Invincible in one touch

Chapter 140 Someone Always Thinks They Can Kill Me?

Chapter 140 Someone Always Thinks They Can Kill Me?
"Wow, this task is so powerful?"

"After opening, there will be server announcements in the Huaxia theater?!"

Seeing the announcement suddenly, Xiaoxiang Yeyu, Crazy Pepper and others exclaimed with smiles on their faces.

After all, the more specific the mission, the richer the rewards will be!
Only Xue Jia Fengxian, Qian Shanxue, and Ye Fusheng had serious expressions on their faces. They could all tell that this system announcement was clearly trying to stop Ye Fusheng!
Although, Ye Fusheng's attributes are strong, crushing many ordinary players, even beating several guilds so that he dare not say a word.

However, this is also invisible, making many people full of fear of Ye Fusheng.

It's good that there is no system announcement, those people will not come to provoke Ye Fusheng.

As soon as this system announcement is released, there must be many guilds and many forces who don't want Ye Fusheng to complete the task and become stronger!
In that way, their living environment will be worrying.

"Huh, it seems that this mission will not be so peaceful!"

Ye Fusheng's expression was flat, no matter how many people would come to stop him, just come.

Those who dare to stop him will be killed without mercy!

"Hey, don't worry, President, with my blood armor here first, and these 300-odd iron cavalry to cooperate with me, even if there are tens of thousands of people, I can stop it for you!"

Xue Jiafeng first sat on a red war horse, patted his chest, with a proud face.

"Hahaha, okay, then I want to see how your prestige is doing, Fengxian!"

Ye Fusheng also laughed out loud.

For a moment, the girls, Zhan ZhiGuard, Wu Gou and others couldn't help being surprised.

What are these two laughing at?

Qian Shanxue patted her head, she couldn't understand why Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian were so indifferent.

Ye Fusheng himself has grievances with Griffin, Tianzhihen, Xiongbatianxia and other guilds, and he provoked Shenglong yesterday, so he is really not afraid that they will unite and hinder the mission?

After all, as long as the mission fails, they will succeed, and there is no need to confront Ye Fusheng head-on.

The girls in Xiaoxiang Yeyu are not commanding talents, and they didn't see the seriousness of the system announcement. Qian Shanxue saw that Ye Fusheng and Xue Jiafeng didn't say anything first, so they didn't say anything. The group still set off happily.

The level of the monsters encountered on the road gradually increased, but under the impact of the cavalry, they were still trampled into flesh and turned into their experience.

Blood Armor Fengxian was so greedy, he actually urged the horse under his crotch, roared forward, and merged with the cavalry, like a steel blade, constantly cutting through the ferocious monster.

Everyone in the floating world had fun, but the other guilds exploded at this moment.

Especially those who had conflicts with Ye Fusheng.

Although Ye Fusheng hadn't had any conflicts with them in the past few days, they were still worried that Ye Fusheng would trouble them again when he became stronger.

To be precise, they were afraid that Ye Fusheng's equipment would be upgraded too quickly, and they would not be able to get back in the game in the future.

However, they did not dare to act rashly.

In case Ye Fusheng crushed him, wouldn't he be able to steal a lot of money?

However, all these hesitation suddenly disappeared with the news from the Holy Dragon Guild.

Dozens of guilds didn't even practice at the level. They organized their manpower and rushed to Silver Moon City in a mighty manner, rushing towards the direction marked by the system.


"Beep beep!"

Ye Fusheng, who was on his way, received the message, opened it and saw that it was Bright Feather.

"Brother Fusheng, I received news that the Holy Dragon Guild has recruited many people, and they want to attack you and destroy the mission!"

Bright Feather cut to the chase and said, "Do you need me to go there? I happened to be leading 1 people to practice leveling in the west of Sunset City."

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng couldn't help being a little surprised, he didn't expect that the Bright Feather would be so courageous.

How dare you go against the number one Holy Dragon Guild just to please yourself!
"No, I can still handle this little thing."

Ye Fusheng's voice was flat: "After I go back this time, I will sell you the equipment first! I don't think you will regret today's call!"

After all, Ye Fusheng hung up the communication directly.

At this time, if Bright Feather brought someone over, it would be equivalent to owe him a favor.

Once you owe favors, it is difficult to pay back.

What's more, Ye Fusheng didn't need Bright Feather to make a move.

Just after hanging up, before Ye Fusheng put away the interface, another call came over.

Ye Fusheng thought it was Bright Feather, and was about to hang up, only to find out that it was Liuyue calling.

"There are many guilds trying to deal with you, my ally will help you right away, are you moved?"

Liuyue's words are playful.

"Not moved!"

Ye Fusheng curled his lips and said: "I advise you not to come, it's just a waste of time, hurry up and level up, those people won't be my opponent!"

"Ah? I'm kind enough to help you, but you actually said I wasted my time?"

Liuyue was so angry that her voice exploded: "Have you ever said that about an ally?"

"Wait until you issue the guild building order and create a guild before talking about allies."

"Or, someday you will perform ventriloquism again? Hahaha!"

Laughing, Ye Fusheng hung up the communication.

In fact, Ye Fusheng didn't let Bright Feather and Liu Yue come, it was for their own good.

No matter how it develops, those who come to target his mission will waste time.

Even, he will be beheaded.

That being the case, why let people from Liuyue and Bright Feather do it?
When would Ye Fusheng seize the opportunity to fight back and use them again, wouldn't it be better?
Silvermoon City is quite far from Sunset City, plus they are pioneers, many monsters gather together, and the speed of travel is relatively slow.

After walking for a long time, Ye Fusheng and his party came to the border line between Silver Moon City and Sunset City, Tiancha Grand Canyon!

The Tiancha Grand Canyon has a steep mountain, with nearly vertical gullies and cliffs on both sides, and only one trail can pass through it.

"This Grand Canyon looks really scary."

Looking at the protruding rocks on both sides of the canyon, all the girls turned pale.

"It's okay, we're here!"

Guardian Zhan suddenly sang: "Sister, you go forward boldly, go forward!"

"Go away, you go to find the way for my old lady first!"

However, before the lyrics were finished, Xiaoxiang Yeyu kicked his ass and kicked him into the canyon path.

"So violent?! Surely I can't get married!"

The corner of Zhan ZhiGuard's mouth twitched, but he had no choice but to open the way ahead.

Seeing this, the girls covered their mouths and smiled, and immediately followed in.

With the guardian of war clearing the way, three hundred cavalry and blood armor Fengxian guarded outside the canyon.

"Be careful, those people from the Holy Dragon Guild may arrive soon."

Qian Shanxue walked to Ye Fusheng's side and said in a low voice, "I don't know why, but I always have an ominous premonition."

"Don't worry, it's not enough for them to sabotage my mission!"

Ye Fusheng was full of disdain.

The Holy Dragon Guild is very strong, but now most of the players are divided into different secondary main cities. It is impossible for them to gather enough elites in a short period of time.

If the people calling are all rookies, no matter how many people there are, it is useless. They are no match for Ye Fusheng and Xue Jia Fengxian at all.

"Don't underestimate the enemy!"

Qian Shanxue frowned, but seeing Ye Fusheng so confident, she couldn't say much.


Suddenly, not far away, there was a black crowd rushing.

In an instant, Qian Shanxue's expression changed slightly, and she couldn't help staggering, taking a step back.

"Hey, say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, they are here!"

Turning around to look, Ye Fusheng couldn't help showing excitement when he saw thousands of people coming like a wave.

It has been a long time since he was killed from tens of thousands of people last time, and he hasn't shown his fangs!
Not only Ye Fusheng, Xue Jia Fengxian's face was flushed, he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, and his breathing became short of breath.

In his heart, he was eager to fight!

"Tsk tsk... Fengxian, do you dare to join me and lead 300 cavalry to kill them all?"

Sensing Xue Jia Fengxian's excitement, the corners of Ye Fusheng's mouth curled up, and he suddenly asked.

"Hahaha, the president has already said it, so how could I refuse?"

Xuejia Fengxian laughed boldly.

Hearing this, Ye Fusheng also laughed loudly: "Well, it is a great fortune in life to be able to fight with Fengxian today!"

Ye Fusheng smiled like this, and finally surprised everyone in the floating world who was passing through the canyon.

They turned their heads to look, and found that there was a crowd of people rushing towards them, and their faces changed drastically, and they all exclaimed.

"Brother President, what happened?"

"Is that the enemy?"

Xiaoxiang Yeyu and the crazy Chili girls turned around quickly, trying to rush out of the canyon.

"Xiaoxue, take them through the canyon and wait for me to go back!"

Waving his hand, Ye Fusheng's voice was cold: "Today, I want to make this group of people come and go!"


Qian Shanxue stared at Ye Fusheng, saw that his expression was cold, he didn't seem to be lying, so she gritted her teeth and agreed, rushed into the canyon, and urged the girls to go forward along the path.

The girls, Guardian Zhan, and Wugou wanted to go back to help, but under Qian Shanxue's staring attack, they were defeated one after another and had to withdraw.

For a moment, in front of Tiancha Grand Canyon, only Ye Fusheng, Xuejia Fengxian, and 300 cavalry were left!

boom boom-

Urgent voices kept ringing out, crowds surged, and the coalition forces of dozens of guilds finally arrived.

The leader was Dances with Wolves who had been killed by Ye Fusheng before, and beside him were the familiar Glico Fire, Xiong Batian and others, almost all of whom had been abused.

"Thousands of floating lives!"

Suddenly seeing Ye Fusheng, Dances with Wolves and Glico's Fire, everyone was furious and shouted angrily: "Today is your death day!"

"Today, we will not only destroy your mission, but also kill you, so that you can feel the pain of death!"

Gritting his teeth, Xiong Batian stared at Ye Fusheng, as if he wanted to eat him alive.

Since entering the game, Xiongbatianxia has been in Ye Fusheng's hands several times, and his hatred for him is naturally far more than other people.

"Hehe, you still want to kill me just because of you stinky fish and rotten shrimp?"

"Stop dreaming!"

Ye Fusheng looked calm, and said indifferently: "Dancing with Wolves, I have already given you a chance, but unfortunately, you don't cherish it!"

"Let go of your mother's skin!"

Dances with Wolves turned livid, gritted his teeth and said, "Last time, it was our carelessness that allowed you to succeed. This time, tens of thousands of us shot together. I don't believe that you can still survive!"

"No matter how powerful you are, you will never be able to defeat [-] to [-] players!"

"Why is it impossible?"

Ye Fusheng suddenly laughed: "Why, there are always people who think they can kill me? Even after several failures! This time, I will let you understand that blind self-confidence is not a good thing!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with this guy, brothers, kill him!"

"Whoever kills Fu Sheng Wan Qian will be rewarded with 500 million in cash!"

Dances with Wolves waved a big hand, and in an instant, tens of thousands of players roared out!

(PS: [-] words, I will continue to write!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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