Invincible in one touch

Chapter 139 The Joy of Sleeping

Chapter 139 The Joy of Sleeping

The experience value keeps rising, and the star level increases rapidly.

However, after reaching level 30, the level difference with monsters is narrowed, the experience value gained from stars is reduced, and the upgrade speed is much slower.

However, a star at level 30, a mix of silver and gold equipment, with properties as close to those of the Son of the Dragon and Zilong in White Clothes, already made Ye Fusheng very satisfied.

During the leveling period, three more people from all over the world completed career advancement, but they were unlucky and did not take up the hidden profession.

This also poured a basin of cold water on the crazy players all over the world.

From the looks of it, it's not that you can get a hidden job by completing advanced tasks, you still have to fight.

Some non-chiefs shed tears of remorse.

Seeing that it was about 10 o'clock, Ye Fusheng was about to go offline, and when he opened the guild chat interface, he saw howling.

Qingqing Rushui: "Ah, what kind of mission is this? I have to kill humanoid monsters above level 45. Originally, the level is so much higher. It is very difficult for me to fight one, and it is a humanoid monster. It is too difficult!"

Crazy Pepper: "It's okay to be hard to fight, mainly because high-level monsters are too hard to find! You are okay, I want to kill monsters, my task is to kill messengers above level 50... I want to curse, what is a messenger monster ? Never seen it before!"

Feng Lingxuewu: "Calm down, if there are monsters you don't know, you can find the president's little brother, he has traveled through many maps."

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Brother, the president of Manual Art, may I ask where there are monsters above level 45?"

Seeing the conversation, Ye Fusheng couldn't help but patted his head.

There are a lot of high-level monsters in the territory, and I forgot to mention it!
Floating Life: "If you want to farm high-level monsters, you can come to the guild territory. There are many monsters above level 50 around. They have rich experience and are very suitable for everyone's early leveling!"

Guardian of War: "After waiting for so long, finally the president called us to go to the guild territory, excited!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Are you a big-headed ghost?! Brother Fusheng, you just give us the privilege of teleportation, so that we can buy a teleportation scroll. It's very tiring to run there."

Little Bell: "How lazy, I'm already on my way!"

Crazy Pepper: "Brother President, do you know where there are messenger monsters? I searched for four hours and searched all over the forum, but I couldn't find it."

Guardian of War: "I need to fight souls above level 50... I have a headache. I have read the map sent by Traveler Wujiang three times, but I still haven't seen it."

Seeing that Ye Fusheng solved a problem, the rest of the people also sent out their mission requirements one after another.

Ye Fusheng swept his gaze, and found that they all wanted to kill monsters above level 45, and there were various types of monsters.

No wonder, so many people have not completed the task.

It simply can't be done without spending time crossing the map!
There are too few people whose luck explodes like Xuejia Fengxian.

By the way, it seems that Qian Shanxue's task is also very simple, as long as he kills a thousand monsters whose level is not lower than hers.

[I don't know, did the girl complete the task. 】

Thinking in his mind, Ye Fusheng shook his head, and just when he was about to bring many cavalry back to the territory and grant the guild transmission authority, a system bell rang in his ears.


"World Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Fengling Xuewu] in the Huaxia War Zone who has become the seventh professional advanced player. The reward experience value is 10000000 points, the reputation value is 10000 points, and the merit value is 10000 points. He has been promoted to a hidden profession - element hunter! "

"I'll go, is that bitch really a hidden profession?"

Frowning, Ye Fusheng grinned, "Very well, the strength of their group has increased again for this mission.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Fusheng's communication came on - from Qianshanxue!

Qian Shanxue: "Hahaha, did you see, my wife is also hiding her profession!"

"Yeah, I see, the rookie job that I'm still hanging around!"

Ye Fusheng didn't give Qian Shanxue any face at all.

"Fuck off, I want to kill you!"

Qian Shanxue sent an angry expression, and soon smiled again: "Sister is happy, I will treat you to a big meal tomorrow, how about it?"

"what ever."

Ye Fusheng didn't bother to talk to her, he drove the Youyan warhorse back to the territory, and opened the teleportation authority for the guild.

At this time, the guild chat channel became lively again.

Non-sweet toffee: "Congratulations to Sister Xue for advancing to a hidden profession!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Congratulations Sister Xue, is this the third hidden job in our guild?"

Feng Lingxue Wu: "Hee hee, everyone, you are welcome, I believe that everyone is so beautiful, you will definitely be able to advance to the hidden profession!"

Crazy Pepper: "I think so too... But, the task is so troublesome, I can't find that kind of monster at all!"

Seeing this, Ye Fusheng suddenly thought, it seems that in the dungeon of the relics of the gods, the level of monsters will never be low, and those monsters such as angels and ghosts may exist.

After all, they are all called the relics of the gods, and without divine envoys, it cannot be justified.

With this in mind, Ye Fusheng quickly sent a message: "I'm about to do a high-level mission, the monsters in it are very high-level, maybe there will be monsters like ghosts and angels, do you want to try your luck? "

Crazy Chili: "Really? Great, I'm going!"

Guardian of War: "Boss, how many people are on that mission? Will we occupy the quota?"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Hey, the elder brother of the president said that we can go together, so there must be more people to participate!"

Floating Life: "It is indeed a large-scale task, and many people can participate. If you want to go, gather at the guild territory early tomorrow, and I will take you there!"

Crazy Pepper: "Be sure to be there on time!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Be sure to arrive early!"

Wugou: "???"

Blood Armor Fengxian: "Are you going to do a big task? I'll come too!"

Ding Ding Dangdang: "What fun activity? I'll go too!"

Who is Ding Dang Dang?

Suddenly a newcomer appeared, Ye Fusheng looked at the level, he was only level 21, and immediately understood that she was the daughter of Xuejia Fengxian, Lu Lingqi in history.

[It is said that Lu Lingqi is still a beautiful woman, I don't know how she looks in this world! 】

Touching his nose, Ye Fusheng replied: "I will definitely call you when the time comes, that's enough, I'll go offline and sleep first, you continue to hunt monsters, don't forget to gather tomorrow!"

Clear as water: "I will never forget it! I won't sleep tonight, waiting for you to go online in the guild territory!"

Feng Lingxue Wu: "Hee hee, I've just advanced into the hidden profession, and I'm excited, and I'm going to sleep to suppress the shock, everyone, come on!"

Ke Lan: "Huh? The president's little brother and sister Xue actually slept at the same time? I seem to have discovered something?"

Unsweetened toffee: "I found it too! Sleeping together, is it so exciting?"

Guardian of War: "Eating melons silently, passing by..."

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Do you think the President and Sister Xue are lovers?"

Yun Zhilan: "Probably not, President Shenglong even sent someone to invite Sister Xue this afternoon. If she has a boyfriend, then the Son of Dragon will know about it."

Ke Lan: "Ahem, that's true, it seems, it's just pure time to sleep together!"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu: "Wait, it seems that sleeping together like this is not bad, you guys talk, I'm going to sleep with the president's little brother, please call me the president's wife in the future!"

"Bah, shameless!"

A series of the same words swiped the screen frantically, making Ye Fusheng happy to see it.

After watching the excitement, go offline!
Opening his eyes, Qian Shanxue happened to stretch and sat up. The two of them looked at each other and smiled.

"Hey, I suddenly thought of an icon that can be used as a guild badge, do you think it's okay?"

Qian Shanxue said softly: "The guild badge is also good for cohesion."

"You can figure it out, and I will leave other things to you."

Ye Fusheng said seriously: "I trust you, you don't need to tell me everything."

"Hee hee, you are his boss anyway, your future husband, if you don't tell me, who will you tell me?"

Qian Shanxue smiled slyly.

"Then take it easy, I'm going to sleep next door!"

With the quilt lifted, Ye Fusheng ran out of the room with a "shua".

Well, you want to seduce me, and then say it's just a fake marriage to tease me?

no way!

It has to be said that Ye Fusheng's departure surprised Qian Shanxue.

After being dazed for a moment, Qian Shanxue gritted her teeth angrily: "Asshole, does this girl have no charm at all?"

Of course, no matter how angry Qian Shanxue was, Ye Fusheng had already run to Qingning's room next door and started doing healthy aerobic exercises.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Fusheng walked out of the room refreshed, and Ye Fusheng saw Qian Shanxue sitting in the living room at a glance.

"You guy, you agreed to go to the game assembly early in the morning, and you slept so late?"

Qian Shanxue gritted her teeth, not knowing what she was hating.

"Hey, the joy of sleeping, you don't understand."

Shrugging his shoulders, Ye Fusheng looked at the time and found that it would be 9 o'clock immediately, and his expression turned serious, and he asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Eat early."

Qian Shanxue sneered.

"Okay, hurry back and go online, it's important to do the task!"

After waking up, Ye Fusheng had already eaten his sweetheart once, so he was too lazy to eat, so he turned and went back to his room.

This kind of decisiveness stunned Qian Shanxue, what's the situation, it's fine if she can sleep peacefully and is more attractive than her, games are more attractive than her?

Going online, Ye Fusheng hadn't had time to summon the Youyan Warhorse, and a resentful voice sounded in his ear: "Brother President, you are finally online..."


Startled suddenly, Ye Fusheng turned his head to look, only to find that it was Qing Qing Ru Shui obediently standing aside.

"You won't, you really didn't sleep all night, did you?"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Ye Fusheng was stunned.

"how is this possible?"

Qingqing Rushui stuck out her tongue: "I went offline to rest when I came to the guild territory yesterday, but I went online earlier."

"Huh, it's okay, if I keep you up all night, I'm really guilty!"

Ye Fu let out a sigh of relief, but he didn't notice the ambiguity in the words, nor did he notice that Qing Qing Ru Shui's face was flushed.

Well, they are all adults, and they are good at driving, how can they not understand?

After patting the equipment, Ye Fusheng grinned and asked, "Is anyone else here?"

"They came here just now, but they didn't see anyone. They went to familiarize themselves with the territory at the suggestion of Sister Xue."

Qing Qing Ru Shui answered obediently.

"Then why don't you go?"

Ye Fusheng frowned slightly.

"I'm afraid we will be angry if you can't find us after you go online, so I'll wait for you here."

Qingqing Rushui smiled and said: "I'll send them a message right away, by the way, Sister Xue seems to be offline, and she looks very angry..."

"Don't care about her, quickly call everyone else over!"

Ye Fusheng waved his hand.

"it is good!"

Qingqing Rushui quickly sent a message to others, and Ye Fusheng also called out on the guild channel.

After a while, Qian Shanxue came online, and the rest of the people also rushed over.

Including the newly joined Ding Ding Dangdang and Blood Armor Fengxian, there are 31 members of the Floating World Guild, all assembled!

The girls were laughing, and after getting in touch with the girls, the bad old men also got to know each other, and chatted together without any embarrassment.

Anger is particularly harmonious, like a big family.

Even if Xue Jia Fengxian has a low EQ and can't chat, he can't get angry with such an interesting girl, and his daughter is there, so he naturally has a loving father's demeanor.

At this point, the girls were quite surprised. Unexpectedly, Uncle Fengxian, who has strong attributes and extraordinary strength, is actually a warm man!
After Ye Fusheng set up the territory and built it independently, he led [-] cavalry to open the way, and a group of people rushed to Silver Moon City in a mighty manner.

The key of the gods was activated, and in an instant, a server announcement that was beyond Ye Fu's expectations suddenly fell down!

"Huaxia Server Announcement: Congratulations to the player [Floating Life] for starting the team task [God's Remains], the time limit is 12 hours. Once the task is completed, the player [Floating Life] will be sublimated and luxurious rewards! The location of the God's ruins, Silver Moon city!"

(PS: Excessive chapters, open the remains of the gods immediately, 7000 words have been updated today, and there will be updates in the future!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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