommended next week, and I will still update it!
If you have any suggestions, you can also say it, and I will modify it! ! ! )

(End of this chapter)

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